add a new field to structure

77 views (last 30 days)
Majid Al-Sirafi
Majid Al-Sirafi on 4 Dec 2013
Edited: Stephen23 on 19 Dec 2017
Hi all friends
I have a structure variable; this variable is defined as follows:
Student structure; consists of the following fields
Suppose that I fill it with data (for example five students)
Later I want to add another field (for example degree field) to student structure
How can I do that and fill the degree field with data
Please help me

Accepted Answer

Wayne King
Wayne King on 4 Dec 2013
Edited: Wayne King on 4 Dec 2013
teststruct = struct('names',{'bob','dave','sara'});
% now add field called data
[teststruct(:).data] = deal(randn(3,1));
Kyle Wright
Kyle Wright on 19 Dec 2017
Edited: Kyle Wright on 19 Dec 2017
Is this answer working as intended?
I would assume that you used...
...using a "3" so that it would match the length of the struct as it is. However, this code puts the 3x1 array into EACH of the (.data) fields, rather than distributing one of each of the vector to one of each of the (.data) fields.
Stephen23 on 19 Dec 2017
Edited: Stephen23 on 19 Dec 2017
C = num2cell(randn(3,1));
[teststruct(:).data] = deal(C{:})
How this works is explained in the MATLAB documentation:

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More Answers (1)

Majid Al-Sirafi
Majid Al-Sirafi on 4 Dec 2013
thank you sir, that is I want
best regards


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