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IF / ELSE Usage within For loop for Specific Iteration Only

9 views (last 30 days)
When using a FOR LOOP can I do something like when
for i=1:1:15
When i iterates at 9, 10, 12 & 14 ONLY do an additional condition. Is it possible? Can i maybe add in an IF Condition? Would be good if i can sum up al the 4 possibilities within this 1 IF Statement. Thanks!

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 8 Feb 2014
for i=1:1:15
if ismember(i,[9 10 12 14])
% do

More Answers (2)

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 9 Feb 2014
As a follow-up, if you only need to perform the statements within a for-loop when the iterator takes specific values, you can change the expression used in the for loop.
for k = 1:10
if ismember(k, [2 5 8])
% statements here
for k = [2 5 8]
% statements here
This neat feature of MatLabs for-loop is easily overlooked ...
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 9 Feb 2014
Jos, I don't think that's what Sam asked for. He needs to do a for loop for i=1:15, but he wants to add some lines of code for specific values of i
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 10 Feb 2014
Yep, I know, (and that's why I posted it as a follow-up). It just serves to illustrate ML functionality when there are NO statements within the for-loop but outside the if-ismember section ...

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dpb on 8 Feb 2014
iskp=[9 10 12 14];
for i=1:15
if i==iskp(j) && j<=length(iskp)
% do whatever else here
% rest here (or ahead of if if order-dependent)
If you can derive the condition for iskp values then you can have any other manner of generating the test as desired.
Also check out
doc switch
doc case
and friends as alternative structures that may be helpful
  1 Comment
Sam on 9 Feb 2014
hi dpb! thanks for your answer i agree with it as well but i had went with the earlier one since it was simpler as i have a few functions i am calling for this segment of my work and i would prefer a simpler code so it will be easier to troubleshoot later..

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