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Create assembly of battery modules

Since R2024a


Use the batteryModuleAssembly to create a module assembly object that represents a number of Module objects connected electrically in series or in parallel. For more information about the ModuleAssembly object and its properties, see ModuleAssembly (object).

moduleassembly = batteryModuleAssembly creates a module assembly that comprises battery modules with default property values.

moduleassembly = batteryModuleAssembly(Module) sets the Module property to create a battery module assembly that comprises one module.


moduleassembly = batteryModuleAssembly(___,Name=Value) specifies the moduleassembly properties using one or more name-value arguments. Specify the name-value arguments after all the arguments in any of the previous syntaxes. For a list of properties, see the Properties section of the ModuleAssembly object.

For example, create a battery module assembly with two default modules that are connected in series and stacked along the y-axis, with a gap of 0.05 m between each module.

moduleassembly = batteryModuleAssembly(...
    repmat(batteryModule,1,2), ...

You can define the number and types of modules in the Module property. If your module assembly comprises many modules with the same property values, you can use the repmat function to specify the Module property. Otherwise, specify an array of distinct modules.



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Create a Cell object with a pouch geometry.

cell = batteryCell(batteryPouchGeometry)

Create a ParallelAssembly object of three parallel cells with the default topology.

pSet = batteryParallelAssembly(cell,3)

Use this ParallelAssembly object to create a Module object of 10 parallel assemblies connected in series.

module = batteryModule(pSet,10)

Use this Module object to create a ModuleAssembly object of four identical modules connected in series.

moduleassembly = batteryModuleAssembly(repmat(module,1,4))

Visualize the module assembly by using a BatteryChart object.

moduleAssemblyChart = batteryChart(moduleassembly);

Create a Cell object with a Cylindrical geometry and enable the modeling of its thermal effects.

battCell = batteryCell(batteryCylindricalGeometry);
battCell.CellModelOptions.BlockParameters.thermal_port = "model";

Create a ParallelAssembly object of 30 parallel cells in five rows with the default topology.

pSet = batteryParallelAssembly(battCell,30,Rows=5);

Use this ParallelAssembly object to create a Module object of two parallel assemblies connected in series.

module = batteryModule(pSet,2);

Use this Module object to create a ModuleAssembly object of six identical modules connected in series.

moduleAssembly = batteryModuleAssembly(repmat(module,1,6));

Assign a single cooling plate to the bottom of the module assembly and choose the Parallel Channels block as the cooling plate block.

moduleAssembly.CoolingPlate = "Bottom";
moduleAssembly.CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";

Build this ModuleAssembly object by calling the buildBattery function.


This figure shows the internal structure of the ModuleAssembly object:

Create a Cell object with a Cylindrical geometry and enable the modeling of its thermal effects.

battCell = batteryCell(batteryCylindricalGeometry);
battCell.CellModelOptions.BlockParameters.thermal_port = "model";

Create a ParallelAssembly object of 30 parallel cells in five rows with the default topology.

pSet = batteryParallelAssembly(battCell,30,Rows=5);

Use this ParallelAssembly object to create a Module object of two parallel assemblies connected in series.

module = batteryModule(pSet,2);

Use this Module object to create a ModuleAssembly object of six identical modules connected in series.

moduleAssembly = batteryModuleAssembly(repmat(module,1,6));

Assign a cooling plate to the bottom of the first, third, and fifth modules inside the module assembly and choose the Parallel Channels block as the cooling plate block.

moduleAssembly.Module(1).CoolingPlate = "Bottom";
moduleAssembly.Module(1).CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";
moduleAssembly.Module(3).CoolingPlate = "Bottom";
moduleAssembly.Module(3).CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";
moduleAssembly.Module(5).CoolingPlate = "Bottom";
moduleAssembly.Module(5).CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";

Build this ModuleAssembly object by calling the buildBattery function.


This figure shows the internal structure of the ModuleAssembly object:

Create a Cell object with a cylindrical geometry and enable the modeling of its thermal effects.

battCell = batteryCell(batteryCylindricalGeometry);
battCell.CellModelOptions.BlockParameters.thermal_port = "model";

Create a ParallelAssembly object of 30 parallel cells in five rows with the default topology.

pSet = batteryParallelAssembly(battCell,30,Rows=5);

Use this ParallelAssembly object to create a Module object of two parallel assemblies connected in series.

module = batteryModule(pSet,2);

Use this Module object to create a ModuleAssembly object of six identical modules connected in series.

moduleAssembly = batteryModuleAssembly(repmat(module,1,6));

Assign a single cooling plate to the top of the module assembly and choose the Parallel Channels block as the cooling plate block.

moduleAssembly.CoolingPlate = "Top";
moduleAssembly.CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";

Build this ModuleAssembly object by calling the buildBattery function.


This figure shows the internal structure of the ModuleAssembly object:

Create a Cell object with a Cylindrical geometry and enable the modeling of its thermal effects.

battCell = batteryCell(batteryCylindricalGeometry);
battCell.CellModelOptions.BlockParameters.thermal_port = "model";

Create a ParallelAssembly object of 30 parallel cells in five rows with the default topology.

pSet = batteryParallelAssembly(battCell,30,Rows=5);

Use this ParallelAssembly object to create a Module object of two parallel assemblies connected in series.

module = batteryModule(pSet,2);

Use this Module object to create a ModuleAssembly object of six identical modules connected in series.

moduleAssembly = batteryModuleAssembly(repmat(module,1,6));

Assign a cooling plate to the top of the first, third, and fifth modules inside the module assembly and choose the Parallel Channels block as the cooling plate block.

moduleAssembly.Module(1).CoolingPlate = "Top";
moduleAssembly.Module(1).CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";
moduleAssembly.Module(3).CoolingPlate = "Top";
moduleAssembly.Module(3).CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";
moduleAssembly.Module(5).CoolingPlate = "Top";
moduleAssembly.Module(5).CoolingPlateBlockPath = "batt_lib/Thermal/Parallel Channels";

Build this ModuleAssembly object by calling the buildBattery function.


This figure shows the internal structure of the ModuleAssembly object:

Input Arguments

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Set of battery modules in the module assembly, specified as a Module object or an array of Module objects. The ModuleAssembly object electrically connects the modules in series or in parallel according to the CircuitConnection property. If your module assembly comprises many modules with exactly the same property values, you can use the repmat function to specify this property. Otherwise, specify an array of distinct modules.


The array dimensions of the Module input (rows:columns) do not affect how the ModuleAssembly object stacks the modules. Only the StackingAxis and NumLevels properties influence the stacking strategy.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: batteryModuleAssembly(InterModuleGap=simscape.Value(0.05,"m"))


The properties listed here are only a subset. For a complete list, see the Properties section of the ModuleAssembly object.

Shortest distance between modules inside the module assembly, specified as a positive scalar or a simscape.Value object that represents a positive scalar with a unit of length. The value of this property must be less than 0.1 m.

If you set this property directly with a positive scalar value instead of using a simscape.Value object, this object converts the value to a simscape.Value object with meter as its physical unit.

Type of electrical connection between modules, specified as either "Series or "Parallel".

Number of levels, tiers, or floors of the module assembly, specified as a positive integer. The value of this property must be equal to or less than the number of modules in the module assembly.

The ModuleAssembly object stacks the modules symmetrically according to the number of levels and modules in the assembly.

For example, this figure shows how the ModuleAssembly object stacks four identical modules when you set this property to 2.

This figure shows how the ModuleAssembly object stacks five identical modules when you still set this property to 2.

This figure shows how the ModuleAssembly object stacks five identical modules when you set this property to 3 instead.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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