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Generate all element combinations of arrays

Since R2023a


    T = combinations(A1,...,An) generates all element combinations of input arrays A1,...,An, where each row of the output table T is a combination. These combinations are the same as the Cartesian product of n sets of elements where the n sets are represented by the input arrays A1,...,An.

    • The number of rows in T is the product of the number of elements in each input array. The number of rows is the same as the number of combinations.

    • The number of variables in T is the same as the number of input arrays.

    • The data type of each variable in T is the same as the data type of the corresponding input array.



    collapse all

    Generate all element combinations of two vectors. Each row of the output table T is a combination with the first element coming from the first vector and the second element coming from the second vector. The variable Var1 contains elements from the first vector, and the variable Var2 contains elements from the second vector.

    T = combinations([1 8 6],[9 3 2])
    T=9×2 table
        Var1    Var2
        ____    ____
         1       9  
         1       3  
         1       2  
         8       9  
         8       3  
         8       2  
         6       9  
         6       3  
         6       2  

    Generate all element combinations of two arrays. The combinations function reshapes each input into a column vector before generating the element combinations.

    T = combinations([7 3;2 6],[9 1 4])
    T=12×2 table
        Var1    Var2
        ____    ____
         7       9  
         7       1  
         7       4  
         2       9  
         2       1  
         2       4  
         3       9  
         3       1  
         3       4  
         6       9  
         6       1  
         6       4  

    Generate all element combinations of three string arrays. The names of variables in the output table are based on the names of the string arrays.

    ID = ["A" "B" "C"];
    color = ["red" "blue" "green"];
    sz = ["small" "large"];
    T = combinations(ID,color,sz)
    T=18×3 table
        ID      color       sz   
        ___    _______    _______
        "A"    "red"      "small"
        "A"    "red"      "large"
        "A"    "blue"     "small"
        "A"    "blue"     "large"
        "A"    "green"    "small"
        "A"    "green"    "large"
        "B"    "red"      "small"
        "B"    "red"      "large"
        "B"    "blue"     "small"
        "B"    "blue"     "large"
        "B"    "green"    "small"
        "B"    "green"    "large"
        "C"    "red"      "small"
        "C"    "red"      "large"
        "C"    "blue"     "small"
        "C"    "blue"     "large"

    Create data labels by combining the elements across each combination. Extract the contents of the table T using curly braces {}, and combine elements across rows using join.

    labels = join(T{:,:},"_")
    labels = 18x1 string

    Generate all element combinations of inputs of different sizes and data types.

    The number of rows in the output table T is equal to the product of numel(A1), numel(A2) and numel(A3). The data type of each variable in the output table T is the same as the data type of the corresponding input.

    A1 = [0 1; 2 3];
    A2 = ["a" "b" "c"];
    A3 = categorical(["x" "y"]);
    T = combinations(A1,A2,A3)
    T=24×3 table
        A1    A2     A3
        __    ___    __
        0     "a"    x 
        0     "a"    y 
        0     "b"    x 
        0     "b"    y 
        0     "c"    x 
        0     "c"    y 
        2     "a"    x 
        2     "a"    y 
        2     "b"    x 
        2     "b"    y 
        2     "c"    x 
        2     "c"    y 
        1     "a"    x 
        1     "a"    y 
        1     "b"    x 
        1     "b"    y 

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Input arrays, specified as a comma-separated list of scalars, vectors, matrices, or multidimensional arrays. The input arrays can have different sizes and data types.

    Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical | char | string | struct | datetime | duration | calendarDuration | categorical | cell
    Complex Number Support: Yes


    • Categorical arrays

      If your input arrays are categorical arrays, you might want to produce another categorical array whose categories are all combinations of the inputs. Because the combinations function returns all combinations in a table, consider using the .* operator instead.

      For example, create two categorical arrays and call the .* operator.

      colors = categorical(["blue" "red" "green" "black"]);
      signs = categorical(["+" "-" "-" "+"]);
      C = colors .* signs
      C = 
        1×4 categorical array
           blue +      red -      green -      black + 

      The result is a categorical array whose categories are all combinations of the categories of the inputs. List the categories using the categories function.

      ans =
        8×1 cell array
          {'black +'}
          {'black -'}
          {'blue +' }
          {'blue -' }
          {'green +'}
          {'green -'}
          {'red +'  }
          {'red -'  }

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023a

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