System Composer Report Generation for Software Architectures
This example shows the different parts of a report generation script for a System Composer™ software architecture model and its artifacts.
Import the relevant namespaces.
import* import* import slreportgen.finder.* import mlreportgen.dom.* import mlreportgen.utils.* import systemcomposer.query.* import systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.*
Initialize the report.
rpt ='OutputPath','SoftwareModel'+".pdf",... 'CompileModelBeforeReporting',false); % for html: rpt ='Type','html-file','OutputPath',... % 'SoftwareModel','CompileModelBeforeReporting',false);
Load the model and reference model.
systemcomposer.loadModel('mTest.slx'); model = systemcomposer.loadModel('SoftwareModel.slx');
Append the title page and the table of contents.
add(rpt,TitlePage("Title",sprintf('%s',model.Name))); add(rpt,TableOfContents);
Add sections and paragraphs to add textual information to the report.
Introduction = Chapter("Title","Introduction"); sec1_1 = Section('Title',"Purpose"); p1 = Paragraph(['This document provides a comprehensive architectural ...' ... 'overview of the system using a number of different architecture views...' ... ' to depict different aspects of the system. It is intended to capture...' ... ' and convey the significant architectural decisions which have been...' ... ' made for the system.']); append(sec1_1,p1); sec1_2 = Section("Scope"); p2 = Paragraph(['This System Architecture Description provides an architectural...' ... ' overview of the Mobile Robot System being designed and developed by the...' ... ' Acme Corporation. The document was generated directly from the Mobile...' ... ' Robot models implemented in MATLAB, Simulink and System Composer.']); append(sec1_2, p2); append(Introduction,sec1_1); append(Introduction,sec1_2);
Architectural Elements
Create a new chapter to represent architectural elements.
ArchitecturalElements = Chapter("Architecture Description");
Use the Simulink® slreportgen.finder.SystemDiagramFinder
(Simulink Report Generator) finder to add a snapshot of the model to the report.
systemContext = Section(model.Name); finder = SystemDiagramFinder(model.Name); finder.SearchDepth = 0; results = find(finder); append(systemContext,results); append(ArchitecturalElements,systemContext);
Use the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.ComponentFinder
finder to report on components in the model.
cf = ComponentFinder(model.Name); cf.Query = AnyComponent(); comp_finder = find(cf); for comp = comp_finder componentSection = Section("Title",comp.Name);
Create a list of components allocated from or to a particular component using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.AllocationListFinder
d = AllocationListFinder("SWArchAllocationSet.mldatx"); compObject = lookup(model,'UUID',comp.Object); d.ComponentName = getfullname(compObject.SimulinkHandle); result = find(d); append(componentSection,comp);
Append the component information to the report.
Append the allocation information to the report.
Allocation Sets
Create a chapter to report on the allocation sets associated with the model.
Find all allocation sets using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.AllocationSetFinder
allocation_finder = AllocationSetFinder("SWArchAllocationSet.mldatx"); AllocationChapter = Chapter("Allocations"); while hasNext(allocation_finder) alloc = next(allocation_finder); allocationName = Section(alloc.Name); append(allocationName,alloc); append(AllocationChapter,allocationName); end
Architecture Views
Create a chapter to display information about the architecture views in the model.
Find all the views using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.ViewFinder
ViewChapter = Chapter("Architecture Views"); view_finder = ViewFinder(model.Name); while(hasNext(view_finder)) v = next(view_finder); viewName = Section('Title',v.Name); append(viewName,v); append(ViewChapter,viewName); end
Dependency Graph
Create a chapter to display the dependency graph image using the
Packaging = Chapter("Packaging"); packaging = Section('Title', 'Packaging'); graph ="Source",'SoftwareModel.slx'); append(packaging,graph); append(Packaging,packaging);
Create a chapter to report on all the profiles in the model.
Find all the profiles using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.ProfileFinder
ProfileChapter = Chapter("Profiles Appendix"); pf = ProfileFinder('SWArchProfile.xml'); while hasNext(pf) intf = next(pf); profileName = Section(intf.Name); append(profileName,intf); append(ProfileChapter,profileName); end
Create a section to report on all the stereotypes in the profiles in the model.
Find all the stereotypes using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.StereotypeFinder
StereotypeSection = Section("Stereotypes"); sf = StereotypeFinder('SWArchProfile.xml'); while hasNext(sf) stf = next(sf); stereotypeName = Section(stf.Name); append(stereotypeName,stf); append(StereotypeSection, stereotypeName); end append(ProfileChapter,StereotypeSection);
Final Report
Add all the chapters to the report in the desired order.
append(rpt,Introduction); append(rpt,ArchitecturalElements); append(rpt,ViewChapter); append(rpt,Packaging); append(rpt,AllocationChapter); append(rpt,ProfileChapter); rptview(rpt);
Generate Report for AUTOSAR Software Architectures
You can generate a report for an AUTOSAR architecture model and its artifacts using the script in this example. To load an AUTOSAR model, use autosar.arch.loadModel
(AUTOSAR Blockset). Check that the model, profile, requirements, and dictionary file names are updated in accordance with your AUTOSAR model. For more information on AUTOSAR architectures, see Software Architecture Modeling (AUTOSAR Blockset).
See Also
Related Topics
- Compose Architectures Visually
- Create Custom Views Using Architecture Views Gallery
- Create and Manage Allocations Programmatically
- Allocate and Trace Requirements from Design to Verification
- Define Port Interfaces Between Components
- Extend System Composer Language Elements Using Profiles
- Describe System Behavior Using Sequence Diagrams
- System Composer Report Generation for System Architectures