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Read timetable from event stream

Since R2022b

    This function requires Streaming Data Framework for MATLAB® Production Server™.


    tt = readtimetable(stream) creates a timetable from an event stream.

    readtimetable converts events from an event stream into rows of a timetable, where:

    • The names in the event body become the timetable column names

    • The value associated with each name becomes the column value in the event row.

    • The event timestamp becomes the row timestamp.



    collapse all

    Assume that you have a Kafka® server running at the network address that has a topic CoolingFan.

    Create a KafkaStream object for reading from and writing to the CoolingFan topic.

    ks = kafkaStream("",9092,"CoolingFan");

    Read events from the CoolingFan topic into a timetable.

    tt = readtimetable(ks)
    tt =
      50×11 timetable
             timestamp          vMotor    wMotor    Tmass     
        ____________________    ______    ______    ______    
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:00    1.0909         0        25           
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:00    1.1506     100.5     25.17           
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:00    1.1739     190.9    25.223             
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:00     1.162    267.96    25.192           
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:00    1.1454    330.61     25.15            
                 :                :         :         :         
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:19    1.0269    239.35    25.785        
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:19    1.0332    240.45    25.803            
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:19    1.0267    263.98    25.784             
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:19    1.0262    243.69    25.783            
        31-Oct-2020 00:00:19    1.0262    257.21    25.783            
    	Display all 50 rows.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Object connected to an event stream, specified as a KafkaStream, InMemoryStream, or TestStream object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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