Generate DPI Component Using MATLAB
Create MATLAB Function and Test Bench
Create MATLAB Function
Code the MATLAB® function you want to export to a SystemVerilog environment. For information about coding MATLAB functions, see "Function Basics" in the MATLAB documentation.
Consider adding the compilation directive %#codegen
to your
function. This directive can help you diagnose and fix violations that would
result in errors during code generation. See Compilation Directive %#codegen (MATLAB Coder).
While you code your function, keep in mind the Limitations, which describe the various aspects of DPI component generation that you must know. These aspects include which data types are valid, what files are generated, and how the shared libraries are compiled.
In this example, the MATLAB function fun.m
takes a single input and
multiplies it by 2. The function includes the compilation directive
function y = fun(x) %#codegen y = x * 2;
The process of creating the MATLAB includes writing the code, creating the test bench, and running the test bench in an iterative process. When you are satisfied that your function does what you intend it to do, continue on to Generate SystemVerilog DPI Component.
Create Test Bench
Create a test bench to exercise the function. In this example, the test bench
applies a test vector against fun.m
and plots the
function sample=fun_tb % Testbench should not require input, however you can give an output. % Define a test vector tVecIn = [1,2,3,4,5]; % Exercise fun.m and plot results to make sure function is working correctly tVecOut = arrayfun(@(in) fun(in),tVecIn); plot(tVecIn,tVecOut); grid on; % Get my sample input to use it with function dpigen. sample = tVecIn(1);
Note that a test bench should not have inputs. The test bench can load test vectors using MAT files or any other data file, so it does not require inputs.
The output of fun_tb
, sample
, is going
to be used as the function inputs argument for fun.m
the call to dpigen
, which is why it is a single element.
See Generate SystemVerilog DPI Component.
Run Test Bench
ans = 1
Next, generate the SystemVerilog DPI component. See Generate SystemVerilog DPI Component.
Generate SystemVerilog DPI Component
Generate DPI Component with dpigen
Use the function dpigen
to generate the DPI
component. This function has several optional input arguments. At a minimum,
specify the MATLAB function you want to generate a component for and the function
inputs. If you also want to generate a test bench to exercise the generated
component, use the -testbench
dpigen func -args input_arg -testbench test_bench_name
Define the inputs as required by the function. In this example,
is a scalar value of type double.sample = 1;
Call the DPI component generator function:
dpigen fun -args sample -testbench fun_tb
The command, issued as shown, performs the following tasks:
– a SystemVerilog component for the functionfun.m
.The function inputs forfun.m
are specified in sample.Generates
– a SystemVerilog package file. This file contains all the imported function declarations.Creates a test bench for the generated component.
For this call to
, MATLAB outputs the following messages:### Generating DPI Wrapper fun_dpi.c ### Generating DPI Wrapper header file fun_dpi.h ### Generating SystemVerilog module package ### Generating SystemVerilog module ### Generating makefiles for: fun_dpi ### Compiling the DPI Component ### Generating SystemVerilog test bench ### Generating test bench simulation script for Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/Modelsim ### Generating test bench simulation script for Cadence Incisive ### Generating test bench simulation script for Cadence Xcelium ### Generating test bench simulation script for Synopsys VCS ### Generating test bench simulation script for Vivado Simulator run_tb_vivado.bat
The function shown in the previous example generates the following folders and files:
Examine Generated Package File
Examine the generated package file. Note the declarations of the
, reset
, and fun
This example shows the code generated for
// File: C:\fun_example\codegen\dll\fun\ // Created: 2017-12-19 09:18:00 // Generated by MATLAB 9.5 and HDL Verifier 5.4 `timescale 1ns / 1ns package fun_dpi_pkg; // Declare imported C functions import "DPI" function chandle DPI_fun_initialize(input chandle existhandle); import "DPI" function chandle DPI_fun_reset(input chandle objhandle,input real x,output real y); import "DPI" function void DPI_fun(input chandle objhandle,input real x,output real y); import "DPI" function void DPI_fun_terminate(input chandle existhandle); endpackage : fun_dpi_pkg
Examine Generated Component
Examine the generated component so that you can understand how the
function converted MATLAB code to SystemVerilog code. For more information on what the
function includes, see Generated SystemVerilog Wrapper.
This example shows the code generated for
// File: C:\fun_example\codegen\dll\fun\ // Created: 2017-12-19 09:18:00 // Generated by MATLAB 9.5 and HDL Verifier 5.4 `timescale 1ns / 1ns import fun_dpi_pkg::*; module fun_dpi( input bit clk, input bit clk_enable, input bit reset, input real x, output real y ); chandle objhandle=null; real y_temp; initial begin objhandle=DPI_fun_initialize(objhandle); end final begin DPI_fun_terminate(objhandle); end always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if(reset== 1'b1) begin objhandle=DPI_fun_reset(objhandle,x,y_temp); y<=y_temp; end else if(clk_enable) begin DPI_fun(objhandle,x,y_temp); y<=y_temp; end end endmodule
Examine Generated Test Bench
Examine the generated test bench so you can see how function
created this test bench from the MATLAB code. For more information on the generated test bench, see Generated Test Bench.
This example shows the code generated for
// File: C:\fun_example\codegen\dll\fun\dpi_tb\ // Created: 2017-12-19 09:18:13 // Generated by MATLAB 9.5 and HDL Verifier 5.4 `timescale 1ns / 1ns module fun_tb; real x; real y_ref; real y_read; real y; // File Handles integer fid_x; integer fid_y; // Other test bench variables bit clk; bit clk_enable; bit reset; integer fscanf_status; reg testFailure; reg tbDone; bit[63:0] real_bit64; bit[31:0] shortreal_bit64; parameter CLOCK_PERIOD= 10; parameter CLOCK_HOLD= 2; parameter RESET_LEN= 2*CLOCK_PERIOD+CLOCK_HOLD; // Initialize variables initial begin clk = 1; clk_enable = 0; testFailure = 0; tbDone = 0; reset = 1; fid_x = $fopen("dpig_in1.dat","r"); fid_y = $fopen("dpig_out1.dat","r"); // Initialize multirate counters #RESET_LEN reset = 0; end // Clock always #(CLOCK_PERIOD/2) clk = ~ clk; always@(posedge clk) begin if (reset == 0) begin #CLOCK_HOLD clk_enable <= 1; fscanf_status = $fscanf(fid_x, "%h", real_bit64); x = $bitstoreal(real_bit64); if ($feof(fid_x)) tbDone = 1; fscanf_status = $fscanf(fid_y, "%h", real_bit64); y_read = $bitstoreal(real_bit64); if ($feof(fid_y)) tbDone = 1; y_ref <= y_read; if (clk_enable == 1) begin assert ( ((y_ref - y) < 2.22045e-16) && ((y_ref - y) > -2.22045e-16) ) else begin testFailure = 1; $display("ERROR in output y_ref at time %0t :", $time); $display("Expected %e; Actual %e; Difference %e", y_ref, y, y_ref-y); end if (tbDone == 1) begin if (testFailure == 0) $display("**************TEST COMPLETED (PASSED)**************"); else $display("**************TEST COMPLETED (FAILED)**************"); $finish; end end end end // Instantiate DUT fun_dpi u_fun_dpi( .clk(clk), .clk_enable(clk_enable), .reset(reset), .x(x), .y(y) ); endmodule
Next, run the generated test bench in the HDL simulator. See Run Generated Test Bench in HDL Simulator. If you plan to port the component and optional test bench from Windows® to Linux®, see Port Generated Component and Test Bench to Linux.
Run Generated Test Bench in HDL Simulator
This section includes instructions for running the generated test bench in one of the supported HDL simulators: Mentor Graphics® ModelSim® and Questa®, Cadence® Xcelium™, and Synopsys® VCS®. It is possible that this code will work in other (unsupported) HDL simulators but it is not guaranteed.
Choose the workflow for your HDL simulator.
Run Test Bench in ModelSim and Questa Simulators
Start ModelSim or Questa in GUI mode.
Change your current directory to the
folder under the code generation directory in MATLAB.Enter the following command in the shell to start your simulation:
This generated script contains the name of the component and test bench, and instructions to the HDL simulator for running the test bench.
When the simulation finishes, you should see the following text displayed in your console:
**************TEST COMPLETED (PASSED)**************
This message tells you that the test bench was run against the generated component successfully.
The following wave form image from this example demonstrates that the generated test bench was successfully exercised in the HDL simulator.
Next, import your component. See Use Generated DPI Functions in SystemVerilog.
Run Test Bench in Xcelium Simulator
Launch Xcelium.
Start your terminal shell.
Change the current directory to
under the code generation directory in MATLAB.Enter the following command in the shell to start the simulation:
This generated script contains the name of the component and test bench, and instructions to the HDL simulator for running the test bench.
When the simulation finishes, you should see the following text displayed in your console:
**************TEST COMPLETED (PASSED)**************
This message tells you that the test bench was run against the generated component successfully.
Run Test Bench in VCS Simulator
Launch VCS.
Start your terminal shell.
Change the current directory to
under the code generation directory in MATLAB.Enter the following command in your shell to start the simulation:
This generated script contains the name of the component and test bench, and instructions to the HDL simulator for running the test bench.
When the simulation finishes, you should see the following text displayed in your console:
**************TEST COMPLETED (PASSED)**************
This message tells you that the test bench was run against the generated component successfully.
Use Generated DPI Functions in SystemVerilog
To use the generated DPI component in a SystemVerilog test bench, first you must include the package file in your SystemVerilog environment. This will have the DPI functions available within the scope of your SystemVerilog module. Then, you must call the generated functions. When you compile the SystemVerilog code that contains the imported generated functions, use a DPI-aware SystemVerilog compiler and specify the component and package file names along with the SystemVerilog code.
The following example demonstrates adding the generated DPI component for
to a SystemVerilog module.
Call the
Call the function generated from
You can now modify the generated code as needed.
module test_twofun_tb; initial begin DPI_fun_initialize(); end always@(posedge clk) begin #1 DPI_fun(x,y); end
Port Generated Component and Test Bench to Linux
To port the component and optional test bench from a Windows operating system to a Linux operating system, follow one of these workflows based on your HDL simulator.
You must have an Embedded Coder® license for porting your component from Windows to Linux.
Generate Generic DPI Component
Follow this workflow for all of the supported HDL simulators. The software supports the Mentor Graphics ModelSim, Mentor Graphics Questa, Cadence Xcelium, and Synopsys VCS simulators. You generate the DPI component generic to all the supported HDL simulators.
Tasks on Windows Host Machine
Create a
(MATLAB Coder) object. Change the target HW device type toLP64
for the Linux operating system.cfg=coder.config('dll');
cfg.HardwareImplementation.TargetHWDeviceType='Generic->64-bit Embedded Processor (LP64)';
Run the
function using the option-config
to use theconfig
object that you created in step 1. Use the option-c
so that thedpigen
function generates only code.dpigen -config cfg DataTypes.m -args InputSample -c
Generate a zip archive to port to Linux, navigate to the source folder that contains the
file, and execute these commands at the MATLAB command prompt:load buildInfo packNGo(buildInfo)
Navigate to the top-level folder. Find the ZIP archive that you generate in step 3, which has the same name as the MATLAB function. Copy the ZIP archive to the Linux machine.
Tasks on Linux Target Machine
Unzip the file using the
option to extract all the files with a flattened folder structure. You can unzip the contents into any folder.unzip -j
Copy this generic makefile script into an empty file:
SRC=$(wildcard *.c) OBJ=$(SRC:.c=.o) all: $(SRC) $(SHARE_LIB_NAME) @echo "### Successfully generated all binary outputs." $(SHARE_LIB_NAME): $(OBJ) gcc -shared -lm $(OBJ) -o $@ .c.o: gcc -c -fPIC -Wall -pedantic -Wno-long-long -fwrapv -O0 $< -o $@
with the name of the shared library you want to create.Save the script as
in the folder that contains the zip files.
Build the shared library.
make -f all
To use the generated component with SystemVerilog, see Use Generated DPI Functions in SystemVerilog.
(Optional) Run the test bench that the software generated in Windows.
Copy the contents of the
folder from the Windows host machine to the Linux target machine.Run the test bench.
To run the test bench in an HDL simulator, see Run Generated Test Bench in HDL Simulator.
Generate Simulator-Specific DPI Component
Follow this workflow for the Mentor Graphics ModelSim, Mentor Graphics Questa, and Cadence Xcelium, Synopsys VCS, and Xilinx® Vivado® HDL simulators. You generate the DPI component for your chosen simulator.
Use this workflow for easier porting steps. If you use this workflow, you do not need to create a generic makefile script and build the shared library on the Linux target machine to use the generated component. If you generate a test bench to exercise the generated component, you do not need to copy the test bench folder from the Windows host machine to the Linux target machine separately.
Tasks on Windows Host Machine
Create a
(MATLAB Coder) object.cfg=coder.config('dll');
Select the target simulator and operating system by configuring the
object that you created in step 1. In the MATLAB workspace, double-clickcfg
to open the EmbeddedCodeConfig dialog forcfg
. On the Hardware pane, under Build Process, select a target Toolchain. This option specifies the target simulator and operating system where you run simulations. The supported cross-product toolchains are:Cadence Xcelium (64-bit Linux)
Mentor Graphics ModelSim/QuestaSim (64-bit Linux)
Synopsys VCS (64-bit Linux)
Xilinx Vivado Simulator (64-bit Linux)
Run the
function using the-config
option to use theconfig
object. Use the-testbench
option if you also want to generate a test bench to exercise the generated component. Use the-c
option so that thedpigen
function generates only code.dpigen -config cfg DataTypes.m -args InputSample -testbench DataTypes_tb.m -c
Generate a ZIP archive to port to Linux, navigate to the source folder, which contains the
file.load buildInfo
Use the
(MATLAB Coder) function to package the generated files and any required dependencies before copying them to the target machine. Specify the argument'minimalHeaders',false
to include all the header files on the include path in the ZIP archive.packNGo(buildInfo,'minimalHeaders',false)
Navigate to the top-level folder. Find the ZIP archive that you generate in step 3, which has the same name as the MATLAB function. Copy the ZIP archive to the Linux machine. The ZIP archive contains the ModelSim file with the
extension or the Xcelium, VCS, or Vivado file with
Tasks on Linux Target Machine
Unzip the file into a folder of your choice.
Start the HDL simulator.
Navigate to the folder that contains the generated files that you unzipped in step 1.
VCS simulator only: Set up the simulator environment path. Use your own Synopsys VCS installation path when executing the command.
Here,set VCS_HOME = C:/Synopsys/temp/vcs/S-2021.09-1
is the name of the environment variable.Build the project and run the test bench in the HDL simulator.
For the ModelSim and Questa simulators, run these commands.
do do
For the Xcelium, VCS, and Vivado simulators, run these commands. Replace
with your target simulator when executing the commands.simulator
sh sh %Replace
with xcelium, vcs, or vivadosimulator
For the VCS and Vivado simulators, the cross-platform DPI generation does not support variable-sized vectors.
For the Vivado simulator, the DPI component generation does not support
data types.