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Queue job in scheduler



submit(j) queues the job object j in its cluster queue. The cluster used for this job was determined when the job was created.



collapse all

Create a cluster object from a cluster profile.

c1 = parcluster('Profile1');

Create a job object in this cluster.

j1 = createJob(c1);

Add a task object to be evaluated for the job.

t1 = createTask(j1,@rand,1,{8,4});

Queue the job object in the cluster for execution.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Job to queue, specified as a job object. To create a job object, use the createJob function.


When a job is submitted to a cluster queue, the job's State property is set to queued, and the job is added to the list of jobs waiting to be executed.

The jobs in the waiting list are executed in a first in, first out manner; that is, the order in which they were submitted, except when the sequence is altered by promote, demote, cancel, or delete.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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