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Predict Battery State of Charge Using Machine Learning

This example shows how to train a Gaussian process regression (GPR) model to predict the state of charge of a battery in automotive engineering.

Battery state of charge (SOC) is the level of charge of an electric battery relative to its capacity measured as a percentage. SOC is critical information for a vehicle energy management system, and must be accurately estimated to ensure reliable and affordable electrified vehicles (xEV). However, due to the nonlinear temperature, health, and SOC-dependent behavior of Li-ion batteries, SOC estimation is a significant automotive engineering challenge. Traditional approaches to this problem, such as electrochemical models, usually require precise parameters and knowledge of the battery composition, as well as its physical response. In contrast, using a machine learning model is a data-driven approach that requires minimal knowledge of the battery or its nonlinear behavior [1].

This example trains a Gaussian process regression model to predict the state of charge of a vehicle's Li-ion battery, given time series data that represents various features of the battery such as voltage, current, temperature, and average voltage and current (over the last 500 seconds).

After training a regression model, you can use it to create a Simulink® model, and then generate HDL code from the Simulink model for deployment. For details, see Deploy Neural Network Regression Model to FPGA/ASIC Platform.

Load Data

Load the batterySOC data set, which is a subset of the preprocessed data set LG_HG2_Prepared_Dataset_McMasterUniversity_Jan_2020 from [1]. The optional section Download and Prepare Data shows how to download and prepare the data set to create the subset stored in the batterySOC.mat file.


The data set contains one table of training data (trainData) and four tables of test data (testDataN10deg, testData0deg, testData10deg, and testData25deg). The training data is a single sequence of experimental data collected while the battery powered an electric vehicle during driving cycles at four different ambient temperatures, –10, 0, 10, and 25 degrees Celsius. The test data consists of four sequences of experimental data, each collected at one of the same four temperatures. Create a cell array that contains the test data sets.

testData = cell(4,1);
testData{1} = testDataN10deg;
testData{2} = testData0deg;
testData{3} = testData10deg;
testData{4} = testData25deg;
testDataName = ["-10^{\circ}C","0^{\circ}C", ...

Each training and test table is a subset of the preprocessed data LG_HG2_Prepared_Dataset_McMasterUniversity_Jan_2020, sampled to have a data point every 100 seconds. Preview the first few rows of the training data set.

    Voltage    Current    Temperature    AverageVoltage    AverageCurrent      SOC  
    _______    _______    ___________    ______________    ______________    _______

    0.38515    0.75102       0.3031         0.38515           0.75102        0.20642
    0.38546    0.75102      0.45607          0.3853           0.75102        0.20642
     0.3855    0.75102      0.62209         0.38537           0.75102        0.20642
    0.38565    0.75102      0.77026         0.38544           0.75102        0.20642
    0.38643    0.75102      0.84667         0.38564           0.75102        0.20642
    0.38778    0.75102      0.85707         0.38599           0.75102        0.20642
    0.38915    0.75102      0.85474         0.38666           0.75102        0.20642
    0.39024    0.75102      0.87646         0.38746           0.75102        0.20642

Each training and test table contains six variables: Voltage, Current, Temperature, AverageVoltage, AverageTemperature, and SOC. Plot the variable values of the training and test data. Select a variable to plot.

variableToPlot = "SOC";
t = tiledlayout(3,2);
trainDataT = (0:(size(trainData,1)-1))'*100;
title("Training Data")
for i = 1 : 4
    currentTestData = testData{i};
    currentTestDataT = (0:(size(currentTestData,1)-1))'*100;
    title(join(["Test Data at",testDataName(i)]))
xlabel(t,"Time (seconds)")

Figure contains 5 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Training Data contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank - 1 0 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains an object of type line. Axes object 3 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank 0 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains an object of type line. Axes object 4 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank 1 0 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains an object of type line. Axes object 5 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank 2 5 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains an object of type line.

All six variables are in the range [0,1]. The SOC value for a fully charged battery is 1, and the SOC value for a fully discharged battery is 0. Therefore, the SOC value must be in the range [0,1].

Train Gaussian Process Regression Model

Train a GPR model by using the fitrgp function. Specify the OptimizeHyperparameters name-value argument as ["BasisFunction","KernelFunction","Standardize"]. The function fits a model after finding optimal values for the specified hyperparameters. For reproducibility, set the random seed and use the expected-improvement-plus acquisition function. Also, specify UseParallel=true to run Bayesian optimization in parallel. Parallel computation requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

Mdl = fitrgp(trainData,"SOC", ...
    OptimizeHyperparameters=["BasisFunction","KernelFunction","Standardize"], ...
    HyperparameterOptimizationOptions= ...
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'Processes' profile ...
Connected to the parallel pool (number of workers: 6).
Copying objective function to workers...
Done copying objective function to workers.
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | Objective:  | Objective   | BestSoFar   | BestSoFar   | BasisFunction| KernelFuncti-|  Standardize |
|      | workers | result | log(1+loss) | runtime     | (observed)  | (estim.)    |              | on           |              |
|    1 |       6 | Best   |  0.00051935 |      98.995 |  0.00051935 |  0.00051935 |     constant |     matern52 |        false |
|    2 |       6 | Accept |  0.00054243 |      112.15 |  0.00051935 |  0.00052044 | pureQuadrati |     matern52 |        false |
|    3 |       6 | Accept |  0.00052242 |      98.911 |  0.00051935 |  0.00052111 |     constant |     matern52 |        false |
|    4 |       6 | Accept |  0.00052343 |      127.13 |  0.00051935 |   0.0005211 | pureQuadrati |  exponential |         true |
|    5 |       6 | Accept |  0.00058425 |      249.88 |  0.00051935 |  0.00052097 |         none | rationalquad |         true |
|    6 |       6 | Best   |  0.00050934 |      105.61 |  0.00050934 |  0.00050952 |     constant |     matern32 |        false |
|    7 |       6 | Accept |  0.00052931 |      339.37 |  0.00050934 |  0.00050954 |     constant |  ardmatern32 |         true |
|    8 |       6 | Accept |  0.00053765 |      94.526 |  0.00050934 |  0.00050958 |         none |     matern52 |        false |
|    9 |       6 | Accept |  0.00061936 |      355.38 |  0.00050934 |  0.00050948 |     constant | ardsquaredex |         true |
|   10 |       6 | Accept |  0.00057228 |      382.03 |  0.00050934 |   0.0005095 |         none |  ardmatern32 |        false |
|   11 |       6 | Accept |  0.00053971 |      99.533 |  0.00050934 |  0.00050951 |     constant |     matern32 |         true |
|   12 |       6 | Accept |  0.00051496 |      91.813 |  0.00050934 |   0.0005095 |         none |     matern32 |        false |
|   13 |       6 | Accept |  0.00057599 |      97.529 |  0.00050934 |  0.00050951 |     constant |     matern52 |         true |
|   14 |       6 | Best   |  0.00040178 |      109.22 |  0.00040178 |  0.00040204 |     constant |  exponential |        false |
|   15 |       6 | Accept |  0.00051895 |      226.34 |  0.00040178 |  0.00040206 |     constant | rationalquad |        false |
|   16 |       6 | Accept |  0.00054575 |      105.36 |  0.00040178 |  0.00040208 | pureQuadrati |     matern32 |         true |
|   17 |       6 | Accept |  0.00053792 |      88.646 |  0.00040178 |   0.0004021 |         none |     matern32 |         true |
|   18 |       6 | Accept |  0.00041535 |      115.14 |  0.00040178 |    0.000402 | pureQuadrati |  exponential |        false |
|   19 |       6 | Best   |  0.00039856 |      94.383 |  0.00039856 |  0.00039873 |         none |  exponential |        false |
|   20 |       6 | Accept |  0.00040507 |      106.15 |  0.00039856 |  0.00039874 |     constant |  exponential |        false |
| Iter | Active  | Eval   | Objective:  | Objective   | BestSoFar   | BestSoFar   | BasisFunction| KernelFuncti-|  Standardize |
|      | workers | result | log(1+loss) | runtime     | (observed)  | (estim.)    |              | on           |              |
|   21 |       6 | Accept |  0.00040581 |      102.97 |  0.00039856 |  0.00039873 |     constant |  exponential |        false |
|   22 |       6 | Accept |  0.00040278 |      108.56 |  0.00039856 |   0.0003987 |     constant |  exponential |        false |
|   23 |       6 | Accept |  0.00040521 |      93.324 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040202 |         none |  exponential |        false |
|   24 |       6 | Accept |  0.00040458 |      88.379 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040287 |         none |  exponential |        false |
|   25 |       6 | Accept |  0.00040195 |      88.728 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040263 |         none |  exponential |        false |
|   26 |       6 | Accept |  0.00041476 |      99.863 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040262 |       linear |  exponential |        false |
|   27 |       6 | Accept |  0.00042907 |      96.641 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040262 |         none |  exponential |         true |
|   28 |       6 | Accept |  0.00052144 |      100.62 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040262 | pureQuadrati |     matern32 |        false |
|   29 |       6 | Accept |  0.00062455 |      293.96 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040262 |     constant | ardsquaredex |        false |
|   30 |       6 | Accept |  0.00044598 |       98.27 |  0.00039856 |  0.00040262 |       linear |  exponential |         true |

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Min objective vs. Number of function evaluations contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Min observed objective, Estimated min objective.

Optimization completed.
MaxObjectiveEvaluations of 30 reached.
Total function evaluations: 30
Total elapsed time: 848.1224 seconds
Total objective function evaluation time: 4269.4267

Best observed feasible point:
    BasisFunction    KernelFunction    Standardize
    _____________    ______________    ___________

        none          exponential         false   

Observed objective function value = 0.00039856
Estimated objective function value = 0.00040262
Function evaluation time = 94.3834

Best estimated feasible point (according to models):
    BasisFunction    KernelFunction    Standardize
    _____________    ______________    ___________

        none          exponential         false   

Estimated objective function value = 0.00040262
Estimated function evaluation time = 91.1934
Mdl = 
                       PredictorNames: {'Voltage'  'Current'  'Temperature'  'AverageVoltage'  'AverageCurrent'}
                         ResponseName: 'SOC'
                CategoricalPredictors: []
                    ResponseTransform: 'none'
                      NumObservations: 6702
    HyperparameterOptimizationResults: [1×1 BayesianOptimization]
                       KernelFunction: 'Exponential'
                    KernelInformation: [1×1 struct]
                        BasisFunction: 'None'
                                 Beta: [0×1 double]
                                Sigma: 0.0176
                    PredictorLocation: []
                       PredictorScale: []
                                Alpha: [6702×1 double]
                     ActiveSetVectors: [6702×5 double]
                        PredictMethod: 'Exact'
                        ActiveSetSize: 2000
                            FitMethod: 'SD'
                      ActiveSetMethod: 'Random'
                    IsActiveSetVector: [6702×1 logical]
                        LogLikelihood: 4.5248e+03
                     ActiveSetHistory: [1×1 struct]
                       BCDInformation: []

  Properties, Methods

Mdl is a RegressionGP model object. You can use the predict and loss functions of RegressionGP to compute the predicted SOC values and mean squared error (MSE), respectively. Recall that the battery SOC values must be in the range [0,1]; however, the predict function of a GPR model can return values slightly outside of this range. To ensure that values stay in this range, you can apply the min and max functions to the predicted values. Also, the loss function of a GPR model computes the mean squared error (MSE) using the predictions returned by the predict function. Instead, you can define a custom loss function to compute an error using the trimmed predicted values in the range [0,1].

If you use a different type of regression model that supports ResponseTransform, you can specify the ResponseTransform property of the model as @(y) min(max(y,0),1), and use the predict and loss functions. RegressionGP does not support ResponseTransform.

Alternatively, you can transform the SOC values to an unbounded range by using the logit transformation. Then, you can train a regression model using transformed data, and transform the predicted value back to the bounded range by using the inverse logit transformation.

Test Regression Model

Plot the predicted and true SOC values for the training and test data sets. Use the min and max functions to keep the predicted values in the range [0,1].

t = tiledlayout(3,2);
hold on
hold off
legend(["True SOC","Predicted SOC"], ...
title("Training Data")

predictedSOC = cell(4,1);
for i = 1 : 4
    currentTestData = testData{i};
    currentTestDataT = (0:(size(currentTestData,1)-1))'*100;
    predictedSOC{i} = min(max(predict(Mdl,currentTestData),0),1);
    hold on
    hold off
    title(join(["Test Data at",testDataName(i)]))

xlabel(t,"Time (seconds)")
ylabel(t,"Battery SOC")

Figure contains 5 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Training Data contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent True SOC, Predicted SOC. Axes object 2 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank - 1 0 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains 2 objects of type line. Axes object 3 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank 0 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains 2 objects of type line. Axes object 4 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank 1 0 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains 2 objects of type line. Axes object 5 with title T e s t blank D a t a blank a t blank 2 5 toThePowerOf degree baseline C contains 2 objects of type line.

Calculate the root mean squared error (RMSE) and maximum absolute error between the predicted SOC and the target SOC for each ambient temperature. Specify custom loss functions to compute the loss values based on the trimmed predicted values.

testRMSE = NaN(4,1);
testMaxAbsError = NaN(4,1);
lossFun_RMSE = @(y,ypred,w) sqrt(mean((y-min(max(ypred,0),1)).^2));
lossFun_MaxAbsError = @(y,ypred,w) max(abs(y-min(max(ypred,0),1)));
for i = 1: 4
    testRMSE(i) = loss(Mdl,testData{i},LossFun=lossFun_RMSE);
    testMaxAbsError(i) = loss(Mdl,testData{i},LossFun=lossFun_MaxAbsError);

Plot the RMSE and maximum absolute error values.

xlabel("Ambient Temperature")
xlabel("Ambient Temperature")
ylabel("Maximum Absolute Error")

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 contains an object of type bar. Axes object 2 contains an object of type bar.

Lower values in the RMSE and maximum absolute error plots indicate more accurate predictions for the corresponding temperatures. Larger values in the same plots indicate less accurate predictions for the corresponding temperatures.

Download and Prepare Data (Optional)

As noted earlier, this example uses a subset of the preprocessed data set LG_HG2_Prepared_Dataset_McMasterUniversity_Jan_2020 from [1]. You can load the subset from the provided file batterySOC.mat, or download the data set and preprocess it as described in this section.

Each file in the data set LG_HG2_Prepared_Dataset_McMasterUniversity_Jan_2020 contains a time series X of five predictors (voltage, current, temperature, average voltage, and average current) and a time series Y of one target (SOC). Each file represents data collected at a different ambient temperature.

Specify the URL from which to download the data set. Alternatively, you can download this data set manually from

url = "";

Set downloadFolder to where you want to download the ZIP file, and set outputFolder to where you want to extract the ZIP file.

downloadFolder = tempdir;
outputFolder = fullfile(downloadFolder,"LGHG2@n10C_to_25degC");

Download and extract the data set LG_HG2_Prepared_Dataset_McMasterUniversity_Jan_2020.

if ~exist(outputFolder,"dir")
    fprintf("Downloading (56 MB) ... ")
    filename = fullfile(downloadFolder,"");

Create a file datastore for both the training data and the test data, and specify the read function as the load function. The load function loads the data from the MAT file into the datastore.

folderTrain = fullfile(outputFolder,"Train");
folderTest = fullfile(outputFolder,"Test");
fdsTrain = fileDatastore(folderTrain,ReadFcn=@load);
fdsTest = fileDatastore(folderTest,ReadFcn=@load);

Read all data in the datastores.

trainDataFull = read(fdsTrain);
testDataFull = readall(fdsTest);
testDataFullN10deg = testDataFull{1};
testDataFull0deg   = testDataFull{2};
testDataFull10deg  = testDataFull{3};
testDataFull25deg  = testDataFull{4};

Resample the data sets to have one data point every 100 seconds, and compute moving averages by using the helper function helperMovingAverage. The code for this function appears at the end of this example.

idx0 = 1:184257;
idx10 = 184258:337973;
idx25 = 337974:510530;
idxN10 = 510531:669956;
trainData0deg   = helperMovingAverage(array2table([trainDataFull.X(:,idx0);   trainDataFull.Y(idx0)]'));
trainData10deg  = helperMovingAverage(array2table([trainDataFull.X(:,idx10);  trainDataFull.Y(idx10)]'));
trainData25deg  = helperMovingAverage(array2table([trainDataFull.X(:,idx25);  trainDataFull.Y(idx25)]'));
trainDataN10deg = helperMovingAverage(array2table([trainDataFull.X(:,idxN10); trainDataFull.Y(idxN10)]'));
trainData = [trainData0deg; trainData10deg; trainData25deg; trainDataN10deg];

testDataN10deg = helperMovingAverage(array2table([testDataFullN10deg.X; testDataFullN10deg.Y]'));
testData0deg   = helperMovingAverage(array2table([testDataFull0deg.X;   testDataFull0deg.Y]'));
testData10deg  = helperMovingAverage(array2table([testDataFull10deg.X;  testDataFull10deg.Y]'));
testData25deg  = helperMovingAverage(array2table([testDataFull25deg.X;  testDataFull25deg.Y]'));

The batterySOC.mat file contains the variables trainData, testDataN10deg, testData0deg, testData10deg, and testData25deg.

Helper Function

This code creates the helperMovingAverage helper function.

function newTbl = helperMovingAverage(tbl)

newTbl = tbl(1:100:end,[1:3,end]);
variableNames = ["Voltage","Current","Temperature","SOC"];
newTbl.Properties.VariableNames = variableNames;

n = size(newTbl,1);
newTbl.AverageVoltage = NaN(n,1);
newTbl.AverageCurrent = NaN(n,1);

for i = 1 : n
    newTbl.AverageVoltage(i) = mean(newTbl.Voltage(max(1,i-5):i));
    newTbl.AverageCurrent(i) = mean(newTbl.Current(max(1,i-5):i));

newTbl = movevars(newTbl,"SOC",After="AverageCurrent");


[1] Kollmeyer, Phillip; Vidal, Carlos; Naguib, Mina; Skells, Michael (2020), “LG 18650HG2 Li-ion Battery Data and Example Deep Neural Network xEV SOC Estimator Script”, Mendeley, Data, V3,

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