Printing Axes

12 views (last 30 days)
Onur Öçalan
Onur Öçalan on 21 Jul 2011
Hi everybody
I have 8 axes in my gui . How can i print three of them ? 'print' function is print all figure window. I don't want to print all of figure.
Thanks for help...

Accepted Answer

Oliver Woodford
Oliver Woodford on 21 Jul 2011
With export_fig you can specify a list of handles of the axes to print, and only these axes will be printed. E.g.:
for a = 1:4
hax(a) = subplot(2,2,a);
export_fig(hax([1 3]), 'test.png');
It essentially implements Daniel's suggestion, so you don't have to. However, it may not work perfectly with GUIs as they tend to behave differently. Try it, though.
  1 Comment
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 21 Jul 2011
That is a nice feature of export_fig that I did not know about.

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More Answers (1)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 21 Jul 2011
Printing each subplot/axes as a separate figure is easier than printing a subset of the axes in one figure. Start with a dummy figure making sure you remember the handle to the axis you want to print:
hax = subplot(2,2,2);
Make a new figure, copy the axis to it, scale the axis to be the "full" size, and print it.
hfig = figure;
hax_new = copyobj(hax, hfig);
set(hax_new, 'Position', get(0, 'DefaultAxesPosition'));
You can copy multiple axes in on go, but positioning them nicely in the figure is more difficult.


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