Y-axis labels overlaps with figure when using a reversed x-axis
Ah, missed that. Nasty bug/feature. text(10,10.5e9,'x10^9') % place manually ?

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

Y-axis labels overlaps with figure when using a reversed x-axis
Yes, it seems to only happen when there is an exponent in the y-axis. And even then the exponent must have double figures. Also ...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

solving a very complicated equation implicitly
OK, try this: My approach was to embed an integral inside a root solver. I basically used your code and coefficients, but chan...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 1

How can I find the coefficients of a second order ODE using data points?
You will also need to have collected x(t) at each sample point.

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

to find the root of quantum transcendental equation
Well you have given us quite a puzzler; little background info and no context. I'm assuming you are looking for the value Ee s...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

How to get a kernel density plot
You also can use ksdensity from the Stats toolbox. But you have supplied us with a matrix with 25 columns! Which column were you...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Coefficents not reflecting the curve obtained using fit function
I suspect that the problem is that you have normalised the data, and then forgot that when you looked at the parameter values. ...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

geoaxes, geoscatter does not work
Correct, you'll need to upgrade to use this functionality. (I think the mapping toolbox does replicate this to some degree tho...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

Error using load Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Did you do as suggested and actually check your memory? >> memory Maximum possible array: 2745 MB (2.878e+09 bytes) *...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

USing BVP solver to solve 2-D Laplace’s equation?
If you mean bvp4c, then no it is not suitable since it solves boundary value ODEs in 1D, not PDEs in 2D. To solve Laplace's eqn ...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

please help me to fix error and rectify it to a correct programme
In general, it's better to use column vectors by default. That way you don't make mistakes like above when concatenating. gamm...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

geoaxes, geoscatter does not work
The function geoaxes was introduced in 2018b. What is your version? Type >> ver.

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

I would like to plot periodogram for my voice file how to do that?
You read in an audio file and set it to the variable y with sampling frequency fs, and then you immediately clobber it with a no...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

Nonlinear Optimization problem in Matlab
Are you confusing x0, the start guess with x(0), which does not exist. In your constraint, you write x(0). If that is really wha...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Use the Matlab function EXPM()
I'll get you going on part (b): syms t positive A = sym([0,-5;1,-2]); Phi = expm(A*t)

bijna 6 jaar ago | 2

geoaxes, geoscatter does not work
Try the which function. This will tell you if the function exists on your path. >> which geoshow C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R201...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 1

Replace extreme outliers in dataset
Not difficult to hack, but slightly more complex to hack correctly. Just copy (and rename) the function into your work directory...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

intlinprog no feasible solution
Are you sure you are implementing your either/or constraints properly? For example where is your "big M"? (see p6 of https://w...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

Replace extreme outliers in dataset
Have you considered hacking the source of filloutliers.m? If it is only a matter of scaling, then it is probably a simple one li...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

Method to Correlate Time Series Arrays of Differing Lengths
OK, I'll generate some fake data that is not aligned, and the do the above approach. %% Generate some data series that are sli...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 1

Method to Correlate Time Series Arrays of Differing Lengths
One idea would be to: Start by finding a common time span in in all your data. Find the latest start time and the earliest fini...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Finding the traffic intensity, A in Erlang B
OK, perhaps there is no guarentee that the symbolic returns the real solution last, so in that case you need to resort to a nume...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 1

Plotting the graph for THERMAL RECOVERY
Plot it, and you'll quickly see where the root is: f = @(tcd) exp(tcd).*erfc(sqrt(tcd))-0.909; tcd = linspace(0,0.02); plot...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

3D look up interp3
In that case it's easy, just use them as the interpolated input: say zt x=0.5, y=0.7,z=-0.3 Vi = interp3(X,Y,Z,V, ... ...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

Simulation of PID without simulink
It's unusual to just simulate a PID controller, and yes the D-part typically makes it non-proper. Without adding a fast denomina...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

3D look up interp3
You don't give us much to work on, so I'll make up some data that follow your dimensions. x = linspace(-1,1,16); y =linspace(-1...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

Finding the traffic intensity, A in Erlang B
OK, that's some nasty equation you've got there. But the symbolic toolbox did find some solutions, in fact it found many (& comp...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 1

| accepted

Vibration Analysis of a gas turbine
Here's a version. You haven't said what the signal is, so I've made one up. It has two dominant frequencies, one above your cut-...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

log bolting in y and x cordinates
You have a pretty ugly equation there, and you haven't made it easy for yourself by writing the thing un-vectorised in one long ...

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

how to take psd
If you want, the noise term will simply smudge the results.

bijna 6 jaar ago | 0

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