Is there a way to prevent or circumvent the formation of long edges in a Deluanay Triangulation?
Hi AJP, without knowing what exactly yoou want to do, I like to link to a tool that was extremely helful to me. <http://w...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

TSP using GA
If this is so urgent for you, did you anything to find available code? Apparently not. Searching google with "tsp matlab ga" dir...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Edge direction
Hi, to extract edges of any direction, you just need to choose the right structuring element for a morphological opening. E....

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 3

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How to make a 2-d binary shape a little more round?
You could also use a median filter to remove small objects and irregular boundaries. In a BW image, the median image would act l...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Locating the end points of a bridge-like structure in an image
Hi G, you might identify these two points by calculating a skeletonization of your BW-image. SK = bwmorph(BW,'skel',inf...

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

simulating traffice regulations with cellular automaton
Hi Sandeep, as a first step, take a look at steve's image processing blog. There is an example of how to implement one of the...

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

Image Segmentation built into MATLAB?!
Hi Philip, look at the function watershed. In addition, there is a very good example using morphological reconstruction. do...

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

Draw normal to edge detection image
You can compute surface normals using the function surfnorm. Then, you can use quiver to draw the vectors. HTH, W.

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

how to find mean of an image
m = mean(I(:));

bijna 14 jaar ago | 2

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finding distance within a range of distance
How about [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:size(I,2),1:size(I,1)); ix = find(I == 5); d = hypot(bsxfun(@minus,X(ix),X(ix)'),bsxfun(@min...

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

Are iterative methods always better than direct methods for solving large linear systems?
Why is performance a problem? Do you have to solve the system repeatedly or do you want to solve larger systems? If former is th...

bijna 14 jaar ago | 1

local variation of image
Hi, <> or doc stdfilt Hope this helps, Wolfgang

bijna 14 jaar ago | 1

Automatic cropping
You might find this function useful: <> HTH, Wolfgang

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

How to find row and column of a pixel in an Image?
Hi, what about this: [ROWS,COLUMNS] = ndgrid(1:size(I,1),1:size(I,2)); ROWS = ROWS(:); COLUMNS = COLUMNS(:); w...

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

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Grouping data according to the connected components, which may have a value 1 unit different
You might want to take a look at Tim Davis' function find_components ( <

bijna 14 jaar ago | 0

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