copies the content of the
graphics object specified by obj
to the system clipboard. The graphics
object can be any type of axes, a figure, a standalone visualization, a tiled chart layout,
or a container within a figure. The clipboard content is available for pasting into other
applications and documents.
specifies additional options for copying the content to the clipboard. For example,
copies the contents of the current
axes to the clipboard as a 300-DPI image.
Copy Axes
Create a line plot and get the current axes. Then copy the contents of the axes to the clipboard.
plot(rand(5,5)) ax = gca; copygraphics(ax)
Specify Image Resolution
Display an image and get the current axes. Then copy the contents of the axes as a 300-DPI image.
I = imread('peppers.png'); imshow(I) ax = gca; copygraphics(ax,'Resolution',300)
Copy Figure
Display a plot with an annotation that extends beyond the bounds of the axes. Then copy the contents of the figure.
plot(1:10) annotation('textarrow',[0.06 0.5],[0.73 0.5],'String','y = x ') f = gcf; copygraphics(f)
Copy Chart as Vector Graphics
Display a bar chart and get the current axes. Then copy the contents of the axes as a vector graphic.
bar([10 22 31 43]) ax = gca; copygraphics(ax,'ContentType','vector')
Copy Tiled Chart Layout
Display two plots in a tiled chart layout. Then copy both plots to the clipboard by passing the TiledChartLayout
object to the copygraphics
t = tiledlayout(2,1); nexttile plot([1 2 3]) nexttile plot([3 2 1]) copygraphics(t)
If you want to copy just one of the plots, call the nexttile
function with the axes return argument. Then pass the axes to the copygraphics
Copy Heatmap With Transparent Background
Display a heatmap chart. Then copy the chart as a vector graphic and specify a transparent background.
h = heatmap(rand(10,10)); copygraphics(h,'ContentType','vector','BackgroundColor','none')
Create App for Copying Plot
Create a program file called copyapp.m
that displays a plot and a
button for copying the axes content to the clipboard. In the callback function for the
button, call the copygraphics
function copyapp f = uifigure; ax = uiaxes(f,'Position',[25 25 400 375]); plot(ax,[0 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.4 1]) b = uibutton(f,'Position',[435 200 90 30],'Text','Copy Plot'); b.ButtonPushedFcn = @buttoncallback; function buttoncallback(~,~) copygraphics(ax) end end
Run the app by calling the copyapp
function. When you click the
Copy Plot button, the axes content is copied to the clipboard.
The area surrounding the axes, including the button, is not copied.
Input Arguments
— Graphics object
axes | figure | standalone visualization | tiled chart layout | ...
Graphics object, specified as one of these objects:
Any type of axes: an
, orGeographicAxes
object.A figure created with either the
function.A standalone visualization such as a
chart.A tiled chart layout, which you create with the
function.A container within a figure: a
, orButtonGroup
Capture Area
captures the contents of the object you specify.
It does not capture UI components such as buttons or sliders.
It also does not capture adjacent containers or child containers. For example, consider a figure containing a line plot with an adjacent panel containing a heatmap:
f = figure; ax = axes(f,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.4 0.8]); plot(ax,[0 1]) p = uipanel(f,'Position',[0.55 0.1 0.4 0.8]); heatmap(p,rand(10,5)) copygraphics(f) copygraphics(p)
In the preceding code, the first copygraphics
command copies
the line plot, but not the heatmap. The second copygraphics
command copies the heatmap, but not the line plot.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: copygraphics(gca,'Resolution',300)
copies the contents of the
current axes as 300-DPI image.
— Type of content
(default) | 'vector'
| 'image'
Type of content to copy, specified as one of these options:
— MATLAB® controls whether the content is a vector graphic or an image.'vector'
— Copies the content as a vector graphic that can scale to any size.'image'
— Copies the content as a rasterized image.
If you specify the 'vector'
option, some visualizations might
contain stray lines or other artifacts.
— Resolution (DPI)
(default) | whole number
Resolution in dots per inch (DPI), specified as a whole number that is greater
than or equal to 1
Specifying the resolution has no effect when the ContentType
is 'vector'
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
— Background color
[1 1 1]
(default) | 'current'
| 'none'
| RGB triplet | 'r'
| 'g'
| 'b'
| ...
Background color, specified as 'current'
, an RGB triplet, a hexadecimal color code, or a color
name. The background color controls the color of the margin that surrounds the axes or chart.
A value of
sets the background color to the parent container's color.A value of
sets the background color to transparent or white, depending on the value ofContentType
, the background color is transparent.When
, the background color is white.When
, MATLAB sets the background color according to the heuristic it uses to determine the type content to copy.
Alternatively, specify a custom color or a named color.
Custom Colors and Named Colors
RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes are useful for specifying custom colors.
An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range
; for example,[0.4 0.6 0.7]
.A hexadecimal color code is a character vector or a string scalar that starts with a hash symbol (
) followed by three or six hexadecimal digits, which can range from0
. The values are not case sensitive. Thus, the color codes"#FF8800"
, and"#f80"
are equivalent.
Alternatively, you can specify some common colors by name. This table lists the named color options, the equivalent RGB triplets, and hexadecimal color codes.
Color Name | Short Name | RGB Triplet | Hexadecimal Color Code | Appearance |
"red" | "r" | [1 0 0] | "#FF0000" | |
"green" | "g" | [0 1 0] | "#00FF00" | |
"blue" | "b" | [0 0 1] | "#0000FF" | |
| "c" | [0 1 1] | "#00FFFF" | |
"magenta" | "m" | [1 0 1] | "#FF00FF" | |
"yellow" | "y" | [1 1 0] | "#FFFF00" | |
"black" | "k" | [0 0 0] | "#000000" | |
"white" | "w" | [1 1 1] | "#FFFFFF" |
Here are the RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes for the default colors MATLAB uses in many types of plots.
RGB Triplet | Hexadecimal Color Code | Appearance |
[0 0.4470 0.7410] | "#0072BD" | |
[0.8500 0.3250 0.0980] | "#D95319" | |
[0.9290 0.6940 0.1250] | "#EDB120" | |
[0.4940 0.1840 0.5560] | "#7E2F8E" | |
[0.4660 0.6740 0.1880] | "#77AC30" | |
[0.3010 0.7450 0.9330] | "#4DBEEE" | |
[0.6350 0.0780 0.1840] | "#A2142F" |
— Colorspace
(default) | 'gray'
Colorspace of the saved graphic, specified as 'rgb'
— Copy truecolor RGB content.'gray'
— Convert the content to grayscale.
MATLAB Web App Server™ does not support
.MATLAB Online™ supports copying images (pixels) only. Vector graphics are not supported. (since R2024b)
Alternative Functionality
Hovering over the Export button in the axes toolbar reveals a drop-down menu with options for
exporting content:
: Save the content as a tightly cropped image or PDF.
: Copy the content as an image.
: Copy the content as a vector graphic.
Version History
Introduced in R2020aR2024b: Copy images in MATLAB Online
Use the copygraphics
function to copy images to the clipboard in
Online. Previously, you could use the copygraphics
function only
in a locally installed version of MATLAB.
See Also
MATLAB Command
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Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.
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