Y-axis labels overlaps with figure when using a reversed x-axis
Ah, missed that. Nasty bug/feature. text(10,10.5e9,'x10^9') % place manually ?

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

Y-axis labels overlaps with figure when using a reversed x-axis
Yes, it seems to only happen when there is an exponent in the y-axis. And even then the exponent must have double figures. Also ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

solving a very complicated equation implicitly
OK, try this: My approach was to embed an integral inside a root solver. I basically used your code and coefficients, but chan...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

How can I find the coefficients of a second order ODE using data points?
You will also need to have collected x(t) at each sample point.

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

to find the root of quantum transcendental equation
Well you have given us quite a puzzler; little background info and no context. I'm assuming you are looking for the value Ee s...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

How to get a kernel density plot
You also can use ksdensity from the Stats toolbox. But you have supplied us with a matrix with 25 columns! Which column were you...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Coefficents not reflecting the curve obtained using fit function
I suspect that the problem is that you have normalised the data, and then forgot that when you looked at the parameter values. ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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geoaxes, geoscatter does not work
Correct, you'll need to upgrade to use this functionality. (I think the mapping toolbox does replicate this to some degree tho...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

Error using load Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Did you do as suggested and actually check your memory? >> memory Maximum possible array: 2745 MB (2.878e+09 bytes) *...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

USing BVP solver to solve 2-D Laplace’s equation?
If you mean bvp4c, then no it is not suitable since it solves boundary value ODEs in 1D, not PDEs in 2D. To solve Laplace's eqn ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

please help me to fix error and rectify it to a correct programme
In general, it's better to use column vectors by default. That way you don't make mistakes like above when concatenating. gamm...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

geoaxes, geoscatter does not work
The function geoaxes was introduced in 2018b. What is your version? Type >> ver.

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

I would like to plot periodogram for my voice file how to do that?
You read in an audio file and set it to the variable y with sampling frequency fs, and then you immediately clobber it with a no...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

Nonlinear Optimization problem in Matlab
Are you confusing x0, the start guess with x(0), which does not exist. In your constraint, you write x(0). If that is really wha...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Use the Matlab function EXPM()
I'll get you going on part (b): syms t positive A = sym([0,-5;1,-2]); Phi = expm(A*t)

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 2

geoaxes, geoscatter does not work
Try the which function. This will tell you if the function exists on your path. >> which geoshow C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R201...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

Replace extreme outliers in dataset
Not difficult to hack, but slightly more complex to hack correctly. Just copy (and rename) the function into your work directory...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

intlinprog no feasible solution
Are you sure you are implementing your either/or constraints properly? For example where is your "big M"? (see p6 of https://w...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

Replace extreme outliers in dataset
Have you considered hacking the source of filloutliers.m? If it is only a matter of scaling, then it is probably a simple one li...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

Method to Correlate Time Series Arrays of Differing Lengths
OK, I'll generate some fake data that is not aligned, and the do the above approach. %% Generate some data series that are sli...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

Method to Correlate Time Series Arrays of Differing Lengths
One idea would be to: Start by finding a common time span in in all your data. Find the latest start time and the earliest fini...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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Finding the traffic intensity, A in Erlang B
OK, perhaps there is no guarentee that the symbolic returns the real solution last, so in that case you need to resort to a nume...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

Plotting the graph for THERMAL RECOVERY
Plot it, and you'll quickly see where the root is: f = @(tcd) exp(tcd).*erfc(sqrt(tcd))-0.909; tcd = linspace(0,0.02); plot...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

3D look up interp3
In that case it's easy, just use them as the interpolated input: say zt x=0.5, y=0.7,z=-0.3 Vi = interp3(X,Y,Z,V, ... ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

Simulation of PID without simulink
It's unusual to just simulate a PID controller, and yes the D-part typically makes it non-proper. Without adding a fast denomina...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

3D look up interp3
You don't give us much to work on, so I'll make up some data that follow your dimensions. x = linspace(-1,1,16); y =linspace(-1...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

Finding the traffic intensity, A in Erlang B
OK, that's some nasty equation you've got there. But the symbolic toolbox did find some solutions, in fact it found many (& comp...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1

| accepted

Vibration Analysis of a gas turbine
Here's a version. You haven't said what the signal is, so I've made one up. It has two dominant frequencies, one above your cut-...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

log bolting in y and x cordinates
You have a pretty ugly equation there, and you haven't made it easy for yourself by writing the thing un-vectorised in one long ...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

how to take psd
If you want, the noise term will simply smudge the results.

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0

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