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Finding a character in a string?

77 views (last 30 days)
Johny on 3 Dec 2013
Commented: Jos (10584) on 3 Dec 2013
so I have the following line of code:
hashtag=lower(input('Which hashtag would you like information on?','s'));
This prompts the user to input a hashtag, like say '#helloworld'. However, the program runs even without the user putting the hashtag. So it runs even if they only input "helloworld", which presents problems for me later on. How can I get the code to stop reading and present an error message if there is no hashtag symbol in the user's input? Apparently the # character means something in matlab as well which is causing me problems.
I have this so far but it seems not to work:
if k=(strfind(hashtag,'#')))
error('Please include the hashtag')

Accepted Answer

The Matlab Spot
The Matlab Spot on 3 Dec 2013
using start anchor with regexp will ensure that you '#' as the first character of you input string.
hashtag=lower(input('Which hashtag would you like information on?','s'));
error('Please include the hashtag')
Johny on 3 Dec 2013
This answer is more robust than the one above, so best answer goes to you. I didn't know the ^ symbol did anything at all actually. I learned something!Thanks to both of you guys though.
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 3 Dec 2013
using regexp for this problem is like killing a mosquito with a nuclear missile ...

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More Answers (2)

sixwwwwww on 3 Dec 2013
Dear Johny, try this:
hashtag=lower(input('Which hashtag would you like information on?','s'));
if isempty(strfind(hashtag, '#'))
error('Please include the hashtag')

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 3 Dec 2013
Per definition a hashtag starts with a # sign followed by one or more letters or numbers
So, quite simply, check all these three requirements:
str = lower(input('Which hashtag would you like information on?','s'));
if numel(str)<2 || str(1) ~= '#' || ~all(ismember(str(2:end),['a':z' '_' '0':'9']))
error('Input is not a valid hashtag') ;


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