Black Model
Calculate price for caps, floors, and swaptions using Black
and Shifted Black models
Price and analyze interest-rate instruments using a Black and Shifted Black model.
capbyblk | Price caps using Black option pricing model |
floorbyblk | Price floors using Black option pricing model |
capvolstrip | Strip caplet volatilities from flat cap volatilities |
floorvolstrip | Strip floorlet volatilities from flat floor volatilities |
swaptionbyblk | Price European swaption instrument using Black model |
- Calibrate the SABR Model
This example shows how to use two different methods to calibrate the SABR stochastic volatility model from market implied Black volatilities.
- Price a Swaption Using the SABR Model
This example shows how to price a swaption using the SABR model.
- Price Swaptions with Negative Strikes Using the Shifted SABR Model
This example shows how to price swaptions with negative strikes by using the Shifted SABR model.
- Work with Negative Interest Rates Using Functions
Financial Instruments Toolbox™ computes prices for caps, floors, swaptions when modeling for negative interest-rates using functions.
- Interest-Rate Derivatives Using Closed-Form Solutions
Closed-form solutions for pricing caps and floors using the Black model.