
Compress strings (not springs)
Please remove excess space, limit one space between others, and no space before punctuation marks. * For example, 'Trendy , ...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Convert String to Morse Code
Convert a given string to international < Morse Code> * Strings will only have [A-z], ...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Split a string into chunks of specified length
Given a string and a vector of integers, break the string into chunks whose lengths are given by the elements of the vector. Ex...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Find Rotated Substring
Given a string s1, find if a rotated version of s1 is present in a second string s2. For example, rotated version of some str...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Calculate the Hamming distance between two strings
Inspired by a similar Cody problem found <

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Find matching parenthesis
One of the most indispensable things about a great text editor for programming is the ability to quickly jump between matching p...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Guess Cipher
Guess the formula to transform strings as follows: 'Hello World!' --> 'Ifmmp Xpsme!' 'Can I help you?' --> 'Dbo J ifmq zpv...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


String substitution, sub problem to cryptoMath
This is a sub problem related to this problem: <>...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Add more zeros
Find code that adds one 0 to each sequence of 0 in a string (composed with only 0 or 1). For example: '1010' -> '100100' ...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Cell Counting: How Many Draws?
You are given a cell array containing information about a number of soccer games. Each cell contains one of the following: * ...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago


Armstrong Number
Determine whether the given input n-digit number is Armstrong Number or not. Return True if it is an Armstrong Number. An n-D...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Smith numbers
Return true if the input is a Smith number in base ten. Otherwise, return false. Read about Smith numbers at <http://en.wikipedi...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Evil Number
Check if a given natural number is evil or not. Read more at < OEIS>.

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Find the 9's Complement
Find the 9's complement of the given number. An example of how this works is <

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Compute Fibonacci Number
Compute the _n_-th Fibonacci Number f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... f(42) = 267914296

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Narcissistic number ?
Inspired by Problem 2056 created by Ted. In recreational number theory, a narcissistic number is a number that is the sum of ...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Multi-line comments
* Fix the syntax errors.

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Double colon operator: Counting down
* Construct a row array countValues from startValue to endValue, elements decremented by -2 Ex: If startValue is 10 and end...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Add 7
Given an input variable x, output a variable y that is 7 greater than x. Example: Input x = 1 Output y is 8 Input ...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Make a half wave rectifier
Produce a signal that outputs the given sine wave source when it is greater than zero and outputs zero when it is less than zero...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Make a full wave rectifier
Produce a full wave rectifier waveform for the given sine wave source. For a sine wave input, the output of the full wave rec...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Add offset to a signal
Produce the following signal: <<>> You should see a downward...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Produce a sine wave
Produce a sine wave with amplitude 3: <<>>

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Produce a cosine wave
Produce the following signal: <<>>

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Add a block to a model
Produce the following signal: <<>> In this case, the slope of...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Integer indexing array: Shift left
Write a *single* statement that shifts row array attendanceValues one position to the left. The rightmost element in attendanceV...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Double colon operator: Increment by x
* Construct a row array countValues from 0 to 25, elements incremented by incrementValue. Ex: If incrementValue is 5, countVa...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Coordinate geometry
Assign pointsDistance with the distance between point (x1, y1) and point (x2, y2). The distance is calculated by: Distance =...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Indexing an array element
* Assign currentStudent with the second element of array testScores. _Reminder: Array indexing starts with 1._

ongeveer 8 jaar ago


Double colon operator: Counting up
* Construct a row array countValues from 1 to endValue, using the double colon operator. Ex: If endValue is 5, countValues s...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago

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