Why even after 4 hours the command parpool('local',5) not finished?
I would highly suggest that you validate your settings. In MATLAB select the drop down from the 'Parallel' icon (in the Environm...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Standardization of KNN Variables
This was added to the _fitcknn_ function in R2014b. If you are using a previous version then you do not have access to this Prop...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Animate line but show marker only on current point
There is a function < comet> which does exactly this. It does not however all...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 4

csv file with a whitespace before comma
You can also use _xlsread_ or _readtable_ (the latter requires version 2013b or later). xlsread('test.csv') readtable('t...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

stepwiselm: too many output arguments
It complains about having too many output arguments because <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 2

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Specify Cell in GUI Table
A uitable is just storing the data in a Property named 'Data'. I show two examples, one for a matrix and the other a cell array,...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Strange behaviour in integral function in MATLAB
Numeric quadrature works by iteratively splitting the interval apart and approximating the integral of each partition. The appr...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 3

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The problem with your setup has nothing to do with the lines you mentioned, but rather with the equality constraints conflicting...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Is it possible to use lsqcurvefit without text messages?
The following should work: opt = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit','Display','off'); x = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata,lb,ub,o...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

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Unrecognized variable name 'rows'
You are trying to use this with a dataset, which will call the _ismember_ method of this class and not the base MATLAB _ismember...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

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How to get the no of default ticks formed in to the code when plotting a figure in matlab?
You can actually just use the datetick function: dFormat = 'mmm-yyyy'; % or whatever date format you want datetick('x',d...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Clearing plot in GUI axes
You need only get the plot objects (or handles prior to 2014b) to delete that individual plot. f = figure; a = axes('Par...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

non linear regression code
If you have a late enough version you can use < fitnlm> or <http...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Need help for large scale portfolio optimisation
For a quadratic objective function you would want to use _quadprog_ so you are right in this sense, _fmincon_ will just take lon...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

How to write equality constraints for receivers that hourly consume a certain amount of energy
You should be representing the design variables as a column vector, I will call it _x_. With that in mind we want the constraint...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Wait for a function to finish while the function runs GUI
a) This does not run if you call the function by itself. b) Your issue has to do with the callback functions of the uicontrol. ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 2

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I am learning Matlab and i am always getting the error "Undefined function 'solve' for input arguments of type 'char'." when i try to solve an equation. How do i solve it?
It looks like you are trying to use the symbolic math toolbox, in which case you need to make these variables symbolic: sym...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Fitting general pareto distribution to histogram
The 0.5 has to do with the bin width. So the area under the curve of the pdf is equal to one and needs to equal the area under t...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

How to do boxplot for vectors with different sizes
You are passing in all of your data as one big long row vector (that is A1,...,A4 are all row vectors and you concatenate to a l...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 3

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Deleting rows in a matrix
If you want to delete the second row because B has the value 2 you can use this vector to index into A as such: A(B,:) = []...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

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How to make a infinite while loop that stops on users command.
Might be a bit more than you are looking for, but there is such a thing as a Key-Press Function (KeyPressFcn) for figures. This ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

How to save my cell array as a .csv file?
You can either use < xlswrite> or lower level functionalit...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Access time series in Financial Toolbox
Hi Andrey. It is not that the series is not created, but rather that all of the datanames have the same length. This means that ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Is it possible to solve Ax=b with mapreduce ?
You can do this if certain conditions hold fairly simply. In the case of a diagonally dominant matrix A you could write the Gaus...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Reproducible random number sequence with parfor
In the first instance you are not passing the options (nor could you) to the random number generating process, so this informati...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Changing color of the points in scatter3
How about: C = [0 .9 .75; 1 0 0; 0 0.4 0.4; 0.6 0.4 0]; scatter3(x,y,z,[],C,'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k');

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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How to manually arrange the Legend strings
With 3 variable case, what does this mean? I'm going out on a whim and assuming you just want to change the order of the lines. ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

How to find the equation of a graph after getting Xdata and Ydata ?
The easiest way would be to use the polynomial fitting functions. For this you need to know what order polynomial to fit, so vi...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

Error estimating VaR, riskmetrics function?
You try and use a variable T inside of this function, but you define T inside of an if statement. Therefore T only exists if ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

gpuArray slower on newer graphics card in double precision
The Titan X is a terrible card to use for double precision GPGPU as it was designed as a cheaper alternative to other Titans wit...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 2

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