fmincon solution does not differ from initial guess if I provide gradient
Use SpecifyObjectiveGradient Gradient for the objective function defined by the user. See the description of fun to see how to...

9 dagen ago | 0

When using integral function to calculate MeijerG function, Matlab will get stuck.
meijerG has a division by 0 at SNR = 0. If you are sure the integral exists at SNR = 0, start with a small value > 0, e.g. aver...

10 dagen ago | 0

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Set answers of first BVP as new boundary condition for second BVP
"value_at_1" is defined in the script part of your code, but it's not automatically visible in the functions you define. Either ...

10 dagen ago | 0

lsqcurvefit can't get to the right values
It seems that a variation of your parameters has almost no effect on epsilon_equation. This makes lsqcurvefit assume it cannot m...

11 dagen ago | 0

cumprod fuction in GA
Note that Nb was not defined in your code - I added it to the known arrays. rng("default") t=[0.015 0.01 0.009 0.012 0.016 0.0...

12 dagen ago | 0

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cumprod fuction in GA
Your call to ga is wrong: x(1), x(2) and x(3) do not belong there, idx is undefined, lb and ub have 2 elements instead of 3, [...

12 dagen ago | 0

if number of steps is not multiple of 3 how to do simpsons 3/8 rule? why im getting more error in simpsons 3/8 rule than in simpsons 1/3 rule?
if number of steps is not multiple of 3 how to do simpsons 3/8 rule? The 1/3 rule can be used for the remaining subintervals wi...

14 dagen ago | 0

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showing error " Array indices must be positive or logical values"
lambda=sigma.*a.*((sqrt(1+32.*theta.*r)./(sigma(i).*a))-1) instead of lambda=sigma.*a((sqrt(1+32.*theta.*r)./(sigma(i).*a))-1)...

14 dagen ago | 1

how to format the codes to compute the differential-algebraic equations using ode15s?
I don't see a way to use a MATLAB ode integrator to solve your system. Take a look at

14 dagen ago | 0

How to write a Matlab code for a sequence of functionals and their minimums
Your code: number_of_iterations = 3; A = @(alpha) ...; % Your NxN matrix A depending on alpha u = ...; % Your Nx1 ...

15 dagen ago | 0

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change the value of a parameter Lambda at each time step
% Experiemental data on 12 months time = 1:12 ; % experimental time 12 months Yc = [20 18 19 24 28 26 25 24 20 1...

15 dagen ago | 0

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Symbolic solution is too long
Did I take the wrong approach in solving this system of differential equations? It depends on what you want. If you want a gen...

15 dagen ago | 0

Solve function is unable to find an explicit solution
If you only want one possible solution, use x = solve(f,[T,L]) If you remove your assumptions, you get the general form of the...

15 dagen ago | 0

How can I fix "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds" in for loop?
When you set b = a(1,1) , a is undefined in your code from above. Further, b is a scalar value, namely b = a(1,1). When you ...

15 dagen ago | 0

How can I analyze the sum and product together in a code?
rng("default") N = 10; mu = 1; alpha = rand(1,N); alphap = cumprod(alpha); fak = factorial(0:N); terms_numerator = alphap....

15 dagen ago | 0

Couple ODE System not enough Input arguments, Why?
If all boundary conditions are given at x = 0 as in your case, you have an initial value problem instead of a boundary value pro...

15 dagen ago | 1

Using of cumprod fuction
Tb=1.2; Hb=[2.8 2.2 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.6 0 0]; Sb=[25 28 32 36 35 38 0 0]; F=[70 50 48 55 80 65 0 0]; Sv=[0 280 200 320 360 380 4...

16 dagen ago | 0

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One program is not running after differentiation
clear all; clc; %%%%% parameter declaration %%% g1 = 10^(-4); g2 = 6; g3 = 0.66; g4 = 0.08; dp = 0; dc = 0; d3 = 0; d4 ...

16 dagen ago | 0

Graphing partial sums of a series
x = -5*pi : 0.01 : 5*pi; S1 = zeros(size(x)); for n = 1 : 100 S1 = S1 + 2/(2*n-1)*sin((2*n-1)*x)-2/(2*n)*sin(2*n*x); end...

16 dagen ago | 1

The sufficient and necessary conditon of fmincon funciton can find out the global optimal solution but not some other local optimal solutions
The answer is: there is no necessary and sufficient condition for "fmincon" to converge to the global optimum. I think it woul...

16 dagen ago | 1

How do I use fminunc with two variables?
You tell "fminunc" that you supply the gradient of the objective, but you don't do it. mu = [1, 10, 100, 1000]; tau = 1 ./ mu;...

16 dagen ago | 0

Simulation data Fittting problem
Call lsqcurvefit once as dr = @(params,r) (2 * besselj(1, r(:,1). * omega_p) ./ ((omega_m^2 - omega_p^2) * (kappa^2 + omega_m^2...

17 dagen ago | 0

Solve Function Doesn't Give All Solutions
Using x = solve(f,[T,L],'ReturnConditions',1) instead of x = solve(f,[T,L]) might help.

18 dagen ago | 0

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setting initial conditions for laplace transformation
L_eqn1 = subs(L_eqn1,[Xb(0) Xr(0) Xf(0) theta(0) Xb_1(0) Xr_1(0) Xf_1(0) theta_1(0)],[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]) Same for the other equa...

18 dagen ago | 0

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I am getting non-linear constraint error in the optimization problem
"solve" chooses MATLAB's "ga" to tackle your problem, but "ga" has the restriction that integer constraints and nonlinear inequa...

20 dagen ago | 0

Solution of nonlinear equation is different for different initial values
Most probably, your second system of 5 equations has multiple solutions. If you add the lines x0 = x_n; F = [f1(x0(1), x0(2...

20 dagen ago | 0

I need to input a matrix of size 2x2 which is something like this A= [ 1 - 1.8629z-1 + 0.8669z-2 , 0 ; 0 , 1 -1.8695z-1 + 0.8737z- 2 ] which is a 2x2 Matrix
Define A as a function of z: A = @(z)[1-1.8629*z,0;0,1-1.8695*z+0.8737*z^2]; A(2) or as a symbolic matrix syms z A(z) A(z)...

20 dagen ago | 0

Why do I receive a given error?
According to the error message, MotorSpeed, SleepSpeedThreshold_int_dbl and/or Tref_Ramp are arrays, not scalars. So if you wa...

20 dagen ago | 0

Fourier Series Curve Fitting and giving its coefficient with respect to eqaution
Two ways: x = [0.015404238 0.027389034 0.03937383 0.051358625 0.063343421 0.075328217 0.087313012 0.099297808 0.111282604 0.123...

21 dagen ago | 1

Weird difference between matlab's evaluation of elliptic integral to my implementation
You have to supply k^2, not k: ellipke(0.25)

21 dagen ago | 1

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