Find minimum difference between matrices.
Another way using histc() function (may be faster for large matrices). A = rand(5,5); %first matrix B = rand(2,3); %s...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

How to repeat rows of matrix?
One way: f = @(k) repmat(M(k,:), round(V(k)), 1); MM = cell2mat(arrayfun(f, (1:length(V))', 'UniformOutput', false));

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Size of data points in random scatter image
This is actually a relatively straightforward process. Steps: 1. Threshold image to convert to black and white. im2bw() fu...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Comparing Vector Elements (of 2 vectors)
I think this should do what you want: Rc = mat2cell(R, 1, ones(size(R))); comp = cellfun(@(x) find(P<x,1,'last'), ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Find consecutive values in a vector that are above a threshold
One way: s = RandStream('mcg16807','Seed',0); RandStream.setDefaultStream(s); %set seed so example is reproducible m...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 6

| accepted

How to divide an arc?
If I understand your question correctly, John D'Errico's interparc ( <

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

Extract Variable from Filename?
You can use strtok() or other methods, but I prefer regexp here: filename = 'sitename.yr.synth.daily.mat' %example ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Matlab code for system of differential equations (chemical kinetics) fitting to data
To be clear, you want to fit experimental data to a system of differential equations with some number of unknown parameters, cor...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 4

I have matrix A, how can I add a row in matrix A with others rows of matrix A ?
b = sum(a(:,1:10:91),2)

bijna 11 jaar ago | 2

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thermal images processing || Need help! :)
Here's an example of an approach that might work: X= imread('coins.png'); %sample indexed image BW = (X > 100); ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

convert Vector into matrix ?
It might not be very efficient, but I think it should work: nc = 3; %number of columns in B nc = nc-1; c = 1:(length...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

Improve Ellipse Fit around a Binary Image
To build on Image Analyst's point, you can do something like this. outline = bwmorph( isolatedBean, 'skel'); %convert ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

How to resample a signal by a fraction
You could use interpolation instead. Something like this: vnew = interp1( t, v, t/(1+a), 'linear'); You could use other ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Filling gaps in time series with Nan
One way that considers floating point errors: startValue = datenum(2013,5,17,0,0,0); %your starting observation endVa...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

How do I get regexp to read specific values in a text file?
This seems to work for me: pattern = 'Platform:\s+(\d+)'; data = regexp(indata, pattern, 'tokens'); data = cell2mat...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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how to find indices on a boundary?
You can use the inpoly() function on the file exchange ( <

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

I need help (palindrome vector)
y = x([1:end, end-1:-1:1])

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

Extract non-zero elements from matrix with double precision numbers
notZeros= M(M~=0); Keep in mind that due to numerical precision, some of your matrix elements may be small but not identica...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

index of a sequence
You don't really need the loops: a=[50 150 80 200 30]; b=[60 50 150 70 200]; [d,rows]= min([a;b], [], 1); %get l...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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How to a partition a data set of days into weekdays and weekends
Hi Torrey, I think this should do it: %Matrix is your 365x48 matrix %Every 4th and 5th rows are Saturday and Sunday ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

Script Writes Correctly, The Graph Still Doesn't Show Up
Call hold on after your silhouette() call. 'hold on' prevents the current axes from being cleared after each plotting command. ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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replacing components of a matrix
%your matrix is M isBetween = (M >= 2.9) & (M <= 3.2); M(isBetween) = -1

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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how to calculate the area under a plot? when I use the area option, I'm not getting a satisfactory value. someone pls help me.
This isn't what the area() function does. The area function plots a filled shape below the line that is passed into it. The grap...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

How do I get both the minimum of a 2D matrix and it's indices?
minMatrix = min(matrix(:)); [row,col] = find(matrix==minMatrix);

bijna 11 jaar ago | 18

How to open .dat file
Use the functional form of load, i.e. load(f)

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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How can shape a matrix with predefined vectors?
N = [N1; N2; N3];

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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XTick Visibility off with XTickLabel showing
set(axes2, 'TickLength', [0 0]);

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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How to avoid for loops when generating index arrays?
It's kind of hack-y, but it gives the same output as your original posting: n=4; l = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x) x*ones...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

How can I plot 3D TENT with MATLAB?
For part (a), I would look up the documentation for the following two commands: linspace %to create your x and y domain ve...

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 0

Loading ascii data file with headers
This should do it fid = fopen('path/to/your/file.txt', 'rt'); Data = textscan(fid, '%d %f %f', 'headerLines', 3, 'Collec...

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 0

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