
The rabbit problem
Someone discovered that rabbits reproduce at the rate of fibonnaci so you just input the number and it will print the fibonnaci ...

bijna 12 jaar ago


The Goldbach Conjecture, Part 2
The <'s_conjecture Goldbach conjecture> asserts that every even integer greater than 2 can ...

bijna 12 jaar ago


~~~~~~~ WAVE ~~~~~~~~~
|The WAVE generator| Once upon a time there was a river. 'Sum' was passing by the river. He saw the water of the river that w...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Read my mind and tell me the card number that I have now in my hands.

bijna 12 jaar ago


Temperature conversion
Convert temperature in degrees Celsius (C) to temperature in degrees Kelvin (K). Assume your answer is rounded to the nearest Ke...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Subset Sum
Given a vector v of integers and an integer n, return the the indices of v (as a row vector in ascending order) that sum to n. I...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Maximum running product for a string of numbers
Given a string s representing a list of numbers, find the five consecutive numbers that multiply to form the largest number. Spe...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Indexed Probability Table
This question was inspired by a Stack Overflow question forwarded to me by Matt Simoneau. Given a vector x, make an indexed pro...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Remove all the words that end with "ain"
Given the string s1, return the string s2 with the target characters removed. For example, given s1 = 'the main event' your ...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Sums with Excluded Digits
Add all the integers from 1 to n in which the digit m does not appear. m will always be a single digit integer from 0 to 9. no...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Make a Palindrome Number
Some numbers like 323 are palindromes. Other numbers like 124 are not. But look what happens when we add that number to a revers...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Summing Digits within Text
Given a string with text and digits, add all the numbers together. Examples: Input str = '4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Implement a ROT13 cipher
Replace each character in string s1 with the character that is shifted 13 positions from it (wrap back to the beginning if neces...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Trimming Spaces
Given a string, remove all leading and trailing spaces (where space is defined as ASCII 32). Input a = ' singular value deco...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Sum of diagonal of a square matrix
If x = [1 2 4; 3 4 5; 5 6 7] then y should be the sum of the diagonals of the matrix y = 1 + 4 + 7 = 12

bijna 12 jaar ago


Tell me the slope
Tell me the slope, given a vector with horizontal run first and vertical rise next. Example input: x = [10 2];

bijna 12 jaar ago


Find the sum of the elements in the "second" diagonal
Find the sum of the elements in the diagonal that starts at the top-right corner and ends at the bottom-left corner.

bijna 12 jaar ago


Relative ratio of "1" in binary number
Input(n) is positive integer number Output(r) is (number of "1" in binary input) / (number of bits). Example: * n=0; r=...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Flag largest magnitude swings as they occur
You have a phenomenon that produces strictly positive or negative results. delta = [1 -3 4 2 -1 6 -2 -7]; Marching thr...

bijna 12 jaar ago


Make a run-length companion vector
Given a vector x, return a vector r that indicates the run length of any value in x. Each element in r shows how many times the ...

bijna 12 jaar ago



bijna 12 jaar ago


Return area of square
Side of square=input=a Area=output=b

bijna 12 jaar ago


Find the function
Given a set of point (x,y) and the coordinate x of a new point, find the y value of new point.

bijna 12 jaar ago


random binary sequence using matlab new to me out in generating a binary sequence using matlab.

bijna 12 jaar ago


Generate a NaN...on purpose
The goal is to create a function that will return a single "NaN" without using the nan function. I am interested to see how many...

bijna 12 jaar ago


kmph to mps
convert kilometer per hour to meter per second

bijna 12 jaar ago


Extract leading non-zero digit
< Benford's Law> states that the distribution of leading digits is not random. This...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


All capital?
Are all the letters in the input string capital letters? Examples: 'MNOP' -> 1 'MN0P' -> 0

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Celcius to Kelvin
Convert Celsius degrees to Kelvin temperature.

ongeveer 12 jaar ago


Who invented zero?
We know the importance zero in computer science, mathematics... but who invented zero? Clue: He was the first in the line ...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago

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