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Thresholds for wavelet 2-D using Birgé-Massart strategy


    [thr,nkeep] = wdcbm2(C,S,alpha,M) returns level-dependent thresholds thr and numbers of coefficients to be kept nkeep, for denoising or compressing an image. [C,S] is the wavelet decomposition structure of the image (see wavedec2). To determine the thresholds, wdcbm2 uses a wavelet coefficients selection rule based on the Birgé-Massart strategy. alpha and M are parameters of the selection rule. For more information, see Wavelet Coefficients Selection.

    wdcbm2(C,S,alpha) is equivalent to wdcbm2(C,S,alpha,prod(S(1,:))).



    collapse all

    Load an image.

    load detfingr
    nbc = size(map,1);

    Obtain the wavelet decomposition of the image at level 3 using the sym4 wavelet.

    wname = "sym4";
    lev = 3;
    [c,s] = wavedec2(X,lev,wname);

    Use wdcbm2 to select level-dependent thresholds for image compression. Use the suggested parameters.

    alpha = 1.5;
    m = 2.7*prod(s(1,:));
    [thr,nkeep] = wdcbm2(c,s,alpha,m)
    thr = 3×3
       21.4814   46.8354   40.7907
       21.4814   46.8354   40.7907
       21.4814   46.8354   40.7907
    nkeep = 1×3
             624         961        1765

    Use wdencmp2 for compressing the image using the thresholds. Use hard thresholding.

    [xd,cxd,sxd,perf0,perfl2] = ...

    Plot the original and compressed images.

    axis equal
    axis tight
    title("Original Image")
    axis equal
    axis tight
    title("Compressed Image")
    xlab1 = "2-norm rec.: "+num2str(perfl2)+"%";
    xlab2 = "zero cfs: "+num2str(perf0)+"%";

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Original Image contains an object of type image. Axes object 2 with title Compressed Image, xlabel 2-norm rec.: 98.0065% zero cfs: 94.4997% contains an object of type image.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Wavelet decomposition of the image to be denoised or compressed, specified as a vector. The decomposition is at level N = size(S,1)-2. The vector C contains the approximation and detail coefficients organized by level. The bookkeeping matrix S is used to parse C. See wavedec2.

    Data Types: double

    Bookkeeping matrix, specified as a matrix. The matrix S contains the dimensions of the wavelet coefficients by level and is used to parse the wavelet decomposition vector C. See wavedec2.

    Data Types: double

    Sparsity parameter to use in the Birgé-Massart strategy, specified as a scalar greater than 1. Typically, alpha = 1.5 for compression and alpha = 3 for denoising. For more information, see Wavelet Coefficients Selection.

    Data Types: double

    Factor to use in the Birgé-Massart strategy, specified as a scalar greater than 1. The default value is prod(S(1,:)), the length of the coarsest approximation coefficients. Recommended values for M are from prod(S(1,:)) to 6*prod(S(1,:)). For more information, see Wavelet Coefficients Selection.

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Level-dependent thresholds, returned as a 3-by-N matrix, where N = size(S,1)-2. The ith column of thr contains the thresholds for level i in the three orientations: horizontal, diagonal, and vertical.

    Number of coefficients to be kept at each level, returned as a vector of length N, where N = size(S,1)-2. The ith element of nkeep contains the number of coefficients to be kept at level i.

    Data Types: double

    More About

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    Wavelet Coefficients Selection

    Thresholds are obtained using a wavelet coefficients selection rule based on the Birgé-Massart strategy. The values N = prod(S(1,:)), M and alpha define the strategy.

    • At level N+1 (and coarser levels), everything is kept.

    • For level i from 1 to N, the ni largest coefficients are kept, where ni = M / (N+2-i)alpha.

    The default value of M = prod(S(1,:)) corresponds to the formula nN+1 = M / (N+2-(N+1))alpha = M.


    [1] Birgé, Lucien, and Pascal Massart. “From Model Selection to Adaptive Estimation.” In Festschrift for Lucien Le Cam: Research Papers in Probability and Statistics, edited by David Pollard, Erik Torgersen, and Grace L. Yang, 55–87. New York, NY: Springer, 1997.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

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