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how to make a matrix grow inside a parfor loop?

22 views (last 30 days)
Hi, i would like to do this in a parfor loop:
for n=in:fin
if trueorfalse
I cannot preallocate because i don't know how much big S will be. I tried some thing but nothing worked so far.
Hope you could help me.

Accepted Answer

Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis on 7 May 2014
Edited: Edric Ellis on 7 May 2014
You should be able to do this. For example, the following works correctly:
S = [];
parfor idx = 1:10
r = rand();
if r > 0.5
S = [S, r];
Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis on 8 May 2014
Did you try precisely that code? That code works correctly all the way back even to MATLAB R2008a. Which version did you try it in?
kira on 9 May 2014
hi, i tried my original code again, changing for by parfor an now it works... ?_?
thanks to all for your help...

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More Answers (1)

Brian B
Brian B on 7 May 2014
You could make S a cell array in the loop, then create a matrix afterward:
somefunction = @(x)deal(x,rand(1)<0.3);
parfor n=1:100
[s,trueorfalse]=feval(somefunction, n);
if trueorfalse
S{n} = s;
S = cell2mat(S);
  1 Comment
kira on 7 May 2014
i could this with S=sparse(fin,dim), but variable fin is very big (O(2^m))

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