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Coordinate Systems for Unreal Engine Simulation in Robotics System Toolbox

Robotics System Toolbox™ enables you to simulate your robot scenario in a virtual environment that uses the Unreal Engine® from Epic Games®.


Simulating models in the 3D visualization environment requires Simulink® 3D Animation™.

Unreal Engine World Coordinate System

The Unreal Engine environment uses a left-hand rule world coordinate system with axes that are fixed in the inertial reference frame.

In the left hand coordinate, positive X-axis points forward, positive Y-axis points right and Z-axis points upward. Positive rotation is clockwise about the axis of rotation.


Forward direction of the vehicle

Roll — Right-handed rotation about X-axis


Extends to the right of the vehicle, parallel to the ground plane

Pitch — Right-handed rotation about Y-axis


Extends upwards

Yaw — Left-handed rotation about Z-axis

See Also


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