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I don't Know why my neural network doesn't give good results

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I tried to build NN for spoken word classification I followed many approaches discussed here in th group, yet the results terrible I got only ~65% correct classification, I don't what wrong I'm so desperate.
I appreciate any help or notice on my code or the approach I followed
load yesClass2;
load noClass2;
InData=[yesClass2 ;noClass2];
TarData=[yes2 no2];
[ I N ] = size( xtrn ) % [ 5 407 ]
[ O N ] = size( ttrn ) % [ 1 407 ]
MSEtrn00 = mean(var(ttrn',1))
MSEgoal = MSEtrn00/100
MinGrad = MSEtrn00/300
net4 = patternnet(58,'trainlm');
net4.divideFcn = 'dividetrain';
net4.trainParam.goal = MSEgoal;
net4.trainParam.min_grad = MinGrad;
[net4 tr ] = train(net4,xtrn,ttrn);
bestepoch = tr.best_epoch;
R2 = 1 - tr.perf(bestepoch)/MSEtrn00;
save net4 net4
  1. I chose No. of hidden nodes 58 based on max. R2 achieved
  2. max. R2 = 0.9
  3. I attached confusion matrix for complete data set used for training and for divided data set into 70% training, 30% validation and 30% testing
Sarah Mahmood
Sarah Mahmood on 14 Nov 2013
Edited: Image Analyst on 24 Aug 2018
I forgot to mention
MSEtrn00 =
MSEgoal =
MinGrad =
This is the first confusion matrix
and this is the second confusion matrix.
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 25 Aug 2018
Edited: Greg Heath on 25 Aug 2018
Totally confusing post
Came back later and struggled through. I understand now.
Next time you post code please explain exactly what you are doing and why.
In particular 58 hidden nodes is overfitting when the data is divided.
Unfortunately, the MATLAB confusion matrices are not very easy to understand.
I have posted a better code for understanding (might be in the NEWSGROUP).

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Accepted Answer

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 29 Nov 2013
This is a classic case of overtraining an overfit net:
Nw = (5+1)*58+(58+1)*1 = 348 + 59 = 407 % Unknown weights
Ntrneq = 407*1 = 407 % Equations
The no overfitting condition Ntrneq >> Nw is readily violated
Ntrneq = 407 -2*round(0.15*407) = 285 < 407
  1 Comment
KAE on 24 Aug 2018
Edited: KAE on 24 Aug 2018
Here are Greg's calculations with extra comments to help other learners,
% Number of rows: number of features. Number of columns: number of samples.
[ I N ] = size( xtrn ) % Size of network inputs
[ O N ] = size( ttrn ) % Size of network targets
% H is number of neurons in hidden layer, here 58
fractionTrain = 0.15; % Fraction of data used as training examples.
% 0.15 is the default, which is assumed here
fractionValid = 0.15; % Fraction of data used as validation examples
% 0.15 is the default
Ntrn = N - round(fractionTrain*N + fractionValid*N); % Number of training examples
Ntrneq = Ntrn*O; % Number of training equations
Nw = (I+1)*H + (H+1)*O; % Number of unknown weights
% Since we want Ntrnreq>>Nw, we could require that Nw<Ntrneq/10
% But it's not, so we are overfitting
% Must either get more data (training examples), or
% simplify our model (smaller H)
The plot here is helpful for understanding overfitting.

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