Train shallow neural network
This function trains a shallow neural network. For training deep learning
networks (such as convolutional or LSTM networks), use the trainnet
Train and Plot Networks
Here input x
and targets t
define a
simple function that you can plot:
x = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8];
t = [0 0.84 0.91 0.14 -0.77 -0.96 -0.28 0.66 0.99];
Here feedforwardnet
creates a two-layer feed-forward
network. The network has one hidden layer with ten neurons.
net = feedforwardnet(10); net = configure(net,x,t); y1 = net(x) plot(x,t,'o',x,y1,'x')
The network is trained and then resimulated.
net = train(net,x,t); y2 = net(x) plot(x,t,'o',x,y1,'x',x,y2,'*')
Train NARX Time Series Network
This example trains an open-loop nonlinear-autoregressive network with
external input, to model a levitated magnet system defined by a control
current x
and the magnet’s vertical position response
, then simulates the network. The function preparets
prepares the data
before training and simulation. It creates the open-loop network’s combined
inputs xo
, which contains both the external input
and previous values of position
. It also prepares the delay states
[x,t] = maglev_dataset; net = narxnet(10); [xo,xi,~,to] = preparets(net,x,{},t); net = train(net,xo,to,xi); y = net(xo,xi)
This same system can also be simulated in closed-loop form.
netc = closeloop(net); view(netc) [xc,xi,ai,tc] = preparets(netc,x,{},t); yc = netc(xc,xi,ai);
Train a Network in Parallel on a Parallel Pool
If you have hardware resources that are not being used during training, you might be able to train your network faster and use a dataset that otherwise would not fit in memory by training in parallel. Training a network in parallel requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™ and is supported for backpropagation training only, not for self-organizing maps.
Here training and simulation happens across parallel MATLAB workers.
[X,T] = vinyl_dataset; net = feedforwardnet(10); net = train(net,X,T,'useParallel','yes','showResources','yes'); Y = net(X);
Use Composite values to distribute the data manually, and get back the results as a Composite value. If the data is loaded as it is distributed then while each piece of the dataset must fit in RAM, the entire dataset is limited only by the total RAM of all the workers.
[X,T] = vinyl_dataset; Q = size(X,2); Xc = Composite; Tc = Composite; numWorkers = numel(Xc); ind = [0 ceil((1:numWorkers)*(Q/numWorkers))]; for i=1:numWorkers indi = (ind(i)+1):ind(i+1); Xc{i} = X(:,indi); Tc{i} = T(:,indi); end net = feedforwardnet; net = configure(net,X,T); net = train(net,Xc,Tc); Yc = net(Xc);
Note in the example above the configure
function was
used to set the dimensions and processing settings of the network's inputs.
This normally happens automatically when train is called, but when providing
composite data this step must be done manually with non-Composite
Train a Network on GPUs
Networks can be trained using the current GPU device, if it is supported by Parallel Computing Toolbox. GPU training is currently supported for backpropagation training only, not for self-organizing maps.
[X,T] = vinyl_dataset; net = feedforwardnet(10); net = train(net,X,T,'useGPU','yes'); y = net(X);
To put the data on a GPU manually:
[X,T] = vinyl_dataset; Xgpu = gpuArray(X); Tgpu = gpuArray(T); net = configure(net,X,T); net = train(net,Xgpu,Tgpu); Ygpu = net(Xgpu); Y = gather(Ygpu);
Note in the example above the function configure was used to set the dimensions and processing settings of the network's inputs. This normally happens automatically when train is called, but when providing gpuArray data this step must be done manually with non-gpuArray data.
To run in parallel, with workers each assigned to a different unique GPU, with extra workers running on CPU:
net = train(net,X,T,'useParallel','yes','useGPU','yes'); y = net(X);
Using only workers with unique GPUs might result in higher speed, as CPU workers might not keep up.
net = train(net,X,T,'useParallel','yes','useGPU','only'); Y = net(X);
Train Network Using Checkpoint Saves
Here a network is trained with checkpoints saved at a rate no greater than once every two minutes.
[x,t] = vinyl_dataset; net = fitnet([60 30]); net = train(net,x,t,'CheckpointFile','MyCheckpoint','CheckpointDelay',120);
After a computer failure, the latest network can be recovered and used to
continue training from the point of failure. The checkpoint file includes a
structure variable checkpoint
, which includes the
network, training record, filename, time, and number.
[x,t] = vinyl_dataset; load MyCheckpoint net =; net = train(net,x,t,'CheckpointFile','MyCheckpoint');
Input Arguments
— Input network
Input network, specified as a network
object. To create a
object, use for example, feedforwardnet
or narxnet
— Network inputs
matrix | cell array | composite data | gpuArray
Network inputs, specified as an
matrix or an
cell array, where
is the input sizeQ
is the batch sizeNi = net.numInputs
is the number of time steps
arguments can have two formats: matrices, for
static problems and networks with single inputs and outputs, and cell arrays
for multiple timesteps and networks with multiple inputs and outputs.
The matrix format can be used if only one time step is to be simulated (
TS = 1
). It is convenient for networks with only one input and output, but can be used with networks that have more. When the network has multiple inputs, the matrix size is (sum ofRi
.The cell array format is more general, and more convenient for networks with multiple inputs and outputs, allowing sequences of inputs to be presented. Each element
is anRi
matrix, whereRi = net.inputs{i}.size
If Composite data is used, then 'useParallel'
automatically set to 'yes'
. The function takes Composite
data and returns Composite results.
If gpuArray data is used, then 'useGPU'
automatically set to 'yes'
. The function takes gpuArray
data and returns gpuArray results
If a column of X contains at least one NaN
does not use that column for training,
testing, or validation.
— Network targets
zeros (default) | matrix | cell array | composite data | gpuArray
Network targets, specified as a
matrix or an
cell array, where
is the output sizeQ
is the batch sizeNo = net.numOutputs
is the number of time steps
arguments can have two formats: matrices, for
static problems and networks with single inputs and outputs, and cell arrays
for multiple timesteps and networks with multiple inputs and outputs.
The matrix format can be used if only one time step is to be simulated (
TS = 1
). It is convenient for networks with only one input and output, but can be used with networks that have more. When the network has multiple inputs, the matrix size is (sum ofUi
.The cell array format is more general, and more convenient for networks with multiple inputs and outputs, allowing sequences of inputs to be presented. Each element
is aUi
matrix, whereUi = net.outputs{i}.size
If Composite data is used, then 'useParallel'
automatically set to 'yes'
. The function takes Composite
data and returns Composite results.
If gpuArray data is used, then 'useGPU'
automatically set to 'yes'
. The function takes gpuArray
data and returns gpuArray results
Note that T
is optional and need only be used for
networks that require targets.
Any NaN
values in the targets T
are treated as missing data. If an element of T
, that element is not used for training,
testing, or validation.
— Initial input delay conditions
zeros (default) | cell array | matrix
Initial input delay conditions, specified as an
cell array or an
matrix, where
ID = net.numInputDelays
Ni = net.numInputs
is the input sizeQ
is the batch size
For cell array input, the columns of Xi
are ordered
from the oldest delay condition to the most recent:
is the input i
at time
ts = k - ID
is also optional and need only be used for
networks that have input or layer delays.
— Initial layer delay conditions
zeros (default) | cell array | matrix
Initial layer delay conditions, specified as a
cell array or a (sum of
) matrix, where
Nl = net.numLayers
LD = net.numLayerDelays
Si = net.layers{i}.size
is the batch size
For cell array input, the columns of Ai
are ordered
from the oldest delay condition to the most recent:
is the layer output i
time ts = k - LD
— Error weights
cell array
Error weights, specified as a
cell array or a (sum of
matrix, where
No = net.numOutputs
is the number of time stepsUi = net.outputs{i}.size
is the batch size
For cell array input. each element EW{i,ts}
is a
matrix, where
Ui = net.outputs{i}.size
is the batch size
The error weights EW
can also have a size of 1 in
place of all or any of No
, TS
or Q
. In that case,
is automatically dimension extended to match the
targets T
. This allows for conveniently weighting the
importance in any dimension (such as per sample) while having equal
importance across another (such as time, with TS=1
). If
all dimensions are 1, for instance if EW = {1}
, then all
target values are treated with the same importance. That is the default
value of EW
As noted above, the error weights EW
can be of the
same dimensions as the targets T
, or have some
dimensions set to 1. For instance if EW
, then target samples will have different
importances, but each element in a sample will have the same importance. If
is (sum of Ui
)-by-1, then
each output element has a different importance, with all samples treated
with the same importance.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'useParallel','yes'
— Option to specify parallel calculations
(default) | 'yes'
Option to specify parallel calculations, specified as
or 'no'
– Calculations occur on normal MATLAB thread. This is the default'useParallel'
– Calculations occur on parallel workers if a parallel pool is open. If there is no parallel pool open, the software starts one using the default cluster profile.
— Option to specify GPU calculations
(default) | 'yes'
| 'only'
Option to specify GPU calculations, specified as
, 'no'
, or
– Calculations occur on the CPU. This is the default'useGPU'
– Calculations occur on the currentgpuDevice
if it is a supported GPU (See Parallel Computing Toolbox for GPU requirements.) If the currentgpuDevice
is not supported, calculations remain on the CPU. If'useParallel'
is also'yes'
and a parallel pool is open, then each worker with a unique GPU uses that GPU, other workers run calculations on their respective CPU cores.'only'
– If no parallel pool is open, then this setting is the same as'yes'
. If a parallel pool is open then only workers with unique GPUs are used. However, if a parallel pool is open, but no supported GPUs are available, then calculations revert to performing on all worker CPUs.
— Option to show resources
(default) | 'yes'
Option to show resources, specified as 'yes'
– Do not display computing resources used at the command line. This is the default setting.'yes'
– Show at the command line a summary of the computing resources actually used. The actual resources may differ from the requested resources, if parallel or GPU computing is requested but a parallel pool is not open or a supported GPU is not available. When parallel workers are used, each worker’s computation mode is described, including workers in the pool that are not used.
— Memory reduction
1 (default) | positive integer
Memory reduction, specified as a positive integer.
For most neural networks, the default CPU training computation mode is
a compiled MEX algorithm. However, for large networks the calculations
might occur with a MATLAB® calculation mode. This can be confirmed using
. If MATLAB is being used and memory is an issue, setting the
reduction option to a value N greater than 1, reduces much of the
temporary storage required to train by a factor of N, in exchange for
longer training times.
— Checkpoint file
(default) | character vector
Checkpoint file, specified as a character vector.
The value for 'CheckpointFile'
can be set to a
filename to save in the current working folder, to a file path in
another folder, or to an empty string to disable checkpoint saves (the
default value).
— Checkpoint delay
60 (default) | nonnegative integer
Checkpoint delay, specified as a nonnegative integer.
The optional parameter 'CheckpointDelay'
limits how
often saves happen. Limiting the frequency of checkpoints can improve
efficiency by keeping the amount of time saving checkpoints low compared
to the time spent in calculations. It has a default value of 60, which
means that checkpoint saves do not happen more than once per minute. Set
the value of 'CheckpointDelay'
to 0 if you want
checkpoint saves to occur only once every epoch.
Output Arguments
— Trained network
Trained network, returned as a network
— Training record
Training record (epoch
and perf
returned as a structure whose fields depend on the network training function
). It can include fields such
Training, data division, and performance functions and parameters
Data division indices for training, validation and test sets
Data division masks for training validation and test sets
Number of epochs (
) and the best epoch (best_epoch
)A list of training state names (
)Fields for each state name recording its value throughout training
Best performances of the network, evaluated at each epoch: best performance on the training set (
), best performance on the validation set (best_vperf
), and best performance on the test set (best_tperf
calls the function indicated by
, using the training parameter values indicated by
Typically one epoch of training is defined as a single presentation of all input vectors to the network. The network is then updated according to the results of all those presentations.
Training occurs until a maximum number of epochs occurs, the performance goal is met,
or any other stopping condition of the function net.trainFcn
Some training functions depart from this norm by presenting only one input vector (or
sequence) each epoch. An input vector (or sequence) is chosen randomly for each epoch
from concurrent input vectors (or sequences). competlayer
returns networks that use trainru
, a training function that does this.
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
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