Non-Negative Solution with Integrator in Simulink
Hi Rajmohan, Do the parameters Limit Output along with Upper and Lower Saturation Limit do what's needed? Integrator

3 maanden ago | 1

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Getting different outputs from indexing and graphically.How do I verify this indexing value?..
L=10; n=1.45; Omega=1.020663297455751e+11; GAMMAb=3.590391604102621e+08; c=2.9979e8; dt=6e-12; %time increment T=1...

3 maanden ago | 0

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I can't place the fft curve at the signal frequency exactly. There's been a slight deviation of the fft peak at that frequency
The code has fs = 80*fmax; but the TA vector is space by dt, so fs should be fs = 1/dt;

3 maanden ago | 0

Are polyshape vertices preserved reliably without floating point errors?
Hi Matt, The doc pages for intersect, union, subtract, and xor all show a second output (ShapeID) that indicates if a vertex i...

3 maanden ago | 1

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I can't place the fft curve at the signal frequency exactly. There's been a slight deviation of the fft peak at that frequency
fmax=1e9; %maximun frequency of the signal fs=60*fmax; ts=1/fs; %time increment T=10e-9; ...

3 maanden ago | 0

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I get a robust controller result using musyn that is empty; "Krob = [ ]".
Hi Peter, My compliments on the quality of and effort put into this post! Based on only a quick inspection, I have the followi...

3 maanden ago | 0

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Why does my Transfer function overshoots
Define the plant zeros = roots([0.075, 1, 1]); poles = roots([1, 3, 5, 0]); Gs = zpk(zeros, poles,1); As was pointed out by ...

3 maanden ago | 1

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different color to plot
There may be fancy way to do it with a single line (or other type of) object, but it's easy to do it with two t = 0:.01:1; y =...

3 maanden ago | 0

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How to fix conjugated chirp signal frequency shift in spectrogram
Conjugation in the time domain corresponds to reversal and conjugation in the frequency domain. To get a basic idea of what's g...

3 maanden ago | 0

How to change frequency range doubling of Complex-valued Chirp Signal Spectrogram to match the Real-Valued Chirp Spectrogram
No, it appears there's no way to change that if you want to have spectrogram make the plot. Can use ylim to alter the plot afte...

3 maanden ago | 0

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why is NaN not of 'NaN type' in Simulink?
It looks like the block labeled "assertion1" is a Compare To Constant block. Instead use a Relational Operator block, which sup...

3 maanden ago | 2

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Dynamically generate a simulink block
This doc page Dynamic Masked Subsystem is probably what you're looking for. Not sure if the number of inputs or outputs can be c...

3 maanden ago | 0

Aerodynamic forces and moments
The doc page Aerodynamic Forces and Moments states that the outputs of the block are: Port_1 — Aerodynamic forces Aerodynamic ...

3 maanden ago | 0

What's the correct syntax to set-up discrete convolution ?
The variable B contains one or more NaN values. Use isnan to find which ones and then review the the corresponding inputs to be...

3 maanden ago | 0

How to interpret the amplitude of impulse() results
It sounds like the code needs to account for the difference between the convolution sum, as computed by conv, and the convolutio...

3 maanden ago | 0

Cannot compute the root locus of models with complex data
Well, you can always loop through values of K and for each value of K solve for s that satisfies den(s) + K*num(s) = 0 and plo...

3 maanden ago | 0

How to make double array representation as complex array with null imaginary number ?
In general, use complex A = rand(2); C = complex(A,0) If you have multiple real arrays stored in cells of a cell array, you c...

3 maanden ago | 1

Running main model with fixed step solver and subsystem with variable step solver
R2022a introduced the concept of a "Local Solver" when using referenced models, which might be what you're looking for. This blo...

3 maanden ago | 0

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How to import multiple .mat files to workspace?
Why use the -ascii option to load a .mat file? If that's not the problem, please edit your question by copy/pasting the entire e...

3 maanden ago | 0

how to compute duration of the signal
If a Matlab vector x is a subsequence of a discrete-time signal x[n], and if it's assumed that x[n] = 0 for all values of n outs...

3 maanden ago | 0

How to manually simulate linear system without lsim
Hi Valeriy, As indicated, the system in question is a differential equation model of a continuous-time sytem. This line of co...

3 maanden ago | 0

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Identified linear system contribution of input is zero
The commands do influence the position of the motor through the dynamics as described by the differential equation. The output o...

3 maanden ago | 0

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Comparing coefficients and solving equation
syms x a b eqn = x^2 + 2*x + 5 == (b+4*a)*x^2 + (5*a+b)*x + (-b+2*a) cleft = coeffs(lhs(eqn),x,'all') cright = coeffs(rhs(eqn...

3 maanden ago | 0

reproduces the audio signal after sampling!!!
Hi Vu, I wasn't familiar with derivative sampling, or generalized sampling, until I saw your post. After a bit of reading, mayb...

3 maanden ago | 1


How to Convert a Scalar Struct with Vector Fields to a Vector Struct with Scalar Fields?
I have a scalar struct S with each field a row vector of the same number of elements. S.x = [1 2]; S.y = [10 20]; I want crea...

3 maanden ago | 3 answers | 0




Can hgtransform be Used with a Constant Line Object?
This code runs fine on my machine with 2022a. Generates an error here with 2024a. Didn't see anything in the release notes to su...

3 maanden ago | 1 answer | 1



Plot a vector with a given angle against the y-axis
Something like this? Note that the line won't won't resize if the axes are resized. If you want something like that, you might...

3 maanden ago | 0

reproduces the audio signal after sampling!!!
The Fourier transform of each of those impulse responses can be found as follows. See also this thread for related discussion. ...

3 maanden ago | 0

copy subplots within same figure
Hi William, Use the subplot command as shown below to get the new axes aligned with the old. The legends need to be copyobj'd a...

3 maanden ago | 1

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Trying to add Butterworth filter after fft to obtain only some of the original signal.
Hi Alejandro, The input to filter should be the time domain sequence to be filtered, not its Fourier transform. So I guess tha...

3 maanden ago | 0

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