Find and Track Ridges Using Reassigned Spectrogram
Load a datafile containing an echolocation pulse emitted by a big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) and measured with a sample rate of 7 microseconds. Create a MATLAB® timetable using the signal and the time information.
load batsignal
t = (0:length(batsignal)-1)*DT;
sg = timetable(seconds(t)',batsignal);
Open Signal Analyzer and drag the timetable from the Workspace Browser to the Signal table. Click Display Grid to create two side-by-side displays. Select each display and, in the Display tab, click Time-Frequency to add a spectrogram view.
Drag the timetable to both displays.
Select the Spectrogram tab. For each display:
Set the power limits to –45 dB and –20 dB.
Specify the time resolution as 280 microseconds and the overlap between adjoining segments as 85%.
Use the Leakage slider to increase the leakage until the RBW is about 4.5 kHz.
For the display at right, check Reassign.
The reassigned spectrogram clearly shows three time-frequency ridges. To track the ridges, select the display at right. On the Display tab, click Generate Script and select Spectrogram Script
. The script appears in the Editor.
% Compute spectrogram % Generated by MATLAB(R) 9.13 and Signal Processing Toolbox 9.1. % Generated on: 15-Jun-2022 12:02:38 % Parameters timeLimits = seconds([0 0.002793]); % seconds frequencyLimits = [0 71428.57]; % Hz leakage = 0.9; timeResolution = 0.00028; % seconds overlapPercent = 85; reassignFlag = true; %% % Index into signal time region of interest sg_batsignal_ROI = sg(:,'batsignal'); sg_batsignal_ROI = sg_batsignal_ROI(timerange(timeLimits(1),timeLimits(2),'closed'),1); % Compute spectral estimate % Run the function call below without output arguments to plot the results [P,F,T] = pspectrum(sg_batsignal_ROI, ... 'spectrogram', ... 'FrequencyLimits',frequencyLimits, ... 'Leakage',leakage, ... 'TimeResolution',timeResolution, ... 'OverlapPercent',overlapPercent, ... 'Reassign',reassignFlag);
Run the script. Plot the reassigned spectrogram.
mesh(seconds(T),F,P) xlabel("Time") ylabel("Frequency") axis tight view(2) colormap pink
Use the tfridge
function to track the ridges.
[fridge,~,lridge] = tfridge(P,F,0.01,NumRidges=3,NumFrequencyBins=10); hold on plot3(seconds(T),fridge,P(lridge),":",linewidth=3) hold off
Thanks to Curtis Condon, Ken White, and Al Feng of the Beckman Center at the University of Illinois for the bat data and permission to use it in this example.
See Also
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More About
- Using Signal Analyzer App
- Edit Sample Rate and Other Time Information
- Data Types Supported by Signal Analyzer
- Spectrum Computation in Signal Analyzer
- Persistence Spectrum in Signal Analyzer
- Spectrogram Computation in Signal Analyzer
- Scalogram Computation in Signal Analyzer
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Signal Analyzer
- Signal Analyzer Tips and Limitations