Possible issues with solving iterative linear systems with mldivide
"Is there a way to see the matrix solver steps to see which expressions might have an issue?" No they are LAPACK/BLAS based cod...

6 maanden ago | 0

Sparse matrix vector product returns null.
"What can cause this issue?" Nothing. What you claim likely would not happen. Unless if you show an example.

6 maanden ago | 0

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How to define if/else non linear constraint in an optimization problem
Simply solve three different optimization pbs with the three repectively constraints independently and ignore the two other, the...

7 maanden ago | 1

How to use loop to fill in specific numbers?
T = combinations(1:4,1:8) % for alder release that does not support combinations [v1 v2] = meshgrid(1:4,1:8); v1 = v1(:); ...

7 maanden ago | 0

Error With Least Squares Approximation
Few other recommendations beside what Torsen and John altrady told you: Lower the polynomial order, do not go above 7, But you ...

7 maanden ago | 0


ANY and ALL with NaN array
According to any documentation page, it " determines if any element is a nonzero number". OK to me NaN is nonzero number so I do...

7 maanden ago | 1 answer | 0



Make histogram from multiple cells.
% Generate dummy test data C=arrayfun(@(varargin)randn(5+randi(20),24), 1:30, 'unif', 0); A=cell2mat(C(:)); % m x 24, like c...

7 maanden ago | 0

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My First Derivative is not correctly calculated in matlab
syms yApprox(X1) a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 yApprox = a0 + a1.*X1 + a2.*(X1).^2 + a3.*(X1).^3+ a4.*(X1).^4 + a5.*(X1).^5 + a6.*(X1).^...

7 maanden ago | 0

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for loop vectorization of De Boor algorithm
Old question, but I'll reply it for future readers that wonder how to tackle the same problem. I did a quick and dirdty vectori...

7 maanden ago | 0

Increase plot speed in MATLAB
Try to look at animatedline command Also look at drawnow with or without limitedrate option, it somewhat has certain effect, ev...

7 maanden ago | 0

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Error calculating inverse for matrix block of LU decomposition of a full row rank matrix
It's a little bit perturbant, but reading the lu doc I don't see why U1 must have the same rank than U (or A, meaning 100 on you...

7 maanden ago | 0

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de boor bspline algorithm
A very late answer, but as I deal myself with de Boor algorithm I look what exists out there. If the question concerns the 3D a...

7 maanden ago | 0

For a repeated eigenvalue only one eigenvctor is being returned
Indeed in case of eigenvalue with multiplicity > 1; the problemie is numerical challenging and MATLAB might fail to find the cor...

7 maanden ago | 0

How "chol" and "qz" MATLAB algorithms are utilised in the "eig" MATLAB function?
See stage 3 described in or somewhere in this file

7 maanden ago | 0

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steps to convert spline from B-form to pp-form (fn2fm)
The pp-form stores the polynomial of each each subiterval, the variable is x := (t-ti) where ti is the left knot of interval #i....

7 maanden ago | 0

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How to extract a matrix of values from cell array of cell arrays of structs
Generate data (Thanks Voss) n1 = 3; n2 = 4; mse = cell(1,n1); for ii = 1:n1 mse{ii} = cell(1,n2); % row vector for...

7 maanden ago | 0

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Where is dlfeval tracing information stored?
I don't kwow the dlarray class but IMO it looks like the creating function handle f is stored in some sort of private property i...

8 maanden ago | 0


Default rank revealing tolerance
In few MATLAB functions such as RANK, PINV, ORTH there is a parameter TOL. MATLAB uses the default value as % tol = max(size(A...

8 maanden ago | 0 answers | 1



plot() and fplot() give different results for the same function
Your coding is wrong: Replace "/" with "./"

8 maanden ago | 0

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getting warning while using eigs on the matrices obtained from freefem++
Try to follow the suggestion you get " Consider specifying a perturbed numeric sigma value to improve the condition of the matri...

8 maanden ago | 0

cubic spline interpolation - mixed boundary conditions possible?
In principle yes. The spline on the second segment (b,c) are piecewise cubic poynomials; starting from b sequentially to each in...

8 maanden ago | 0

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How to convert /map uint16 to int16 maintaining the dynamic range so that [0] and [2^16-1] in uint16 beomes [-2^15] and [2^15-1] without going through double
If you have C compiler this simple mex file will do the job: /*****************************************************************...

8 maanden ago | 1

Faster/better conversion than using swapbytes typecast on udp byte datastream?
Try this: %% Exampel data data =[0 5 187 8 1 136 61 48 0 0 0 0 1 67 58 246 255 127 176 76 10 231 55 137 255 240 253 91 255 22...

8 maanden ago | 0

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How to add extra columns at specified locations
After computing dataset2 dataset = [1, 2, 3, nan, 4, 5, nan, 6, 7]; % ... dataset2 = [2, 5, 7, 8, 4, 8, 10]; do this: da...

8 maanden ago | 0

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scrit can't error related to Sortrows and matrix
Replace initialization statements sol=[]; % Start with an empty matrix of feasible solutions data = []; with sol=zeros(...

8 maanden ago | 0

Max Recursion even when using clear
Don't name your script function clear.m. In command windows type which clear then rename or remove that file to restore the bu...

8 maanden ago | 0

Upsampling a matrix with zero elements
x = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8] kron(x, [1 0; 0 0])

8 maanden ago | 1

warning in Polyval - Warning: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN.
Check your data with this command all(isfinite(rawData(:))) if it returns 0/false then your data is not valid

8 maanden ago | 0

Does linprog support warm-starts?
Not that I'm aware of.

8 maanden ago | 0

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How to detect whether a figure is created by uifigure()
This command returns true for uifigure handle fig matlab.ui.internal.isUIFigure(fig)

8 maanden ago | 0

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