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Tire (Simple)

No-slip tire model with minimal parameters

  • Tire (Simple) block

Simscape / Driveline / Tires & Vehicles


The Tire (Simple) block represents a simple, no-slip model of a tire that you parameterize by tire radius.

You can optionally add inertia, stiffness, or damping. These dynamics require additional computation that tends to make models less suitable for real-time simulation.


Assumptions and Limitations

  • The tire does not slip.

  • Torque-transfer capability is infinite.



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Mechanical rotational port associated with the axle that the tire sits on.

Mechanical translational port associated with the wheel hub that transmits the thrust generated by the tire to the remainder of the vehicle.


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The table shows how the visibility of some Tire (Simple) parameters depends on the option that you choose for other parameters.

Parameter Dependencies


Rolling Radius

Compliance — Choose No compliance - Suitable for HIL simulation or Specify stiffness and damping

No compliance - Suitable for HIL simulationSpecify stiffness and damping

Longitudinal stiffness

Longitudinal damping

Inertia — Choose No Inertia or Specify inertia and initial velocity

No InertiaSpecify inertia and initial velocity

Tire inertia

Initial velocity

Rolling radius of the tire. The rolling radius must be greater than zero.

Include or neglect longitudinal stiffness and damping.


Selecting Specify stiffness and damping exposes other parameters. For more information, see Parameter Dependencies.

Longitudinal stiffness of the tire. The parameter must be greater than zero.


This parameter appears only if the Compliance parameter is set to Specify stiffness and damping. For more information, see Parameter Dependencies.

Longitudinal damping of the tire. The parameter must be greater than zero.


This parameter appears only if the Compliance parameter is set to Specify stiffness and damping. For more information, see Parameter Dependencies.

Include or neglect tire inertia.


Selecting Specify inertia and initial velocity exposes other parameters. For more information, see Parameter Dependencies.

Rotational inertia of the tire.


This parameter appears only if the Inertia parameter is set to Specify inertia and initial velocity. For more information, see Parameter Dependencies.

Initial rotational velocity of the tire.


This parameter appears only if the Inertia parameter is set to Specify inertia and initial velocity. For more information, see Parameter Dependencies.

More About

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Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

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