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Reweight observations for fairness in binary classification

Since R2022b



    weights = fairnessWeights(Tbl,AttributeName,ResponseVarName) reweights observations using the AttributeName sensitive attribute and the ResponseVarName response variable in the data set Tbl. For every combination of a group in the sensitive attribute and a class label in the response variable, the software computes a weight value. The function then assigns each observation in Tbl its corresponding weight. The returned weights vector introduces fairness across the sensitive attribute groups. For more information, see Algorithms.

    weights = fairnessWeights(Tbl,AttributeName,Y) computes fairness weights using the class labels in the response variable Y.

    weights = fairnessWeights(attribute,Y) computes fairness weights using the sensitive attribute specified by attribute and the response variable Y.


    weights = fairnessWeights(___,Weights=initialWeights) specifies to use the observation weights initialWeights before computing the fairness weights, using any of the input argument combinations in previous syntaxes. These initial weights are typically used to capture some aspect of the data set that is unrelated to the sensitive attribute, such as expected class distributions.


    collapse all

    Compute fairness weights. Then, compare the fairness weights to the default observation weights using grouped scatter plots.

    Suppose you want to create a binary classifier that predicts whether a patient is a smoker based on the patient's diastolic and systolic blood pressure values. Furthermore, you want the model predictions to be independent of the gender of the patient. Before training the model, you can use fairness weights to try to reduce the effects of gender status on the smoker status predictions.

    Load the patients data set, which contains medical information for 100 patients. Convert the Gender and Smoker variables to categorical variables. Specify the descriptive category names Smoker and Nonsmoker rather than 1 and 0.

    load patients
    Gender = categorical(Gender);
    Smoker = categorical(Smoker,logical([1 0]), ...

    Create a table using the Gender and Smoker variables in addition to the Diastolic and Systolic variables.

    tbl = table(Diastolic,Gender,Smoker,Systolic)
    tbl=100×4 table
        Diastolic    Gender     Smoker      Systolic
        _________    ______    _________    ________
           93        Male      Smoker         124   
           77        Male      Nonsmoker      109   
           83        Female    Nonsmoker      125   
           75        Female    Nonsmoker      117   
           80        Female    Nonsmoker      122   
           70        Female    Nonsmoker      121   
           88        Female    Smoker         130   
           82        Male      Nonsmoker      115   
           78        Male      Nonsmoker      115   
           86        Female    Nonsmoker      118   
           77        Female    Nonsmoker      114   
           68        Female    Nonsmoker      115   
           74        Male      Nonsmoker      127   
           95        Male      Smoker         130   
           79        Female    Nonsmoker      114   
           92        Male      Smoker         130   

    Compute fairness weights with respect to the sensitive attribute Gender and the binary response variable Smoker, and add the fairness weights to tbl.

    fairWeights = fairnessWeights(tbl,"Gender","Smoker");
    tbl.Weights = fairWeights;

    Display the fairness weight for each combination of gender and smoker status.

    tblstats = grpstats(tbl,["Gender","Smoker"],@(x)unique(x), ...
        DataVars="Weights", ...
    tblstats=4×4 table
                            Gender     Smoker      NumObservations    FairnessWeight
                            ______    _________    _______________    ______________
        Female_Smoker       Female    Smoker             13               1.3862    
        Female_Nonsmoker    Female    Nonsmoker          40               0.8745    
        Male_Smoker         Male      Smoker             21              0.76095    
        Male_Nonsmoker      Male      Nonsmoker          26               1.1931    

    You can replicate the fairness weight computation by using the tblstats output. For example, compute the fairness weight directly for the group of female smokers.

    numSmoker = sum(tblstats.NumObservations([1 3]));
    numTotal = sum(tblstats.NumObservations);
    numFemale = sum(tblstats.NumObservations([1 2]));
    numFemaleSmoker = tblstats.NumObservations(1);
    pIdealFemaleSmoker = (numSmoker/numTotal)*(numFemale/numTotal)
    pIdealFemaleSmoker = 0.1802
    pObservedFemaleSmoker = numFemaleSmoker/numTotal
    pObservedFemaleSmoker = 0.1300
    weightFemaleSmoker = pIdealFemaleSmoker/pObservedFemaleSmoker
    weightFemaleSmoker = 1.3862

    For this group, the ideal probability pIdealFemaleSmoker is greater than the observed probability pObservedFemaleSmoker. This result indicates bias against the smoker class for female patients in the original data set.

    Visualize the fairness weights using grouped scatter plots. Without the fairness weights, all observations have the same weight by default.

    markSize = 20;
    gscatter(Diastolic,Systolic,Gender.*Smoker,[],[], ...
    title("Original Observations")
    gscatter(Diastolic,Systolic,Gender.*Smoker,[],[], ...
    title("Weighted Observations")

    In the weighted scheme, the female smoker and male nonsmoker observations have more weight than in the original scheme.

    To understand how fairness weights affect the observations, find the statistical parity difference (SPD) for each group in Gender after applying the fairness weights. Use the fairnessMetrics function, which computes bias and group metrics for a data set or binary classification model with respect to sensitive attributes.

    metrics = fairnessMetrics(tbl,"Smoker", ...
    ans = categorical
    ans=2×3 table
        SensitiveAttributeNames    Groups    StatisticalParityDifference
        _______________________    ______    ___________________________
                Gender             Female                      0        
                Gender             Male              -6.6613e-16        

    The SPD for each group in the sensitive attribute is approximately 0. This result indicates that, with the fairness weights, the proportion of female nonsmokers to female patients is the same as the proportion of male nonsmokers to male patients.

    You can now use the fairness weights to train a binary classifier. For example, train a tree classifier.

    tree = fitctree(tbl,"Smoker",Weights="Weights")
    tree = 
               PredictorNames: {'Diastolic'  'Gender'  'Systolic'}
                 ResponseName: 'Smoker'
        CategoricalPredictors: 2
                   ClassNames: [Smoker    Nonsmoker]
               ScoreTransform: 'none'
              NumObservations: 100

    See how predictions change when you train a binary classifier with fairness weights. In particular, compare the disparate impact and accuracy of the predictions.

    Load the sample data census1994, which contains the training data adultdata and the test data adulttest. The data sets consist of demographic information from the US Census Bureau that can be used to predict whether an individual makes over $50,000 per year. Preview the first few rows of the training data set.

    load census1994
        age       workClass          fnlwgt      education    education_num       marital_status           occupation        relationship     race      sex      capital_gain    capital_loss    hours_per_week    native_country    salary
        ___    ________________    __________    _________    _____________    _____________________    _________________    _____________    _____    ______    ____________    ____________    ______________    ______________    ______
        39     State-gov                77516    Bachelors         13          Never-married            Adm-clerical         Not-in-family    White    Male          2174             0                40          United-States     <=50K 
        50     Self-emp-not-inc         83311    Bachelors         13          Married-civ-spouse       Exec-managerial      Husband          White    Male             0             0                13          United-States     <=50K 
        38     Private             2.1565e+05    HS-grad            9          Divorced                 Handlers-cleaners    Not-in-family    White    Male             0             0                40          United-States     <=50K 
        53     Private             2.3472e+05    11th               7          Married-civ-spouse       Handlers-cleaners    Husband          Black    Male             0             0                40          United-States     <=50K 
        28     Private             3.3841e+05    Bachelors         13          Married-civ-spouse       Prof-specialty       Wife             Black    Female           0             0                40          Cuba              <=50K 
        37     Private             2.8458e+05    Masters           14          Married-civ-spouse       Exec-managerial      Wife             White    Female           0             0                40          United-States     <=50K 
        49     Private             1.6019e+05    9th                5          Married-spouse-absent    Other-service        Not-in-family    Black    Female           0             0                16          Jamaica           <=50K 
        52     Self-emp-not-inc    2.0964e+05    HS-grad            9          Married-civ-spouse       Exec-managerial      Husband          White    Male             0             0                45          United-States     >50K  

    Each row contains the demographic information for one adult. The last column, salary, shows whether a person has a salary less than or equal to $50,000 per year or greater than $50,000 per year.

    Remove observations from adultdata and adulttest that contain missing values.

    adultdata = rmmissing(adultdata);
    adulttest = rmmissing(adulttest);

    Train a neural network classifier using the training set adultdata. Specify salary as the response variable and fnlwgt as the observation weights. Standardize the predictor variables before training the model. After training the model, predict the salary (class label) of the observations in the test set adulttest.

    rng("default") % For reproducibility
    mdl = fitcnet(adultdata,"salary",Weights="fnlwgt", ...
    labels = predict(mdl,adulttest);

    Compute the fairness weights with respect to the sensitive attribute race. Use the initial observation weights fnlwgt to adjust the fairness weight computation. Create a new table newadultdata that contains the adjusted fairness weights rather than the initial observation weights.

    fw = fairnessWeights(adultdata,"race","salary", ...
    newadultdata = adultdata;
    newadultdata.fnlwgt = fw;

    Train the same type of neural network classifier as mdl, but use the adjusted fairness weights. As before, predict the salary (class label) of the observations in the test set adulttest.

    rng("default") % For reproducibility
    newMdl = fitcnet(newadultdata,"salary",Weights="fnlwgt", ...
    newLabels = predict(newMdl,adulttest);

    Compare the disparate impact values for the predictions made by the original model (mdl) to the predictions made by the model trained with fairness weights (newMdl). For each group in the sensitive attribute, the disparate impact is the proportion of predictions in that group with a positive class value (pg+) divided by the proportion of predictions in the reference group with a positive class value (pr+). An ideal classifier makes predictions so that, for each group, pg+ is close to pr+ (that is, the disparate impact value is close to 1).

    Compute the disparate impact values for the mdl predictions and the newMdl predictions by using the fairnessMetrics function. Specify to include observation weights. You can use the report object function to display bias metrics, such as disparate impact, that are stored in the evaluator object.

    evaluator = fairnessMetrics(adulttest,"salary", ...
        SensitiveAttributeNames="race",Predictions=[labels,newLabels], ...
        Weights="fnlwgt",ModelNames=["Original Model","New Model"]);
    ans = categorical
    ans = 
    ans=5×5 table
            Metrics        SensitiveAttributeNames          Groups          Original Model    New Model
        _______________    _______________________    __________________    ______________    _________
        DisparateImpact             race              Amer-Indian-Eskimo        0.2066         0.49699 
        DisparateImpact             race              Asian-Pac-Islander        1.1909          1.2503 
        DisparateImpact             race              Black                    0.45908         0.69805 
        DisparateImpact             race              Other                    0.33573         0.84832 
        DisparateImpact             race              White                          1               1 

    For the mdl predictions, several of the disparate impact values are well below 1, which indicates bias in the predictions with respect to the positive class >50K and the sensitive attribute race. Compared to the disparate impact values for the mdl predictions, most of the disparate impact values for the newMdl predictions are closer to 1.

    Visually compare the disparate impact values by using a bar graph returned by the plot object function.


    The fairness weights seem to improve the model predictions on the test set with respect to the disparate impact metric.

    Check whether the fairness weights have negatively affected the accuracy of the model predictions. Compute the accuracy of the test set predictions for the two models mdl and newMdl.

    accuracy = 1-loss(mdl,adulttest,"salary")
    accuracy = 0.8432
    newAccuracy = 1-loss(newMdl,adulttest,"salary")
    newAccuracy = 0.8434

    The model trained using fairness weights (newMdl) achieves similar test set accuracy compared to the model trained without fairness weights (mdl).

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Data set, specified as a table. Each row of Tbl corresponds to one observation, and each column corresponds to one variable. If you use a table with the fairnessWeights function, then the table must include the sensitive attribute. The table can include additional variables, such as those containing class labels (ResponseVarName) and observation weights (initialWeights). Multicolumn variables and cell arrays other than cell arrays of character vectors are not allowed.

    Data Types: table

    Sensitive attribute name, specified as the name of a variable in Tbl. You must specify AttributeName as a character vector or a string scalar. For example, if the sensitive attribute is stored as Tbl.Attribute, then specify it as "Attribute".

    The sensitive attribute must be a numeric vector, logical vector, character array, string array, cell array of character vectors, or categorical vector.

    Data Types: char | string

    Response variable name, specified as the name of a variable in Tbl. You must specify ResponseVarName as a character vector or a string scalar. For example, if the response variable is stored as Tbl.Y, then specify it as "Y".

    The response variable must be a numeric vector, logical vector, character array, string array, cell array of character vectors, or categorical vector.

    Data Types: char | string

    Response variable, specified as a numeric vector, logical vector, character array, string array, cell array of character vectors, or categorical vector.

    • If Y is a character array, then each row of the array must correspond to a class label.

    • The length of Y must be equal to the number of rows in Tbl or the length of attribute.

    Data Types: single | double | logical | char | string | cell | categorical

    Sensitive attribute, specified as a numeric column vector, logical column vector, character array, string array, cell array of character vectors, or categorical column vector.

    • If attribute is an array, then each row of the array must correspond to a group in the sensitive attribute.

    • attribute and Y must have the same length.

    Data Types: single | double | logical | char | string | cell | categorical

    Observation weights, specified as a nonnegative column vector or the name of a variable in Tbl. The length of initialWeights must be equal to the number of observations in Tbl or attribute.

    If you use a data set Tbl, then initialWeights can be the name of a variable in Tbl that contains a numeric vector. In this case, you must specify initialWeights as a character vector or a string scalar. For example, if the initial weights vector W is stored as Tbl.W, then specify it as "W".

    The software uses initial weights to adjust fairness weights. For more information, see Algorithms.

    Data Types: single | double | char | string

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Fairness weights, returned as a nonnegative column vector, where each row corresponds to an observation. You can pass the weights to an appropriate training function by using the Weights name-value argument. For an example, see Understand and Visualize Fairness Weights.

    The software returns a fairness weight of 0 for any observation with a missing sensitive attribute, class label, or initial weight. The software treats NaN, empty character vector (''), empty string (""), <missing>, and <undefined> elements as missing values.

    For information on how the software computes fairness weights, see Algorithms.


    Assume x is an observation in class k with sensitive attribute g. If you do not specify initial weights (initialWeights), then the fairnessWeights function assigns the following fairness weight to the observation: fw(x)=p˜gkp^gk=(ngngk)(nkn).

    • ng is the number of observations with sensitive attribute g.

    • nk is the number of observations in class k.

    • ngk is the number of observations in class k with sensitive attribute g.

    • n is the total number of observations.

    • p˜gk=(ngn)(nkn) is the ideal probability of an observation having sensitive attribute g and being in class k—that is, the product of the probability of an observation having sensitive attribute g and the probability of an observation being in class k. Note that this equation holds for the true probability if the sensitive attribute and the response variable are independent.

    • p^gk=(ngkn) is the observed probability of an observation having sensitive attribute g and being in class k.

    For more information, see [1].

    If you specify initial weights, then the function computes fw(x) using the sum of the initial weights rather than the number of observations. For example, instead of using ng, the function uses the sum of the initial weights of the observations with sensitive attribute g.


    [1] Kamiran, Faisal, and Toon Calders. “Data Preprocessing Techniques for Classification without Discrimination.” Knowledge and Information Systems 33, no. 1 (October 2012): 1–33.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b