Elias Gule
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Flip the Y-axis ticks without flipping the plot
I guess you want something like what the ff code produces. x = 30:5:65; y = 0:5:35; scatter(x,y); yTickLabels = arrayfun...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 1
Hey guys, please i need help on how to validate a vector using a while loop
isValid = all(x>0) && length(x)==3;
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
Not enough inpout arguments in while loop
fprintf('%4u %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n',k,fn,x,lamda,norm(grad)) looks suspicious. fprintf appears to ...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
how to find peaks like P,Q,R,S and T detection of ecg signal for my data that i acquired for a period of 10 minutes(600000samples)through BIOPAC SYSTEMS MP45 with a sampling frequency of 1000hz?can anyone suggest me the code for my data
use the 'findpeaks' function. See the docs for more info: <https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/findpeaks.html>
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
What is the easiest way to embed a text data file into a .m function so that you don't need two files.
I guess you can store your data as part of the code. Your may create an inner function or a subfunctions that initializes your l...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
What is the code that converts decimal to octal without using the built-in functions?
The following code is neither elegant nor memory efficient, but it appears to address your question: function output = dec2...
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
Is it possible to run multiple scripts in different file paths from one single script?
Use the 'run' function. If you want to know how to use this function: type the command 'doc run' on the command window. Ta!
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
How can I hide and unhide objects based on radio button selecions
I think you need to set the Visible property to 'off' instead of 0, and 'on' instead of 1.
ongeveer 6 jaar ago | 0
How do I ask the user for a persons name and output the birthday of the person?
I hope the attached files will help.
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
How can I tell how many cores matlab has available for batch jobs?
Does this answer your question: N = maxNumCompThreads()
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
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I have a text file contain the date and time like this 20180405125901 (2018-April-05 12:59:01), can matlab load the file and convert it to datetime like this 05-Apr-2018 12:59:01
try this: str = '20180405125901'; t = datetime(str,'InputFormat','yyyyMMddhhmmss')
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
how to crop image
Please see this: https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imcrop.html and https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileex...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
Column multiplication in the same matrix
I believe this works as expected: x11 = [1 2 3; 4 5 3; 2 8 3]; [nr,nc] = size(x11); for col = 1 : nc col_data = x11(:...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
Trouble reading 6 excel files (with multiple sheets) and storing each excel as a its own matrix with my loop.
ok, lets do this then: foldername = 'My Folder Path'; files = dir(fullfile(foldername, '*.xlsx')) for i = 1:length(files)...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
Trouble reading 6 excel files (with multiple sheets) and storing each excel as a its own matrix with my loop.
Doing this might help: Replacing data = xlsread(fullfile(foldername,files(i).name)); with data{i} = xlsread(full...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
Table array with numerical row names
Convert your vector of strings to a cell array of strings. v = 1 : 20; % replace with your vector row_names = arra...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
How can I find and remove the rows starting with different word?
I hope this helps. Cnew = cellfun(@char,Cnew,'uni',0); % convert the cell array contents to string index = cellfun('...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 1
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Column multiplication in the same matrix
Here you go: [nr,nc] = size(x11); for col = 1 : nc col_data = x11(:,col); col_prod = bsxfun(@times,col_data,x11(...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 1
how to match two consecutive items
Assuming that you have stored your text in a variable named "txt". The following code should do what you want. txt = regexp...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
import an easy file
In this code: [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('../*.csv','MultiSelect','off','title','path'); FileName is simply the n...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
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How can I store the places of two different points at two different time?
I think this is what you mean: You have a time vector with elements like 150,200,etc, and a position vector with elements l...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
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read data formatted like ip address from a text file
Assuming that you want to store the data as strings, and that the delimiters are 'whitespace' and ':'. filepath = 'the_path...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
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Index satisfying multiple conditions
Just replace the '&' with '|'. Because you want the value in column 2 where the month is 1 or where the month is greater or equa...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 0
How can I identify push button in app designer?
Please follow the steps as outlined by the arrows in the attached picture. Basically, what you should do is 1) Select the Des...
meer dan 6 jaar ago | 1
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How do I extract the last Time value from a .txt file using regexp?
For this particular case, the following 'regex' seems to be working: expr = '(?<=Time\s*:\s*(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{2},\d{2}...
bijna 7 jaar ago | 0
Plotting a function given a range of inputs
First define your vector x as: dx = 0.01; x = 2:dx:20; % where dx in the increment from one x value to the other. ...
bijna 7 jaar ago | 0
How to avoid Globals on a code created (complex) Figure?
Maybe this might help: <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/guidata.html>
bijna 7 jaar ago | 1
I have a problem. Help me please! I want to show a size of a picture
I guess you're not seeing the image info that you want because you of this line: s=strcat(info.Width,info.Height); The ...
bijna 7 jaar ago | 0
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