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Track Learner Progress

After your learners have shared their course progress, you can view how your learners are progressing by visiting the shared progress page on your Self-Paced Online Courses page.

If no learner has shared progress with you, there will be no shared progress data on the shared progress page. If you navigate there directly, you will get a message letting you know that you have no shared progress data yet.

View Course Progress Data

  1. Sign in to your MathWorks® Account.

  2. Click My Courses.

  3. In the top navigation bar, click Progress data shared with me. The shared progress page provides a tabular view of all data that has been shared with you.

    Progress data shared with me link

    You will see a display similar to the example shown here. Click on any expander to see the percentage complete for each module in the course for any particular learner.

    List of example learners showing their progress in MATLAB Onramp R2022b using percentage complete

View Progress by Course

You can display the learner progress for only one course at a time. Change the course to the one you want to view by using the Filter by course selection.

If you don't see the course you want in the filter drop-down, it means that no learners from that course have shared progress with you yet.

View Progress Within Specified Date Range

You can filter the data by date range. This filter is helpful for viewing recent data or for setting a range to differentiate classes; for example, classes that have the same course assigned in different semesters.

By default, All Dates is selected.

To select a date range:

  1. In the Filter by date: selector, click the down arrow.

  2. Click Selected date range.

  3. Enter the starting date in From:. Use MM/DD/YYYY format.

  4. Enter the ending date in To:. Use MM/DD/YYYY format.

  5. Click Apply.

Filter by date selection drop-down

The learner progress that has been shared with you that falls within the specified date range is displayed.


There is no email notification. When you go to the shared progress page, if progress has been shared with you, that shared progress is displayed.

Other Methods to View Shared Progress

  • Click >>View all progress data shared with me.

  • Click the Progress data shared with me tab. This tab shows only recently shared progress.

    Recent progress is recent relative to other progress shared with you, there is no time frame. So if the three most recent shared statements were from several months ago it would still show in the table.

Download Shared Progress Data

You can download the shared progress data into a comma-separate value (CSV) file for viewing and organizing the data with another application.

While viewing shared progress for a particular course, click the download arrow to export the data to a CSV file.

Word download with arrow pointing downward

For each learner that shared progress for the selected course, the CSV file contains:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Date progress was last updated

  • Course name

  • Course release date

  • Percentage of course that has been completed

  • Percentage of each module that has been completed

When you click download, you are shown the course you selected and the fields that the file will contain.

Click Download to download the file to your computer.

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