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Modify properties of battery objects

Since R2023b


updatedBattery = modifyBattery(battery,Name=Value) modifies one or more properties of the battery object battery by using one or more name-value arguments.

Unlike the modifyCell, modifyParallelAssembly, modifyModule, and modifyModuleAssembly functions, you do not need to know which battery object contains the property you want to modify.



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This example shows how to quickly modify the number of series-connected parallel assemblies inside a battery pack by using the modifyBattery function.

Create a Pack object and display the number of series-connected parallel assemblies.

battery = batteryPack;

Change this value to 100 series-connected parallel assemblies and display the updated value.

updatedbattery = modifyBattery(battery,NumSeriesAssemblies=100);

Input Arguments

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Battery to modify, specified as a ParallelAssembly, Module, ModuleAssembly, or Pack object.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,CellMass=10) sets the value of the Mass property of all the underlying Cell objects inside the Pack object to 10.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,CellMass=10)

Cell component in the parallel assembly, specified as a Cell object.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,Cell=Cell(Geometry=CylindricalGeometry))

Capacity of the battery cell, specified as a positive scalar or a simscape.Value object that represents a scalar with the specified unit of measurement. The value of this property must be strictly positive.

If you set this argument directly with a positive scalar value instead of using a simscape.Value object, the function converts the value to a simscape.Value object with A*hr as its physical unit.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,CellCapacity=8)

Mass of the battery cell, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 100] or a simscape.Value object that represents a scalar with the specified unit of measurement. The value of this property must be strictly positive and lower than 100 kg.

If you set this property directly with a positive scalar value instead of using a simscape.Value object, the object converts the value to a simscape.Value object with kg as its physical unit.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,CellMass=10)

Shortest distance between modules inside the module assembly, specified as a scalar in the range (0, 0.1] or a simscape.Value object that represents a positive scalar with a unit of length. The value of this property must be less than 0.1 m.

If you set this property directly with a positive scalar value instead of using a simscape.Value object, this object converts the value to a simscape.Value object with meter as its physical unit.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,InterModuleGap=simscape.Value(0.01,"m"))


To enable this name-value argument, the input argument battery must be a ModuleAssembly object.

Number of parallel-connected cells inside the parallel assembly, specified as an integer in the range (0, 150].

You can also modify this name-value argument by using the name P.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,NumParallelCells=48)

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,P=48)

Number of series-connected parallel assemblies inside the module, specified as an integer in the range (0, 150].

You can also modify this name-value argument by using the name S.

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,NumSeriesAssemblies=48)

Example: modifyBattery(Pack,S=48)


To enable this name-value argument, specify the battery as a Module, ModuleAssembly, or Pack object.

Output Arguments

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Updated battery, returned as a ParallelAssembly, Module, ModuleAssembly, or Pack object.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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