I have this command "min(A(:,b),[ ],2)", where A is a matrix and b is one of its columns. How does it works?
Hello Vio, A = [1.7 1.2 1.5; 1.3 1.6 1.99] M = min(A,[],2) %This gives minimum along rows and A = [1.7 1.2 1.5; 1.3...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 2

| accepted

Distinguish european voyages from coordinates
Hello Vanessa, Firstly, classify this large dataset into 2 classes: Inside the europe and outside the europe. Then perform...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

How can i plot a marker which is only half solid?
Hello xinjun li, There is no such specifier present in matlab. If you really want them then you will have to create them usin...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

I want to store the output from my nested for loop in a matrix . How can it be done?
Hello Vinay, Firstly, Make the code readable. It will be easy for us to solve your problem. Anyways, your problem seems t...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

How to use plot in this case?
I don't understand why you want to replace freqz() by plot(). freqz() is a better option because it gives magnitude and phase re...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

| accepted

How eye tracking controlled mouse?
Hello Jongjin, If you are able to track the eyes and get the co-ordinates of a point where your eyes are looking, use ...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

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How do I find the period of a random signal?
Hello henrique, Did you see Mohammad Abouali's answer on a similar question? <

bijna 8 jaar ago | 3

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how to use matlab for sentiment analysis
Hello Adam, Check out this video of deep learning for sentiment analysis: < How ...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1


Celsius to Kelvin
Convert Celsius degrees to Kelvin temperature.

bijna 8 jaar ago


Find the dimensions of a matrix
Just find the number of columns of the given matrix. Example x = [1 2 3 4 5 6] y = 2

bijna 8 jaar ago


Create times-tables
At one time or another, we all had to memorize boring times tables. 5 times 5 is 25. 5 times 6 is 30. 12 times 12 is way more th...

bijna 8 jaar ago

how to get 'lin' block in matlab simulink
Hello, Read the documentation for <

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

How can I plot more than 1 signal in the same axes within the GUI figure?
Hello Eva, Use "hold on" in your code to plot multiple signals on same axis. For example, see this: clear; clc; t =...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 2

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how do i load database in m file?
Hello Rya, Use this to load the database in your workspace: 1. Go to home 2. Click on Import Data 3. Select your fil...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

How do i joine many tables that exist in excel files using matlab?
Hello Ahmed, Why this question again? For other people, who have visited here for first time: Check out Guillaume's so...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

Face Recognition using PCA
Hello, Use this file exchange code: <

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

How do I detect, count and measure the diameter of the bubbles in this image as accurately as possible?
Hello Ashwin, Checkout the similar question on: <

bijna 8 jaar ago | 0

Select largest bounding box
Hello nataliya, Find the area of all the bounding box. Take out the bounding box having maximum area.

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

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error out of memory
Hello Fadzli, We know that Intel xeon is a way better than Intel i5. And moreover other specifications are better in xeon tha...

bijna 8 jaar ago | 2

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Sum of self power series
The series, 1^1,2^2,3^3,4^4,.... Find the sum of such series when x terms are given.

bijna 8 jaar ago | 2 | 75 solvers


Determine Whether an array is empty
Input a matrix x, output y is TRUE if x is empty, otherwise FALSE.

bijna 8 jaar ago


metre to feet converter
The idea is to make a converter, which exchange meters to feets. We use a factor of 1m = 3.281*1f. so 3m are equals to 9.843 m...

bijna 8 jaar ago


Check availability of a number in an array
An array is given A=[1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10]. Find whether the number n is present in given array or not. If the number n is prese...

bijna 8 jaar ago


Perfect Square or not
find Given input x is perfect square or not,if yes then output y=1.else y=0

bijna 8 jaar ago


raise 1/3
raise 1/3

bijna 8 jaar ago


what is the speed of the car if the car travelled 10m in 5 seconds
what is the speed of the car if the car travelled 10m in 5 seconds

bijna 8 jaar ago


Create incrementing array
Given a and b generate an output matrix as shown in following examples: a=2 b=5 output=[2 20 200 2000 20000] a=4 b...

bijna 8 jaar ago


Can the given sides form a triangle?
Can the three given sides form a triangle?

bijna 8 jaar ago


what is the cosine of pi
what is the cosine of pi

bijna 8 jaar ago


Find a Pythagorean triple
Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them com...

bijna 8 jaar ago

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