Using logicals in arrayfun
u = arrayfun(@(x,y) x{1}(1:max(0,y)), tempA, tempB, 'UniformOutput', false); The secret here is that max(0,VALUE) is 0 if VALU...

21 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

Difficulties converting E-001
Insert a leading '1' before each of the exponentials, and then multiply the pairs together. format long g T = table([45; 17], ...

23 dagen ago | 0

How do I show the latex form $\mathcal{T}$ by using the function str2sym in live editor?
There is currently no way to interject formatted latex in live editor. The closest you can get is to use the menu items to compo...

23 dagen ago | 1

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Error Using uislider. 'slider' is not a valid STYLE for uislider.
uislider() does not take a positional parameter named slider uislider() accepts the name/value pair 'style', 'slider'

25 dagen ago | 0

Where is the polyIntersect.m function in R2024 and how do I load it ?
polyintersect appears to be part of MRST (MATLAB Resevoir Simulation Toolbox),

25 dagen ago | 1

Error using gbellmf with Matlab
When you invoked AB_computation_5SV_PVT you did not pass in at least 5 parameters. Typically this error is caused by attempting...

25 dagen ago | 0

what's the reason for getting an output at the point itself though it is not in range
h=0:0.1:8*pi; approx_1=@(f, x, h) (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h; Your h is a vector. You need to use ./ instead of /

26 dagen ago | 0

Value must be a scalar
You do not really give enough details to give a solid answer, but I speculate that you have an / operation that should be a ./ o...

26 dagen ago | 1

Style Property Not Being Recognised
The code in the example starts with import mlreportgen.dom.*; rpt = Document('MyReport','html','MyTemplate'); table = Table...

29 dagen ago | 0

How to incorporate scatter function so that the lines of the image don't print on top of one another
You are not going to be able to do what you want. Your data points are not at integer locations relative to each other; they are...

29 dagen ago | 0

Read names of files listed as entries in an excel file and run those files using a loop
I would be more comfortable with file_contents = readtable('testing_summary(Sheet1).csv') file_names = file_contents{1:12,3}; ...

29 dagen ago | 0

Arc Length Continuation Method: Numerical Method
equation_f = @(x, w) equation(x, w); % Function to calculate the residuals for each forcing [sol, iter] = nlsolver(equation_f, ...

29 dagen ago | 0

MCC USB-231 compatibility with Simulink
The USB-231 is not a supported device. The supported devices are listed at

29 dagen ago | 0

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Return of handle, which was selected with 'ButtonDownFcn'
function selected_object = sub_select(H) set(H, 'ButtonDownFcn', selected_object = @LineSelected) end That code attempts to c...

30 dagen ago | 0

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Logic statement error checking an array within a cell within a table
if 1 == ismember('pressure',settingsSet.podList(currentPod,VarNames).Properties.VariableNames) settingsSet.podList appears to b...

30 dagen ago | 0

Change a variable string to a normal variable
Please read fo...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

Live Script Controls in (For) Loop
Is there a way to create a dynamic input field using live script controls? No, there is no way.

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to create a cell containing a cell array?
YourCellArray = num2cell(YourDataArray,2);

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

MATLAB CST Interface in Linux
It is not possible to do on Linux. actxserver() is available only on windows COM functions are available on Microsoft Windows® ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Set breakpoint is not working in Method function file.
modelT = createpde("structural","transient-solid"); which reduce(modelT, 'FrequencyRange', [1 2]) That will tell you the name ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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I keep installing the Matlab MIN GW 5.3 compiler for Matlab 2017b, but it is showing as uninstalled. HELP
You have Visual Studio redistributable installed. You need Visual Studio C++ 2017 (any edition), or Visual Studio C++ 2015 (Prof...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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How to solve Simultaneous equations
sympref('FloatingPointOutput',0); syms x y eqn1 = 4*x - 3*y == 0 eqn2 = 3*x + 2*y == 4 sol = solve([eqn1, eqn2])

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

readtable csv with one column containing a field with commas
readtable(Logic_file, 'ReadVariableNames', true, 'Format', '%d%d%f%s%s%d%[^\n]','EmptyValue',0); This will handle columns with ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Not getting a full image from raw data
x_range = min(x):max(x); y_range = min(y):max(y); That code assumes that most of the x and y are integers (or at least integer...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Last color on legend does not match last color on stem plot, after manually setting color in for loops.
for n = 2:9 stem(n-1,y(n+1),'LineWidth',2.0, 'Color','#77AC30') end That generates multiple plot objects, each with green...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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How do I solve a system using rkf45 method with shooing technique?
[eta, y] = ode45(@(eta, y) ode_system(eta, y, A1, A2, A3, A4, K_p, beta, Pr, k_f, k_hnf, Q, Ec), [0 eta_end], y0, options); ver...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Not Enough Input Arguments
You tried to run the function by pressing the green Run button. Pressing the Run button has the effect of running the code witho...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

What changes should i have to make in my code to remove the error ("Error using contourf Z must be at least a 2x2 matrix.")
su = round(4*d/g)+1 ; Not enough information is given to be sure, but it looks like su is a scalar. If it is not a scalar, th...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Someone that works with symbolic variables?
When k = 4, size(char(sM1)) ans = 1 945926142 and it takes numerous minutes just to calculate the char(sM1...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

I want show population on plot like 36M, 37M....
Alternate solution: P = [3.6e7, 3.8e7, 4.1e7, 4.5e7, 5.0e7]; % just making up some numbers t = 1970:10:2010; ax = gca; plot(...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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