Dynamic Obstacle in matlab environment

13 views (last 30 days)
if i have a obstacle (represented as (x,y)) in the mobile robot environment by using matlab , how can i make that obstacle move randomly with dynamic speed .
Maria on 11 Feb 2014
yes , changing velocity , that is what i meant.
Auday on 16 Jun 2014
Dear all I have two objects with original and destination positions as in below; how I can make them move using rand function, please
%// Define rectangle values origin_x1 = [9.5 9.5 11.5 11.5 ]; origin_y1 = [12.6 14.6 14.6 12.6]; destination_x1 = origin_x1 + 3; destination_y1 = origin_y1 + 2;
%// Define circle values r = 1; v = linspace(0,2*pi); origin_x2 = 15+r*cos(v); origin_y2 = 10+r*sin(v); destination_x2 = origin_x2 - 1; destination_y2 = origin_y2 + 3;

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Feb 2014
x = x + rand() * max_x;
y = y + rand() * max_y;
theta = rand() * 2 * pi;
r = rand() * max_velecity;
[deltax, deltay] = pol2cart(r, theta);
x = x + deltax;
y = y + deltay;
Maria on 11 Feb 2014
Many thanks to you Walter, I will check that code .
passioncoding on 2 Jan 2019
did this code work?
I am doing same thing I need information

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More Answers (2)

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 10 Feb 2014
I strongly recommend not to "randomize" the position vector since this results in a non-differentiable function. Start with acceleration and work your way back to position by integration. This way you'll at least end up with a solid kinematics system. If you even need to go a step further you have to make sure that the kinetics is compatible, as well.
function rand_mov()
tspan = 0:0.01:5;
X0 = [0 0 0 0];
[T, Xsol] = ode45(@EOM, tspan, X0);
plot(T, Xsol(:,1),T, Xsol(:,2))
title('x and vx vs. t')
plot(Xsol(:,1), Xsol(:,3))
title('x vs. y')
function dX = EOM(t, X)
dX = zeros(4,1);
da = 1;
x = X(1);
vx = X(2);
y = X(3);
vy = X(4);
dX = [vx; da*(rand()-0.5); vy; da*(rand()-0.5)];
Mudasser  Wahab
Mudasser Wahab on 18 Aug 2014
Hey can you help me with a problem. How can I simulate a static obstacle?
I have the kinematic model of a differential drive robot. I have been able to navigate it from one point to another in an obstacle free environment. Now I want to insert a static obstacle and ovoid them using obstacle avoidance techniques.
The problem is I don't know How to simulate an obstacle in simulink.
Ruqaiya Attaullah
Ruqaiya Attaullah on 22 Apr 2020
Mudasser Wahab can you please help me in navigating the robot from one point to another. I am having trouble with that.

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Maria on 11 Feb 2014
Many thanks to you Mischa , now i got it , if i am not wrong that without differentiable function formula i would not could be enabled to sense the velocity and acceleration of the obstacle since my algorithm required that i should compute the the velocity of moving obstacles to compute the relative speed between robot and obstacle , so to here good , but i hope to not be greedy if asked you to give more explanation about the code above because it is not so clear , it need some comments.

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