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Get Simulink handle or Stateflow object
returns the Simulink® or Stateflow® object handle of the input Simulink path, Simulink identifier (SID), or
Stateflow numeric ID.sisfhandle
= slreportgen.utils.getSlSfHandle(path_id
Obtain Simulink Model and Object Handles
openExample('f14') modelHandle = slreportgen.utils.getSlSfHandle('f14') blockHandle = slreportgen.utils.getSlSfHandle('f14/Controller') SIDHandle = slreportgen.utils.getSlSfHandle('f14:3')
modelHandle = 2.0001 blockHandle = 38.0001 SIDHandle = 6.0001
Obtain Stateflow Chart Handle
load_system("sf_car") chart = find(slroot,"-isa","Stateflow.Chart", ... Name="shift_logic"); slreportgen.utils.getSlSfHandle(chart.Id)
ans = Chart with properties: Path: 'sf_car/shift_logic' RequirementInfo: '' AllowGlobalAccessToExportedFunctions: 1 EnableZeroCrossings: 1 NoCodegenForCustomTargets: 0 NonTerminalMaxCounts: 1000 RegisterExportedFunctionsWithSimulink: 0 Editor: [1x1 Stateflow.Editor] ActionLanguage: 'MATLAB' ChartColor: [1 0.9608 0.8824] SelectionColor: [1 0 0.5176] ConstantFoldingTimeOut: 40000 DerivativesFormatString: '$N_dot' EmlDefaultFimath: 'Same as MATLAB Default' EnableBitOps: 0 EnableNonTerminalStates: 0 ExecuteAtInitialization: 0 ErrorColor: [1 0 0] ExportChartFunctions: 0 InitializeOutput: 0 FimathForFiConstructors: 'Same as FIMATH for fixed-point input signals' InputFimath: 'fimath(......' PortFontSize: 12 JunctionColor: [0.6824 0.3294 0] OutputData: [] SaturateOnIntegerOverflow: 0 StateColor: [0 0 0] StateLabelColor: [0 0 0] StateFont: [1x1 Stateflow.StateFont] TransitionColor: [0.2902 0.3294 0.6039] TransitionLabelColor: [0.2902 0.3294 0.6039] TreatAsFi: 'Fixed-point' TreatUndefinedSymbolsAsExtrinsic: 0 StateMachineType: 'Classic' Visible: 0 HasOutputData: 0 OutputMonitoringMode: 'ChildActivity' StateActivityOutputDataType: 'Enum' Debug: [1x1 Stateflow.ChartDebug] TransitionFont: [1x1 Stateflow.TransFont] Machine: [1x1 Stateflow.Machine] Decomposition: 'PARALLEL_AND' NonTerminalUnstableBehavior: 'Proceed' VariantActivationTime: 'update diagram analyze all choices' Name: 'shift_logic' SampleTime: '0.04' hadBreakpoints: 0 Description: '' Dirty: 0 Document: '' Iced: 0 Locked: 0 SupportVariableSizing: 0 TreatDimensionOfLengthOneAsFixedSize: 1 Tag: [] Id: 862 ChartUpdate: 'DISCRETE' StatesWhenEnabling: 'held' PaperOrientation: 'landscape' PaperPositionMode: 'auto' PaperPosition: [2.2361 2.0208 6.5278 4.4583] PaperSize: [11 8.5000] PaperUnits: 'inches' PaperType: 'usletter' TiledPaperMargins: [0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000] TiledPageScale: 1 ShowPageBoundaries: 'off'
This example returns the list of Stateflow chart properties to the workspace. The Stateflow handle is equivalent to the Stateflow object. To use a Stateflow handle, assign it to a variable.
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2018b