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Create parallel assembly of battery cells

Since R2024a


Use the batteryParallelAssembly function to create a battery parallel assembly object that represents a number of cells connected electrically in parallel under a specific topological configuration or geometrical arrangement. For more information about the ParallelAssembly object and its properties, see ParallelAssembly (object).

pAssembly = batteryParallelAssembly creates a parallel assembly that comprises battery cells with default property values.

pAssembly = batteryParallelAssembly(Cell) sets the Cell property to create a parallel assembly that comprises one battery cell.

pAssembly = batteryParallelAssembly(Cell,NumParallelCells) sets the Cell and NumParallelCells properties to create a parallel assembly with a number of cells equal to the value of the NumParallelCells property.


pAssembly = batteryParallelAssembly(___,Name=Value) specifies the pAssembly properties using one or more name-value arguments. Specify the name-value arguments after all the arguments in any of the previous syntaxes. For a list of properties, see the Properties section of the ParallelAssembly object.

For example, create a parallel assembly with 48 cylindrical cells stacked in a square topology over four rows with an intercell gap equal to 0.001 m.

cell = batteryCell(batteryCylindricalGeometry)
pAssembly = batteryParallelAssembly(cell, ...
    48, ...
    Topology="Square", ...
    Rows=4, ...



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Create a Cell object with a pouch geometry.

cell = batteryCell(batteryPouchGeometry)

Create a ParallelAssembly object of three cells with the default topology.

pAssembly = batteryParallelAssembly(cell,3)

Create a Cell object with a cylindrical geometry.

cell = batteryCell(batteryCylindricalGeometry)

Create a ParallelAssembly object of 46 cells stacked in 14 rows and set the topology of the parallel assembly to "Square".

pAssembly = batteryParallelAssembly(cell,46,Rows=14,Topology="Square")

Visualize the parallel assembly by using a BatteryChart object.

pAssemblyChart = batteryChart(pAssembly)

Input Arguments

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Cell component in the parallel assembly, specified as a Cell object. The ParallelAssembly object creates this component and then electrically connects it in parallel a number of times equal to the value of the NumParallelCells property.

Number of cells connected in parallel inside the parallel assembly, specified as a strictly positive and finite integer. The value of this property must be less than 150.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: batteryParallelAssembly(Topology="Square")


The properties listed here are only a subset. For a complete list, see the Properties section of the ParallelAssembly object.

Number of rows of the parallel assembly parallel to the stacking axis, specified as a strictly positive integer. The value of this property must be less than 50 and less than the value of the NumParallelCells property.

Geometrical arrangement of the cells relative to the cell format, specified as either "Square" or "Hexagonal" for cylindrical cells, "SingleStack" or "NStack" for prismatic cells, or "SingleStack" for pouch cells.

Model resolution or fidelity in the simulation, specified as:

  • "Lumped" — Choose this value for the lowest fidelity. The assembly uses only one electrical model. To obtain the fastest model compilation and running time, set the model resolution to this value.

  • "Detailed" — Choose this value for the highest fidelity. The assembly uses one electrical model and one thermal model for each battery cell in the parallel assembly.

    A number of cell model blocks equal to the value of the NumParallelCells property represents each cell component.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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