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List of mobile devices with accessible sensor data

Since R2020b


    Add-On Required

    To use this function for accessing mobile device sensors remotely from MATLAB® installed on a desktop or laptop computer, you must also install either MATLAB Support Package for Apple iOS Sensors or MATLAB Support Package for Android® Sensors. For more information, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.

    devs = mobiledevlist returns a table containing a list of all devices with accessible sensor data. The devices must be running MATLAB Mobile™ with the same MathWorks® account as the current MATLAB session, and have remote sensor access enabled. The table also indicates the connection status of each device.



    collapse all

    View the list of mobile devices currently available to your MATLAB session.

    ans =  
     2×2 table
     Device  Status  
     ______________________________  ____________________
     {'Pixel 3'}                    {'Ready To Connect'}
     {'iPhone - iPhone 11 Pro Max'} {'Ready To Connect'}

    Select a device and connect it to your session.

    m = mobiledev('iPhone - iPhone 11 Pro Max')

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b

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