Simulink source commands finding
Use the Signal Editor block or in older version, it is ca...

6 maanden ago | 0

Simulink: Mask parameter fails to bind to block port
It is more involved for this task. I hope the attached model (in R2022b) make it easier. In your model, the two inports are cal...

6 maanden ago | 0

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Stop Simulink Model Update via Callback
Instead of sldiagviewer.reportError(errMsg), if you do error(errMsg), it should stop.

6 maanden ago | 0

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Reset value of Ramp block to be used in Matlab Fctn block
I think it is possible. Use the "State Writer" block. But using the "Integrator" block would be easier. Enable its external res...

6 maanden ago | 0

How to write overline on top of a word in title of a plot?
title(["Some text $\bar{XX}/V$","Some other text"], 'Interpreter', 'LaTeX')

6 maanden ago | 1

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Hi, i want to plot two columns of values of data from excel, the graph includes a zero while the excel sheet doesn't. Here is my code and the graph I got vs what I should get
I think the last data point (un-wanted) is at (0,0). Your data shows it. You can look at the value of q and D_q.

6 maanden ago | 0

IF statement if == "A variable" not working
Most likely it is a floating point data equal comparison problem. b is somewhere near 9999 but not exactly. Use round() or integ...

6 maanden ago | 0

array operations in app designer
Need to specify the .Value property? If not, just pause the code and check its value, app.uhly_array and app.theta1 app.delta1....

6 maanden ago | 0

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Simulink Discrete Filter Sample Time
See the note on this page. To set it in command line set_param('BlockPath','SampleTime','0.1')

6 maanden ago | 1

"Unrecognized method, property, or field 'Type' for class 'matlab.ui.control.WebComponent'."
I think app.tabFiles.Children is an array of handles. Try tf = strcmp(get(app.tabFiles.Children,'Type'), 'uistatebutton')

6 maanden ago | 0

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The code is correct, however I keep getting this error: Invalid color, marker, or line style.
See the possible marker symbol and line symbol help plot Various line types, plot symbols and colors may be obtained with P...

6 maanden ago | 0

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'Could not determine the size of this expression' in simulink function block
In general, it is better to specify the size (number of rows and columns) of all the inputs, outputs and parameters that are use...

6 maanden ago | 0

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variable duty ratio to a switch at different time intervals
I assume this is in Simulink. You can use an AND logic block or Product block to multiply two signals. One is the regular 40% du...

6 maanden ago | 0

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How to use Workspace Variable value instead Sldd value in Simulink model.
Check the "Enable model access to base workspace" at Model Property, External Data tab?

6 maanden ago | 0

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Is there a nice way to discretely simulate an LTI system using a function block in Simulink?
Yes. For sys = ss(A,B,C,D,ts), the following equation should be used to advance the simulation step by step. Make sure to use c2...

6 maanden ago | 0

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How can I solve this error??
There is nothing wrong in these commands. The simulation was being started but there is problem in your scenaio. Switch to the...

6 maanden ago | 1

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Building an array of strings that might be empty
That is because app.XminEditField.Value and etc are char array, not string use string() s=["a","","b","c"] c=['a','','b','ded...

6 maanden ago | 0

How computationally intensive are switch case action blocks in Simulink?
Yes. More cases will not increase the computation load. Only the activated cases will be executed. It is called the Condtionally...

6 maanden ago | 0

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How to get variable from Simulink model workspace for use with Multiple Simulations?
I think you are looking for model parameter argument. Follow this Q&A.

6 maanden ago | 0

How to fix this error? : Error:Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 4.
All the Winding parameters need to have 5 elements (including both the left and right side). You have only 4.

6 maanden ago | 0

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Is it possible to use a parameter within the "To Workspace" block?
I remember answering the same question before. The answer is "No" by value passing, but you could do it using set_param(). For ...

6 maanden ago | 0

Any good resources on how to use "Matrix Interpolation" block in simulink?
What you need is the "2-D Lookup Table" block. Drag that from the library and select "Nearest" at the "Algorithm" tab. The Help ...

6 maanden ago | 0

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In GUI, RangeSlider 's Value may have a wrong type
No confusion. You will find X = app. FilterHzSlider.Value; X is returned as [50 1000]. So you would do minFrq=X(1); maxFrq...

6 maanden ago | 1

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Function call failed when calling matlab function inside function block
Okay, fg_chua() is generated by matlabFunction(). You need to specify the size of ux in the MATLAB Function block. Open the MAT...

6 maanden ago | 0

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How to change the parameter value at run time in Matlab Simulink
This is not "change the parameter value at run time". Rather, it is to mimic a dynamic signal. You can use many of the blocks in...

6 maanden ago | 0

Loading table from object from .mat file
If the table object in that .mat file is called MyTable, then after ParaDat=load('ParameterDatabase.mat'), you can access it by ...

6 maanden ago | 1

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How to create a string array and access the elements without throwing "COMMAND must be a string scalar or character vector" error?
This error might be particular to the GBMD.loadDumpFile(). Can you try either one of these Make a temp variable, such as tempVa...

6 maanden ago | 1

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change the value of a data structure field
s(3).Val='1'; s.Val [s.Val]=deal('2') s.Val

6 maanden ago | 0

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Global variables in simulink - embedded coder
I think you can try this block. Put it inside the Subsystem and specify the sample time as -1, which inherits the interrupt. ht...

6 maanden ago | 0

Is there a way to change my simulink parameters at a pre-set time during the simulation?
There are ways but you are looking for "an easy way". Typically I would implement this in the model using the Step block. For e...

6 maanden ago | 1

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