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Create predefined 3-D filter


h = fspecial3(type) creates a three-dimensional filter h of the specified type. Some of the filter types have optional additional parameters, shown in the following syntaxes. fspecial3 returns h as a correlation kernel, which is the appropriate form to use with imfilter.

h = fspecial3('average',hsize) returns an averaging filter h of size hsize. Not recommended. Use imboxfilt3 instead.

h = fspecial3('ellipsoid',semiaxes) returns an ellipsoidal averaging filter with the length of the principal semiaxes specified by semiaxes. The filter h is returned in an array of size 2*ceil(semiaxes)+1.


h = fspecial3('gaussian',hsize,sigma) returns a Gaussian lowpass filter of size hsize with standard deviation sigma. Not recommended. Use imgaussfilt3 instead.

h = fspecial3('laplacian',gamma1,gamma2) returns a 3-by-3-by-3 filter approximating the shape of the three-dimensional Laplacian operator. gamma1 and gamma2 control the shape of the Laplacian [1][2].

h = fspecial3('log',hsize,sigma) returns a Laplacian of Gaussian filter of size hsize with standard deviation sigma.

h = fspecial3('prewitt',direction) returns a 3-by-3-by-3 filter that emphasizes gradients in the specified direction.

h = fspecial3('sobel',direction) returns a 3-by-3-by-3 filter that emphasizes gradients in the specified direction and smooths the other directions [3].



collapse all

Load a 3-D grayscale MRI volume. Display the planes of the volume.

load mristack;

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Create a 3-D ellipsoidal filter. Specify a semiaxis length of 7 pixels in the y (rows) and x (columns) directions, and a semiaxis length of 3 pixels in the z (planes) direction.

H = fspecial3("ellipsoid",[7 7 3]);

Smooth the volume with the filter.

volSmooth = imfilter(mristack,H,"replicate");

Display the planes of the smoothed volume.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Load an MRI volume. This volume is stored as a 4-D array with a singleton dimension. Create a 3-D grayscale volume by using the squeeze function to remove the singleton dimension.

load mri;
V = squeeze(D);

Display the planes of the volume.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Create a 3-D Sobel filter that detects horizontal edges in the volume. Horizontal edges appear where there is a large gradient magnitude in the y direction, so specify the direction of the Sobel filter as "Y". The Sobel filter smooths the gradient in the x and z directions.

H = fspecial3("sobel","Y");

Filter the volume with the 3-D Sobel filter.

edgesHor = imfilter(V,H,"replicate");

Display the planes of the filtered volume.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Type of filter, specified as one of the following values:




Averaging filter. Not recommended. Use imboxfilt3 instead.


Ellipsoidal averaging filter


Gaussian lowpass filter. Not recommended. Use imgaussfilt3 instead.


Approximates the three-dimensional Laplacian operator


Laplacian of Gaussian filter


Prewitt edge-emphasizing filter


Sobel edge-emphasizing filter

Data Types: char | string

Size of the filter, specified as a positive integer or 3-element vector of positive integers. Use a vector to specify the number of rows, columns, and planes in h. Use a scalar to specify the side length of a cube.

For the 'gaussian' and 'log' filter types, if you specify hsize as [], then fspecial3 creates a filter with a default size of 2*ceil(2*sigma)+1.

Data Types: double

Semiaxes length of an ellipsoidal filter, specified as a positive number or 3-element vector of positive numbers. Use a vector to specify the length of the three principal semiaxes in rows, columns, and planes. These values correspond to length in the Cartesian y, x, and z directions, respectively. Use a scalar to specify the radius of a sphere.

Data Types: double

Standard deviation of Gaussian filter, specified as a positive number or 3-element vector of positive numbers. If you specify a scalar, then fspecial3 creates a cubic Gaussian kernel.

Data Types: double

Shape of the Laplacian, specified as a scalar in the range [0 1]. The sum of gamma1 and gamma2 must not exceed 1.

Data Types: double

Direction of gradients for Prewitt and Sobel filtering, specified as 'X', 'Y', or 'Z'.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Correlation kernel, returned as a numeric array.

Data Types: double


[1] Lindeberg, T., Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

[2] Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision. Edited by B. M. ter Haar Romeny. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.

[3] Engel, K., M. Hadwiger, J. M. Kniss, C. Rezk-Salama, and D. Weiskopf. Real-Time Volume Graphics. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters, Ltd., 2006, pp. 112–114.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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