Converting Matlab code to mathematical equations
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I understand that it is possible to convert mathematical equations to code usable in Matlab, but is there a simple method for exporting sections of code as mathematical equations, for use in a manuscript for example?
Azzi Abdelmalek
on 2 May 2014
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek
on 2 May 2014
What do you mean? Give an example
manoj subedi
on 29 Sep 2016
For all $r\in\Q\cap [0,1)$, set $N_{r} = I_{r}\cup II_{r}$, since $$I_{r} = \{x+r\ |\ x\in E\cap [0,1-r)\}\ \text{e}\ II_{r}=\{x+r-1\ |\ x\in E\cap [1-r,1)\}.$$
Note that $N_{r}$ i Lebesgue-mensurable, because $I_{r}$ is tranlation of $E\cap [0,1-r)$ and $II_{r}$ is tranlation of $E\cap [1-r,1)$ that are Lebesgue-mensurable. In addition, for each $r\in [0,1)\cap\Q$, $$m(N_{r}) = m(I_{r}\cup II_{r}) = m(I_{r}) + m(II_{r}) = m(E\cap [0,1-r)) + m(E\cap [1-r,1)) = m(E).$$
Yet, if $m(E)>0$, then $$m\left(\bigcup_{r\in\Q\cap [0,1)} N_{r}\right) = \sum_{ r\in\Q\cap [0,1)} m(N_{r}) = \sum_{ r\in\Q\cap [0,1)} m(E) = +\infty .$$
But in the other hand, $$\bigcup_{r\in\Q\cap [0,1)} N_{r}\ \subset\ [0,1)\Rightarrow\ m\left(\bigcup_{r\in\Q\cap [0,1)} N_{r}\right) \leq 1,$$ what is a contradiction.
Soon, $m(E)=0$.So now need to convert in to formulas. Can you help?
Answers (2)
Eustace Tan
on 2 May 2014
Edited: Eustace Tan
on 2 May 2014
Perhaps you mean something like LaTeX?
Star Strider
on 2 May 2014
The Symbolic Math Toolbox Code Generation functions can create Tex or LaTeX representations of symbolic expressions.
See Also
Find more on Symbolic Math Toolbox in Help Center and File Exchange
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