Installation Required: This functionality requires MATLAB Support Package for Quantum Computing.
runs the quantum circuit task
= run(c
remotely on a quantum device
The input dev
must be a QuantumDeviceAWS
object that connects to a quantum device available
through AWS® or IBM®, respectively. The output task
is a
or QuantumTaskIBM
object, which can
be used to monitor the task and retrieve its result. By default, the run
function runs the circuit with 100 shots.
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, you can specify
= run(c
to run the circuit with n
shots remotely
on the quantum device.
Running a circuit on a remote quantum device results in charges to your account with the remote service.
Run Circuit Remotely on AWS Quantum Device
Create a quantum circuit that consists of a Hadamard gate and a controlled X gate to entangle two qubits.
gates = [hGate(1); cxGate(1,2)]; c = quantumCircuit(gates);
Connect to a remote quantum device through AWS. Create a task that runs the circuit on the device with 100 shots.
dev = quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceAWS("Lucy");
task = run(c,dev)
task = QuantumTaskAWS with properties: Status: "queued" TaskARN: "arn:aws:braket:eu-west-2:123456789012:quantum-task/abcd1234-4567-8901-ef12-abcd0987efab6543"
Wait for the task to finish. Retrieve the result of running the circuit on the device.
wait(task) m = fetchOutput(task)
m = QuantumMeasurement with properties: MeasuredStates: [4×1 string] Counts: [4×1 double] Probabilities: [4×1 double] NumQubits: 2
Show the measurement result of running the circuit. Due to the noise in the physical quantum device, the and states can appear as measurements.
table(m.Counts,m.Probabilities,m.MeasuredStates, ... VariableNames=["Counts","Probabilities","States"])
ans = 4×3 table Counts Probabilities States ______ _____________ ______ 46 0.46 "00" 9 0.09 "10" 3 0.03 "01" 42 0.42 "11"
Retrieve Task from Previous Session on AWS
Create a quantum circuit that applies the quantum Fourier transform to five qubits.
gates = qftGate(1:5); c = quantumCircuit(gates);
Connect to a remote quantum device through AWS. Create a task that runs the circuit on the device with 2000 shots.
dev = quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceAWS("Aspen-M-3");
task = run(c,dev,NumShots=2000)
task = QuantumTaskAWS with properties: Status: "queued" TaskARN: "arn:aws:braket:us-west-1:123456789012:quantum-task/12a34b5c-6a78-9a01-2ab3-4c56def7g890"
Save the ARN string value in the task.TaskARN
ARNstr = task.TaskARN; save ARNstr.mat ARNstr
You can close the current MATLAB® session. To retrieve the previously queued task in a new MATLAB session, you can use the ARN of that task to create the
object again.
load ARNstr.mat
task = quantum.backend.QuantumTaskAWS(ARNstr)
task = QuantumTaskAWS with properties: Status: "running" TaskARN: "arn:aws:braket:us-west-1:123456789012:quantum-task/12a34b5c-6a78-9a01-2ab3-4c56def7g890"
Wait for the task to finish and retrieve the result.
wait(task) m = fetchOutput(task)
m = QuantumMeasurement with properties: MeasuredStates: [32×1 string] Counts: [32×1 double] Probabilities: [32×1 double] NumQubits: 5
Run Circuit Remotely on IBM Quantum Device with Error Mitigation
Create a quantum circuit that consists of a Hadamard gate and a controlled X gate to entangle two qubits.
gates = [hGate(1); cxGate(1,2)]; c = quantumCircuit(gates);
Connect to a remote quantum device through IBM. Create a task that runs the circuit 500 times on the device without error mitigation.
dev = quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceIBM("ibmq_qasm_simulator");
task = run(c,dev,NumShots=500,UseErrorMitigation=false);
task = QuantumTaskIBM with properties: TaskID: "123abcd4efa5bcdef678" SessionID: <missing> AccountName: "<my account name>" Status: "queued"
Wait for the task to finish. Retrieve the result of running the circuit on the device.
wait(task) m = fetchOutput(task)
m = QuantumMeasurement with properties: MeasuredStates: [4×1 string] Counts: [4×1 double] Probabilities: [4×1 double] NumQubits: 2
Show the measurement result of running the circuit. Due to the noise in the physical quantum device, the and states can appear as measurements.
table(m.Probabilities,m.MeasuredStates, ... VariableNames=["Probabilities","States"])
ans = 4×2 table Probabilities States _____________ ______ 0.536 "00" 0.018 "10" 0.024 "01" 0.422 "11"
Next, create a task that runs the circuit on the same device, but with quantum error mitigation. The error mitigation applies a collection of tools and methods to the measurement results that attempts to reduce the effects of measurement errors.
task = run(c,dev,NumShots=500,UseErrorMitigation=true);
Wait for the task to finish. Retrieve the result of running the circuit on the device.
wait(task) m = fetchOutput(task)
m = QuantumMeasurement with properties: MeasuredStates: [4×1 string] Counts: [4×1 double] Probabilities: [4×1 double] NumQubits: 2
Show the measurement result of running the circuit with error mitigation. Here, the estimated probabilities of the and states are closer to 0.
table(m.Probabilities,m.MeasuredStates, ... VariableNames=["Probabilities","States"])
ans = 4×2 table Probabilities States _____________ ______ 0.59254 "00" 0.001586 "10" -0.0094173 "01" 0.4153 "11"
Retrieve Task from Previous Session on IBM
Create a quantum circuit that applies the quantum Fourier transform to five qubits.
gates = qftGate(1:5); c = quantumCircuit(gates);
Connect to a remote quantum device through IBM. Create a task that runs the circuit on the device with 500 shots.
dev = quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceIBM("ibmq_qasm_simulator");
task = run(c,dev,NumShots=500);
task = QuantumTaskIBM with properties: TaskID: "123abcd4efa5bcdef678" SessionID: <missing> AccountName: "<my account name>" Status: "queued"
Save the task identifier string value in the task.TaskID
taskIDstr = task.TaskID; save taskIDstr.mat taskIDstr
You can close the current MATLAB session. To retrieve the previously queued task in a new MATLAB session, you can use the identifier of that task to create the
object again.
load taskIDstr.mat
task = quantum.backend.QuantumTaskIBM(taskIDstr)
task = QuantumTaskIBM with properties: TaskID: "123abcd4efa5bcdef678" SessionID: <missing> AccountName: "<my account name>" Status: "running"
Wait for the task to finish and retrieve the result.
wait(task) m = fetchOutput(task)
m = QuantumMeasurement with properties: MeasuredStates: [32×1 string] Counts: [32×1 double] Probabilities: [32×1 double] NumQubits: 5
Input Arguments
— Quantum circuit
Quantum circuit, specified as a quantumCircuit
— Quantum device
object | QuantumDeviceIBM
Quantum device, specified as a QuantumDeviceAWS
object. Use the quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceAWS
or quantum.backend.QuantumDeviceIBM
constructor to create this object, which
connects to a remote quantum device through AWS or IBM, respectively.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: task = run(c,dev,NumShots=500)
runs the quantum circuit
with 500
shots remotely on the quantum device
— Number of times to run circuit
100 (default) | positive integer scalar
Number of times to run the circuit, specified as a positive integer scalar. By
default, NumShots
is 100.
— Number of times to run circuit
100 (default) | positive integer scalar
Number of times to run the circuit, specified as a positive integer scalar. By
default, NumShots
is 100.
— Option to apply error mitigation
or 1
(default) | false
or 0
Option to apply error mitigation, specified as a numeric or logical
) or 0
). The error mitigation applies a collection of tools and
methods to the measurement results that attempts to reduce the effects of measurement
Output Arguments
— Task that runs circuit on quantum device
object | QuantumTaskIBM
Task that runs the circuit on a quantum device, returned as
or a QuantumTaskIBM
object. You
can check the status of the task by querying the Status
property of
this object, where the status can be "queued"
, "finished"
, or
. Once the task is finished, you can retrieve the
measurement result from this object by using the fetchOutput
Version History
Introduced in R2023aR2024b: OptimizationLevel
argument is not supported (January 2025, Version 24.2.3)
The OptimizationLevel
name-value argument is no longer supported.
Code that uses this argument generates an error. This change affects all versions of
MATLAB Support Package for Quantum Computing.
R2023b: Connect to quantum hardware through IBM (October 2023; Version 23.2.1)
Run gate-based quantum algorithms by connecting to quantum hardware provided by the IBM Qiskit® Runtime Services.
Represent an IBM quantum device by using a
object.Represent a task on an IBM quantum device by using a
object.Use the
function to run a quantum circuit on aQuantumDeviceIBM
To set up access using your IBM account, see Run Quantum Circuit on Hardware Using IBM Qiskit Runtime Services.
See Also
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Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.
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