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Retrieve unique gene names from GTFAnnotation object


Genes = getGeneNames(AnnotObj) returns Genes, a cell array of character vectors specifying the unique gene names associated with annotations in AnnotObj.



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Construct a GTFAnnotation object from a GTF-formatted file that is provided with Bioinformatics Toolbox™, and then retrieve a list of the unique gene names from the object.

Construct a GTFAnnotation object from a GTF file.

GTFAnnotObj = GTFAnnotation('hum37_2_1M.gtf');

Get gene names from object.

geneNames = getGeneNames(GTFAnnotObj)
geneNames = 28x1 cell

Input Arguments

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GTF annotation, specified as a GTFAnnotation object.

Output Arguments

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Unique gene names associated with annotations in AnnotObj, returned as a cell array of character vectors.

Version History

Introduced in R2011b