how to code probability in general??
First what is magic(2)? I thought the smallest magic matrix comes (3-by-3) since Magic (2) doesn't satisfy the condition (sum ea...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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Lighting the Solar System - Omnidirectional light source (Sun)
I don't know really if Matlab is used for such tasks, but haven't you tried Simulink for easier handling of the problem? Such gr...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

while loop in data file for trapz?
Apparently, the variable (Num) is not (1). That's why the (while loop) returns nothing. I've tried the lines you posted and it w...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

Switch columns in a matrix without a loop
for exchanging two columns 3 - 9 : A = randi(20,4,10); % A random 4 by 10 matrix of integers A(1,:)=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

I WANT TO SOLVE THE EQUATION for x: x*exp(x)=(a1-x)*a2*a3 . Here a1 and a3 are matrices and a2 is a constant. I cant solve the equation using solve
True, indeed. Not only for (A,B) = (11,13) and (3,-6), but for a wide range of other set, including the given coefficients.....

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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I WANT TO SOLVE THE EQUATION for x: x*exp(x)=(a1-x)*a2*a3 . Here a1 and a3 are matrices and a2 is a constant. I cant solve the equation using solve
The equation you wrote is x*exp(x)=(a1-x)*a2*a3 y= x*exp(x)-(a1-x)*a2*a3 y= x*exp(x)-a1*a2*a3 +x*a2*a3 Let: a1*...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

how to find the sum terms in of binomial expansion
The general steps to find such a summation are: - Start a loop over r, - Calculate each term as a function of (r), - I...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1

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how do i display this particular matrix in a separate text file in the below mentioned format?
Use the code below after adding your filename with its path: clc clear filename = 'your_filename.txt'; ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

sum(w) and ones(1,size(w,2))*w' results totally different numbers
The line ones(1,size(w,2))*w' means creating a ones matrix with dimensions (1,size(w,2)) multiplied with w', and ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How to input a matrix of unknown dimensions into a function?
A is an input argument passed from function call function_name(A). SO, DELETE THIS LINE from the beginning, you do not need to i...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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Why the loop return only the last element ?
It is a little tricky how loops are working in any program, aren't they? You used subplot and set and get within the same loop, ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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MATLAB solve function is taking a very long time
Sometimes trying the (simplify) command successively after each solve command, helps making the syms math incredibly faster. It ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

i've an image of size 185x256 and i've divided the image into discrete blocks having block rows 16 and block columns 16. when i access the blocks in a loop it says index exceeds matrix dimension...
Just add clear at the very top of the code. Also these issues: Line 26: change (oneBlocl) to (oneBlock) Li...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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how to plote 3 variable on 2D plot
But the single x-axis can't hold more than one variable, unless: * The two (or more) variables have the same units, as the r...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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2d index to 3d array
First note that adding a third dimension that is interpreted as (color) in a grayscale (2-D matrix) image is a logically false t...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
In the line C=-n.*sqrt(pi.*k./(2.*R(mg))).*besselj(n+0.5,k.*R)+k.*sqrt(pi.*k.*R(mg)./2).*besselj(n-0.5,k.*R(mg)); use R...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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Number of lines in a txt file (empty lines computed)
Check this out: E=textread('Your_File.txt','%s', 'delimiter', '\n'); % reads strings, white-space or delimiter-sepa...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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matlab to excel back to matlab
So you want to write a program in Matlab that writes 3 values in 3 cells in an Excel file? OR you need to read 3 cells from an e...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How to find parameters of a time series by MLE
Hi. The equation listed in the figure appears so uneasy to handle. That is true since it has cyclic-like behavior with three...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1

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Read in File with Letter, Number, and Quotation Marks
f=fopen('Your_File','r'); Readings=fscanf(f,'c',[1,inf]); then change the contents of (Readings) either to numbers using...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

can change the name of txt. file not manually
If your filenames are part1_1.txt, part1_2.txt, part1_3.txt.. etc., and intersect_1.txt, intersect_2.txt.. etc., and w...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How to update the variable of a function using a dialogbox?
Try the (while) loop with simple criterion, as: clear all; close all; prompt = {'CORRELATION SIZE:'}; ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1

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Ploting 3D flow data (4D plot)
Logically, no 4-D plot can be made sensible to us (unfortunately, we are stuck to see and understand 3-D world, only). So even i...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How I can extend this function
The function you wrote above has an error at I = 1:1:6; it should be I = 0:1:6; % or simply I = 0:6; ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

-log(SNR) does it make any difference?
Easily decompose the log argument! For any (ratio) R=S/N, then (please note that I highlighted the math formulas like codes, yet...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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Error in using while loop?
Please do not use ( less than as < or greater than as > ) when using symbolic math. Instead use: while (gt(m,iter) && (lt...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

plot function Too many input arguments.
This function works fine and nothing's wrong, it worked here correctly. The output_noise is (1 by 3000) and its maximum is ~ 1 e...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How to move a point on x-axis
Try the following, and modify is needed: close all axis ([0 20 0 40]) hold for x=0:20 plot(x,0,'...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How to convert an GF(Galio Field) array to uint8 array?
If it was (Galois) Field, used in advanced fields as cryptography and coding theory, please seek the reference page: < http...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

how to convert gray scale image into rgb image?
Use colormap types, since you are interested with a colored region of interest, I think any colormap format suffices. Example: ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1

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