Discrete Math
Prime factors, factorials, permutations, rational fractions, least common multiple,
greatest common divisor
Discrete math functions perform operations on integers (…, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …), or return discrete output as integers. You can use these functions to factor large numbers, calculate factorials, find permutations and combinations, or find greatest common denominators.
factor | Prime factors |
factorial | Factorial of input |
gcd | Greatest common divisor |
isprime | Determine which array elements are prime |
lcm | Least common multiple |
nchoosek | Binomial coefficient or all combinations |
perms | All possible permutations |
matchpairs | Solve linear assignment problem |
primes | Prime numbers less than or equal to input value |
rat | Rational fraction approximation |
rats | Rational output |