Fill area under a curve
Yes there is the < area> function.

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 2

Matlab command for generating random rational numbers between -1 and 0?
Like this? a = -1; b = 0; r = a+(b-a)*rand(1,1) If you want many of them change the inputs to rand. And if you...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

How to install Global Optimization Toolbox
You need to purchase it < here> and then install it on your comp...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

get the actual position correspond to imfreehand
After you get the position, you can create a mask in which value inside the ROi are equal to 1 and those outside are equal to 0....

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

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I get bad resolution when saving my plot with filled circles as .pdf or .eps
You might want to use < print> instead of save, and set the resolution to som...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Remove certain ticks on y-axis when plotting?
You can set directly the XTick property as follows: set(gca,'YTick',1:1:SomeNumber);

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to correct p-value in statistical analysis?
With the Statistics Toolbox you want to use < mutcompare> for your statistic...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How can I measure how many pixels a single irregular object has?
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox it looks like <

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Select parts of number from a cell of many numbers to put in a variable?
The easy way would be: year = YourDate(1:4) month = YourDate(5:6) day = YourDate(7:8) Then you can convert to digi...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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error when calculating factorial
The error is due to a missing bracket at the end of this line: C=factorial(m)/((factorial(n)*factorial(m-n)); Add a brac...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

Structure inside a while loop && pixel distance
Something like this? N = 10; YourStructure(N).result = zeros(15); % Initialize the structure for k = 1:N ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to eliminate the rows of data ?
If your data is stored in a cell array you could use the following: % Identify the rows (I) in which there are empty elemen...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

How to Perform an Operation on a Sequence of DICOM Images
You might want to look at < this> to get...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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The max matrix of two matrices
Try this: C = arrayfun(@(x,y) max(x(:),y(:)),A,B)

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Very simple logical question
A = cell(1,1000); for k = 1:1000 A{k} = sprintf('%04d',k); end

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

Show line above surf plot in 2D view
You could try to inverse the order of your axes' children after drawing the line, so that it comes up at the front and the plot ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

creating numerical values from parts of a string read
If your strings are always of the same format, you can use regular expression to look for the colon followed by a number and fol...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How can ı set initial value about for statement ???
Maybe with something like this: for k = 1:100 % add your code if k== 20 % add you condition...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Getting the position of a value in a vector
YourVector = BAC(BAC_F<0.8) Then FirstValue = YourVector(1) Is that what you meant? If not it might simply be ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Display image inside parfor loop
I'm afraid you can't control image display inside a parfor loop, i.e. inside individual workers. However you can store all the i...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Create new variable if elements of different variables match in Matlab
Here is something to get you started. It's not the most elegant but I think it answers your question. Note that I added NaN in s...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

How do I use regexpi on a phrase that has a "*"?
If I understood right using \* instead of * should work.

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

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how to manage pop up menu entries
In the pushbutton callback you can add this code to populate the popup menu through its 'String' property: set(handles.Yo...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

How to get the facecolor of each bar?
Use the handles to the bar graph to retrieve its 'FaceColor' property. Eg: hbar1 = hbar(data,SomeColor); Then you ca...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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guide push button and checkbox callback
Instead of using multiple if/else statements can you simply populate x directly with the values of the checkboxes: x = [get...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

writevideo skipping last frame
Maybe use narr_anim(m).cdata in your loop? Other than that your code looks fine to me

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How do I use a for loop to return a vector
Hi Adam, you actually don't need a loop: P = x(x > 0); N = x(x < 0); P = 6.2000 11.0000 8.1000...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

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Find with an indexed struc
It might not be the most elegant but I think it would solve your problem Indices = cellfun(@(x) x == 0,struct2cell(M)) % yo...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Open second figure from GUI
Hi Carlos, In order to open a figure (let's say an input dialog box) after selecting a checkbox, you want to write the code...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

how can i cut data from a plot?
As Sara suggests, using ginput to let the user select a x-value from which to crop: clear clc x = 1:10*pi; ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 3

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