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Class: ModelAdvisor.FactoryGroup
Namespace: ModelAdvisor

Add check to folder

The ModelAdvisor.FactoryGroup class and its associated methods and properties are not recommended. Use the Model Advisor Configuration Editor or Advisor.Config API to customize the Model Advisor configuration. For more information, see Version History.


addCheck(fg_obj, check_ID)


addCheck(fg_obj, check_ID) adds checks, identified by check_ID, to the folder specified by fg_obj, which is an instantiation of the ModelAdvisor.FactoryGroup class.


Add four checks to rec:

% --- sample factory group
rec = ModelAdvisor.FactoryGroup('com.mathworks.sample.factorygroup');
addCheck(rec, 'com.mathworks.sample.Check0');
addCheck(rec, 'com.mathworks.sample.Check1');
addCheck(rec, 'com.mathworks.sample.Check2');
addCheck(rec, 'com.mathworks.sample.Check3');

Version History

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R2024b: Not recommended

Using the ModelAdvisor.FactoryGroup class and its associated methods and properties to create custom folders is not recommended. Use the Model Advisor Configuration Editor or Advisor.Config API to customize the Model Advisor configuration. For more information, see Use Model Advisor Configuration Editor to Customize Model Advisor and Customize Model Advisor Configuration Programmatically.