Lack of Boundary Conditions to solve PDE (using pdepe function)
In your original code, set your boundary condition function to this: pl = [ul(1); 0]; ql = [0;1]; pr = [pi*exp(-t); 0...

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0

Solve a system of Partial Differential Equations using function BVP4C
It looks to me like you have 9 dependent variables and only 7 equations and boundary conditions. Clearly, that can't be solved....

bijna 8 jaar ago | 1

Solving 4th order PDE
You may be able to solve this in pdepe with two equations and two dependent variables h and P. The first equation would be your ...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

Why bvp4c not works?
I think you want: dydt=@(x,y)[y(2); (x-2*y(2))/3];

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

How to formulate boundary conditions for a PDE system?
pdepe is specifically designed for PDEs that are second-order in the spatial direction. That is why it requires you to specify b...

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 0

Using pdepe for 1d transcient heat conduction through a composite wall
You want to model this multi-region wall with a *single* pde and then write your pde function (pdefun) so that it returns a d...

bijna 9 jaar ago | 1

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Spatial discretization has failed. Discretization supports only parabolic and elliptic equations, with flux term involving spatial derivative.
I see two problems. First, your boundary conditions are incorrectly defined. They should be: pl = [ul(1);ul(2);ul(3);ul(...

ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0

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How to solve a nonlinear Parabolic PDE IBVP
Since the problem is 1D, you can use the pdepe function.

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

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pdepe: why does spatial discretization fail?
I think you want the following in your pdebc function: function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = pdebc(xl,ul,xr,ur,t) pl = ul-0.3639; ...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 1

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PDE Toolbox solution array along a line, to then find the mean value
The evaluate function is returning only one value because the length of your x and y vectors is one. Maybe you want something l...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 1

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Exchange Problem with PDEPE solver
Torsten said: "Usually, if e.g. material properties change at the interface, the transmission conditions are continuity of te...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Spatial discretization has failed. (pdex1)
That error message is somewhat misleading. There are two problems in your code. The first is that your boundary condition fu...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

How to solve second order partial differential equations ?
This problem is straightforward to solve using PDE Toolbox. I suggest you look at this example <

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 2

elliptic PDE with variable coefficient
The input arguments, x and y are equal length row vectors of x and y coordinates where the a coefficient must be defined. If t...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to increase the size of "s" using pdegeom?
If your concern is about producing a nice looking plot from pdegplot, you will need to edit that function by changing the line:...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Interpolation of data defined on triangular mesh
If you have access to the R2014b version of MATLAB, there is a new PDE Toolbox function, pdeInterpolant, that makes this operat...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

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Nonlinear Heat Transfer In a Thin Plate - bug in example?
What version of MATLAB are you running? The documentation page you are pointing to is for the R2014b version of MATLAB. The ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Applying Nonconstant Boundary Conditions for pde
The pdeGeometryFromEdges function is part of a new, simpler approach to defining boundary conditions in PDE Toolbox introduced ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Solving an Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation type /w nonlinear coefficients
Hi Matt, You *can*, in fact, express your equation in a form that the parabolic function in PDE Toolbox will accept. The ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

1D diffusion-reaction model across two-layered slab using pdepe
I am doubtful that pdepe can be used to solve this system. I suggest using finite differences to discretize in the spatial di...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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